Christian Dating Tips for After 50 Singles In a Small Church

Ok, I mentioned Beatrice and Andrew yesterday in my Christian and Catholic Singles Dating Tip post.  Now, the thing is, when you are in both a small-medium sized church and you are in a small demographic group (50-60+ year old Christian Singles) within your church….  You might feel like you are dating and courting under a microscope.  Look, I went to the same prep school for 13 years in a small university town.  I understand what it is like to be just under perpetual scrutiny.  It’s like you can’t even bat your eyelashes and do a lil fliring without having the feeling that simply everyone is looking and watching your technique!  Can you imagine if your little 3 minutes flirtation with the Starbucks cashier and the meat section butcher at the deli received hyperanalyzed scrutiny?  I imagine you would feel a tad stifled.  That you might feel like you have no breathing room to stretch your romantic arms, muscles, and limbs to even try out your fledgling interest in a member of the opposite sex.

Well, that is what Beatrice and Andrew felt like as members at their small local church.   They were each widowed.  They had each lost their spouse to death.  Not that every such marriage is perfect.  Every marriage, there is the sweet and the sour.  We are all 100% human beings.

Attractive Couple Drinking Coffee Together
Attractive Couple Drinking Coffee Together

And then each was active a parish Bible study group.  They met ever so casually and simply.  And once they felt that little internal nudge to check things out, to explore things further.  Well you can only imagine!  They were in a small church!  It’s like going to  a small high school like I did.  Not only does EVERYONE know EVERYONE.  Well, my goodness!  We also know you people!  Your siblings.  We remember all the gory little details of scrapped knees and bloody noses.  There is just no privacy.  And for romance to bloom, we all need a little privacy to flirt and flit and figure things out.

How did the two of them manage to have the sufficient breathing room to become romantically better acquainted while also just simply figuring things out?  They courted at a restaurant not frequented by their own town’s people 1 town over from where they lived!

Often you will need to implement some concerted efforts to give yourself that love blooming breathing room when you live in a small town and or court in a small church!

Mazel tov!

Happy Dating and Relationships,

April Braswell

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[names are always changed to protect people’s personal privacy]

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April Braswell

April Braswell is internationally recognized as America's Midlife Dating and Relationship Mentor and the award winning expert columnist at Bringing over 40 years of Sales and Marketing expertise, April is a the trusted Small Business Consultant and Coach to Leading Executives and Emerging Leaders. Author of best seller, Get Swipe Right. April coaches marriage-minded men and women to find and attract love, your best life partner. Life Love Love relationship. Love after 40 and 50. Photos appear by licenses with iStock. All rights reserved.

Reader Interactions


  1. Small towns are horrible when it comes to gossip! I feel for these singles….

  2. April, when romance is starting to bloom it’s like a little bity plant and lots of things can stomp on it. Giving it room to grow is what mature folks will do!
    Sonya Lenzo

  3. It’s like you explain where I was born and grew up! I am happy that I live in a bigger city now! But I guess for the people that live in small cities or villages it must be very hard to date after they are over an age…good tip way!

  4. Very smart of Beatrice and Andrew. It’d be stressful being under that microscope when the romance is first starting but probably even worse if they were a few weeks or months into and decided it wasn’t for them. Glad it worked out for them.


  5. Glad to hear they were able to get some time away & enjoy each others company. I can’t imagine trying to date under close scrutiny from everyone.


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