How to Create Your Best After 50 Dating Profile from a Midlife Romance Coach
When it comes time to dating after 40, 50, and 60+, it’s likely that by now you are divorced or widowed. However, there is still a good percentage of midlifer single men and women over 50 who are in the single-never-married category. To find love at midlife, singletons seek to write your best After 50 dating profile and stand out online. You want to write an internet dating profile which attracts the mature singles you would desire to meet and possibly date. You don’t want them just swiping by your photo on their digital device and passing you by, right?

How many of you have already ventured out online and gotten to any first dates only to be surprised to discover that the mature single who shows up doesn’t even resemble the profile photos? It can be both surprising and daunting. You mustered up the courage to get back out there into the mature over 50 singles dating pool, tentatively dipped your big toe into the water, only to be scorched by misleading profile photos and feeling duped.
What to Aim for with Creating Your Best After 50 Dating Profile
The premise of a good mature singles dating profile is to captivate the attention of the other single’s over 50 sufficiently to message with you and desire to meet you.
The goal of a great After 50 Dating profile is to get to the first date!
A problem more often among the younger daters, like the Millennial singles, is that they invest too much of their time in app messaging each other in place of actually meeting live.
But singles over 50+ have to concern themselves less with that than their younger single counterparts. For the most part, singles in their 50s and 60s+ are looking to date and not mistake apps messaging for a real in-person first date. There’s a silver lining to being a silver single, after all!
How to Make Your Over 50 Dating Profile Stellar and Stand Out
Now the question you’re likely asking yourself and me, is, “How can I make my dating profile stand out among the sea of other singles online at the Over 50 internet dating sites?” Many people are not actually sales copy writers and don’t know how to write copy and text which markets and sells appropriately.
Like a good college application or resume, you are selling yourself and distinguishing yourself among the sea of sameness online in all those mature personals dating profiles.
How are you unique and different?
Express it, albeit, briefly, in your silver singles online profile. Aim for about 300 words for your dating profile. Don’t just have your opposite sex friends read it and criticize your profile before you publish it at your selected over 50 dating sites. Your buds are not your romantic target audience. They are romantically attracted to different mature singles than you, or you two would already be dating, right? So be cautious not to target them while want you seek is to attract your best mature single mate, the best for you!
This is one of those things about sales copy. The emotional response which we seek in well-crafted sales copy is only triggered, like Pavlov’s dogs, by those who are our TIP Target Ideal Prospects, the market of our potential dates.
What’s the problem then? Everyone else who reads it will only read it analytically and critically. That means your friends of the opposite sex unless they are professional copy writers or sales people well-steeped in the art and science of sales copy crafting will criticize it.
“That wouldn’t appeal to me.” No, no, it wouldn’t and nor should it. Why? Because they are not actually your romantic target market. They are your platonic friends.
Here are 3 of my top Midlife Dating Coach tips for After 50 Dating profiles which will help you to stand out, be noticed, and get you to your great first dates!
Creating Your Best After 50 Dating Profile: Do Post Great Photos
Now, this might sound quite obvious in this day and age of smart phones being so ubiquitous. Naturally, everyone now has loads of photos to choose from. However, just because you have a lot of photos of yourself saved in albums on your smart phone or tablet doesn’t mean these are your most flattering pix. Do you have the habit of catching yourself when your smile has been held so long it looks close to a grimace? Does it always seen that your friends catch you with your eyes squinting or closed? When what you’re seeking is an intimate mature love relationship online, invest a little money in your results and hire a professional photographer.
Crafting Your Best After 50 Dating Profile: Don’t Post Too Many Photos
This is not your Facebook or Instagram family album. Be careful you don’t inundate the poor mature single who clicks through on your internet dating profile avatar to read your profile only to be flooded with family photos and your most recent travelogue. Instead, in the Online Dating Workshops I lead in Orange County and Las Vegas, I recommend to singles to include about 3-5, maybe 7 photos of themselves. You want to communicate that you are in interesting and fun potential life companion. But you do want to leave a little mystery. You want your prospective date to have some material to inquire about when you two meet for your first date. “I saw you wearing a traditional Korean dress. Are you part of a club? Tell me about that. How interesting.”
Putting Together Your Best After 50 Dating Profile: Post Only Solo Photos of You
I know you will hear on some of the TV dating advice shows that you should include lots of photos of you with others to illustrate that you are a social being. But do you really want the mature man over 50 thinking it’s your sister who looks cute and not you?
What about that fun photo of you with your girlfriends enjoying your bi-monthly “Girls Night Out” festivities? Do you want him guessing which one of the sea of brunettes or blondes is actually you? Better to keep it to just you.
By following these helpful dating tips for mature singles over 50 and 60+, you’re well on your way to starting the message exchange and getting to that great first date!
Happy Dating and Relationships,
April Braswell
Do you want some professional help crafting a great dating profile that stands out from the herd, the sea of sameness and gets results from high quality singles?
- When it’s been awhile since you’ve been dating regularly and you want an expert friend and ally to turn to for advice…
- When you are newly back in the Dating Game now looking to date again after your divorce…
- When you’re ready to get going online and find love and the romantic relationship you crave….
- When you want to supercharge your online dating search and courtship to find real love….
- When you’re sick of the sea of sameness swirling about the dating sites and lackluster result you’re getting….
- When you’re sick and tired of one more Saturday night wasted meeting someone who doesn’t match you whatsoever…
- When you are just not enjoying the results you were hoping for at the dating apps and singles sites..
Then click here to apply to have April write your professionally written internet dating profile.
Professional Internet Dating Profile Writing and Review Service
Have you tried online dating yet? But it’s not really working for you like the glamorous images you see depicted in the tv ads? Want help to be successful and safe with internet dating? Are you ready to get online and look for love using the exciting internet dating sites?
Have you been online for awhile, but you just don’t seem to be finding and attracting the right kind of singles for you? April offers her Professional Internet Dating Profile Writing and Review Service to empower modern singles to attract love online and get better dates.
If you already have an online dating profile, she will review it and assist you to rev it up to be more attractive and alluring to the opposite sex.
If you are at square one and want to get online, with her Internet Dating Profile Writing service, she’ll help you capture and convey your unique essence online and get your profile posted asap.
To apply to hire April for her Internet Dating Profile Writing and Review Coaching Service, send her an email to april (AT) to get started in finding the love you want online.
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