Here it is Sunday morning, and I’ve already been to church today and am back home again now. And most Christians and Catholics are just heading out the door for the Sunday morning service. So you might be wondering why on earth I would post a dating tip about attending church right now for Christian singles. Welllllll, because there are other church service times!
If You Attend Another Church’s Service, Are You Being “Unfaithful” to Your Own Church?

In fact, you might be only sorta covertly looking at this dating tip for Christian singles thinking that your pastor might somehow sorta look askance at your contemplating going to …. another church! If you’re like most church going Christians, you have at least a little bit of a feeling that you are somehow being “unfaithful” if you were to go to another church other than when you’re on vacation or visiting relatives at Christmas time or Easter. Yeah, then it’s totally ok. But you can laugh and go ahead admit it that you do have just a little bit of a feeling of “unfaithfulness” to look at going anywhere else than your own church. I know at least a few of my readers will positively laugh as they recognize themselves in that description.
Your Christian Soul Mate Might Be at the Church Down the Road
Well, you are NOT being unfaithful to go to another church! Yes, some couples do meet each other directly at their own church. But your Christian Soul Mate might just be at the church down the road from where you’re a church member. But in order not to lose out on your own Church’s Sunday service, the preaching message and your faith community, you might feel like you really don’t have any other options.
Certainly, look into the Bible Studies going on at the churches near you, attend an Adult Study Class elsewhere.
There Are Other Church Service Times Than Just Sunday Morning
In addition, look at the other times during the week when other churches have a service. Yes, Virginia, there are other church service times than just Sunday morning!
Some Christian churches have an additional service Sunday evening.
The Catholic and other liturgical churches traditionally have a midweek morning Mass service.
Other churches offer an evening service typically sometime midweek. Look around. Go to one of those. Yes, the internet is a wonderful place for Christian singles to meet each other, date, and get married.
However, singles do still meet their Soul Mates in their offline lives.
For Christian singles to increase their changes of finding their Soul Mates, going to services at a different time than your own church empowers you to meet more of your fellow Christians. Even if the service attendance is only a small number and no one is single and in your desired age group, attending this additional service can still be beneficial for you! More on that in tomorrow’s dating tip!
Happy Dating and Relationships,
April Braswell
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Interesting thoughts on perception of loyalty!
I think that it is healthy to “mix it up” from time to time. Ms. Dating Expert April, I think you have offered a very simple idea that anyone could implement today to increase their chances of finding that perfect person for their life.
Yours In Health!
G.E. Moon II
That is great advice April. If one does feel a bit “unfaithful” about attending a different church, then the closer to ones own denomination that church is the better. Your idea of picking a Bible Study is also good. Most churches, even small ones, now have websites that list all their activities. They will often list the type of study like: For new mom’s, for seniors, for older singles, etc.
Sonya Lenzo
I’m what you call a recreational christian. I go to church every once in a while the problem is that I just dont have fun there. any ideas.
I’ve seen people visit churches from other denominations, even crossing some major religious cultural barriers, but always warmly received. The true test of whether or not someone “practices what they preach”, and a great way to foster lifelong relationships of all types.
Dewayne Chriswell
You make a great point and I could even feel that little voice saying it might be cheating on your own church to go to another one! Too funny but the truth is that it should be ok and would open someone up to meeting so many new and interesting people.
Great tip
Jennifer Battaglino
Personalized Empowerment – What’s Your One Thing?
It’s funny, I attend a non-denominational 11am service almost an hour away from the house. Yet there is a church – 2 of them, actually – within walking distance of my home. Lately, I’ve been having an inkling to go to them because one has services of Friday, Saturday and 2 on Sunday and the other one has a 9am service on Sunday, but I did have this feeling of being “unfaithful” … thanks for a great post!
The advice on attending services at a different time would actually be very helpful even if you went to the same church. I think many of us fall into the same habits, and meet the same people because we keep doing the same things at the same time. Imagine never meeting your soulmate who went to the same church, just because you always went in the morning, and they always went in the evening!
Stay Cool!
Naomi Bettencourt
I think visiting other denominations, and keeping an open mind, is a great way to expand your horizons – and not just on the dating scene!
Good advice April (as always!) about ‘loyalty’.
April, you make a powerful point or dating strategy by mentioning to go somewhere else as in another church building to meet other single people. Too often we get caught up in routines and going along to get along. Thanks for the dating advice.
Scott Sylvan Bell
Interesting read . I am not a church person , however I don’t mind reading about the different ways people can “find” each other.
I think it can be very interesting to attend to other churches not only ot meet new people but also to listen what other pastors or religious leaders have to say. Also, as you say sometimes it can be convenient to go to another church just because of the schedule of the mass hours, and of course, the more places you know the more people you will meet!
It’s hard to step outside of one’s comfort zone and try a church where you don’t know anyone. I’ve found it’s always easier to go with a friend when you attend a new service so you don’t feel conspicuous.
Leadership Is A Choice
What a fun and interesting twist on being faithful !!!
I think this is an excellent idea for religious reasons even more so than for dating.
Steve C
I would like to put group togethere of Christen singles from all over the west valley to meet even week.Is any up for it?