Ladies, when you get together monthly or bimonthly, if you’re single and looking, remember to rotate your Girls Night Out venue each time you get together. Mix things up. Maintain some variety. And keep things interesting.
Yup, another short one today, folks.
Here it is, Thursday night. The international evening for GNO – Girls Night Out!
A lot of women go out for drinks and apps on Thursday night. Indeed, in fact I did that myself this evening.
I love the cultural phenomenon of women going out and having fun with the girlfriends on Thursday night. There always seems to be a core group that does this, even when you invite new women and vary the crowd a little bit, mixing in friends from college, sorority house sisters, fellow alumnae, women from church, your sisters from Junior League.
The thing is, this too can become a social device that can move into a rut. Often after you are regularly going out on Thursday night about once a month or so, you will start to find yourselves always going to or ending up at the same bar. Because it’s cool. Because it’s fun. Because it is convenient to your dwelling. Whatever. The point is, part of DOING girls night out for a lot of single women yes to hang with your girls.
However, it is also to meet and flirt with new guys. If you are always going to the same place, you do meet new men each time, it’s just, often all of the same kind. Plus, you want to maintain your own mystery and feminine allure by not being there all the time and becoming too too terribly familiar to all the regulars.
So… that means, ladies, DO rotate the VENUE for your girls night out! Even if occasionally it is a bit of stretch by location, you have to drive further to get home. Whatever. When you do that, you will meet new guyz each time and you will be opening and stretching new neuropathways in your brain which serves you well for venturing forth and trying new things on a regular basis. That is part of the Laws of Success.
In dating and all things in life.
Happy Dating and Relationships,
April Braswell
Las Vegas Baby Boomer Dating Expert
Follow and Engage with April on Twitter: @AprilBraswell
Do you think there is a different between the sports bar which are part of the chains versus ones which are just a local joint?