Dating After 50 Tip for Christian Singles to Find Your Mate

Continuing in the vein I started the other day while we are in the Season of Lent of offering specific tips for Christian Singles (applicable for Catholic Singles as well), yes, it can really be a HUGE challenge to find a mate of your faith.

Mature Romantic Couple Talking and Bonding In Person
Mature Romantic Couple Talking and Bonding In Person

They may already be a member of your church.

However, quite often that is not the case.

Yes, what that means is you will need to take action yourself.  You can’t just be a faithful church attender, read your Bible (or Book of Common Prayer or Prayer Book), and expect that God will just “magically” send your Christian or Catholic Soul Mate to you there.  When you are a single who is over 40, 50, and 60 or so, you will need to make even more concerted efforts to meet other eligible Christian Singles.

Of course, you want to be careful about going to lots of services at a different church than your own because you’ll be missing out on the very reason you joined your church.  You’ll miss the preaching, the messages which might be part of a series, as well as the ministries of your own church will be missing you and your involvement from your absence.

Christian Dating Tip:  Pick the Day and Time Bible Study Strategically

So what can you?  Of course, as I already suggested, you can attend a Bible Study or Adult Study which is special for this time of year, Lent.  There are other times of year when there are special studies.  Just keep your eyes open and look for a study which you would be genuinely interested in.  (It helps to be sincere…)

Here I am a Baptist and I’m attending an Episcopal Church’s study featuring a Biblical scholar from the Church of England.  And thoroughly enjoying it.

Yes, after I made the recommendation the other day, I did make a point to “eat my own dog food” as we would say at Oracle.  I made a point of going to an Adult Study group that I normally really would not have gone to.  I can get snobby about Adult Studies finding a lot of them to be sortah too light, like eating junk food.  And wouldn’t yah know it?  Drat.  I REALLY liked it.  It was really meaty.  I’ll be, yes, going back.

Attractive Couple Meeting Over Coffee
Attractive Couple Meeting Over Coffee

Well, what I have noticed is that there are definite age group tendencies to groups.  So, to find people of around your own age, do make sure to attend a few different days and times of the Adult Study options at another church.

If you’re over 40, 50, or 60 you’ll want to avoid the Bible Study group that all the 20 somethings are in.  Look for the groups where there are at least a few people around your age.

When you attend this group, yes, it would be fabulous and amazing if you met “THE ONE” there at this study.  It did for Beatrice and Andrew….  However, that may not quite happen every time that you implement this Christian Dating tip.

Peets in Brentwood
Peets in Brentwood

If you don’t meet your Soul Mate here this time, is this somehow a waste of your time?  Nope!  Of course not!  What can you do?  You can expand your social circle every time you go visit another church!  The over 40 year olds especially can get into social circle ruts. Anyone you meet there as you attend and participate in the Bible Study over the period of weeks, weave them into your social circle at least a little bit.

Invite them to join you for coffee.  Cluster the people.    As you expand your social circle, you expand your chances for find and attract lasting love!

Happy Dating and Relationships,

April Braswell

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[names are always changed to protect people’s personal privacy]





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April Braswell

April Braswell is internationally recognized as America's Midlife Dating and Relationship Mentor and the award winning expert columnist at Bringing over 40 years of Sales and Marketing expertise, April is a the trusted Small Business Consultant and Coach to Leading Executives and Emerging Leaders. Author of best seller, Get Swipe Right. April coaches marriage-minded men and women to find and attract love, your best life partner. Life Love Love relationship. Love after 40 and 50. Photos appear by licenses with iStock. All rights reserved.

Reader Interactions


  1. I had to laugh! The ‘Mature Romantic Couple Talking and Bonding In Person’ picture looks like she’s turning around and saying, ‘SAY WHAT!!?’
    Great post!

  2. April, I’m not certain how “on Point” this story is, but when my sister was looking for a mate, she was shy. She was working at a religious institution but her fellow workers were in the 50’s and married category. I used to chide her about her need to “get out more” and say, “What do you think, God is going to magically send someone to sweep you off your feet?”
    Well, one day a new employee started. He had quit his job as a teacher in Peru and was attending night school to be a policeman. He was tall dark and handsome. He liked shy women. His new job was the janitor. And he swept my sister off her feet!
    Sonya Lenzo

  3. April,
    It would seem that being Christian and over say 40 or 50 is an advantage vs. just being over 40 or 50. And by advantage I mean that people will find something they highly value in another. Is this the way it works out in the real world?
    Kevin Hogan

  4. Hi Steve,

    quick clarification. Some cluster Catholics are being Christian and some cluster them separately. Evanglicals and Protestants Christians being loosely one group. Roman Catholic being another. I just put it that way to make it OBVIOUS that this tip can be applied in both directions. 🙂


  5. Hi April,
    I usually think that being from different religions should not matter betwen a couple. But it’s true that there are other things that my seem less important, like a different language or culture, or only being from two different regions in a same country,…and those little things can make a lot of confusion! I see how important it should be to share the important values in life!

  6. I would agree that choosing the day/time to attend is very important for finding the group that fits your age range. Not only for finding mates but also for discussion purposes.

    Peggy Larson

  7. I think one of the messages here is to NOT be random. Don’t just go somewhere, even if it’s within your faith, and expect to meet someone compatible. You have to plan.
    Just like we talked about today, the more you plan and practice, the more likely you will succeed.
    I have too many clients who don’t understand why they don’t succeed until they go over how they planned to get there…there wasn’t much forethought and you are giving that to your readers.
    Jen B
    Personalized Empowerment – It’s Time

  8. While walking the dog in the park the other day I met an elderly couple who were so adorable ( she was 89 and he was 91 – holding hands as they walked ). The conversation drew to a close as they reassured me that it’s never too late to find a soulmate. How did they know? They’ve only been married for 11 years at the time – they were both widowed and met at church …

    All the best, Neil


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