Online Dating Profile Singles Dating Tip – Prepare Your Information First BEFORE You Post!

You’ve all seen them

The online dating profiles that someone just THREW UP in, oh, like, mmm an instant with no forethought this afternoon.

The dreadful photo.

They are gawking.

Showing the most awkward moment of their smile.

Or yes, wait, my personal favorite, mostly men (guyz? WHAT were you thinking? your other, yes still single buds told you this was ok.  They were wrong), the cell phone photo of you posing in front of the bathroom mirror…. [2019 Update: The term selfies has come into use since I first wrote this. So you would think with the advent of self-taking digital device technology you wouldn’t be seeing the bathroom mirror photos anymore. But, alas, alack, those days are not yet behind us and may never be.]

The women’s whose text whines about men…

Oh my WORD!

Didn’t you do any forethought?  Didn’t you think about what you were doing first?

Well, no actually, clearly not.


Let me help you out here.

You will actually need to do a little preparation before you barf up a internet dating profile this afternoon, or seriously folks, it will be just dreadful.  “If you think I’m cute, hit me up,” is NOT a profile description that is going to garner a lot of female interest, guys.

Your profile essay should run about 3-5 paragraphs.  Longer than that and  appear desperate.  Shorter than that and you will receive few responses unless you are Angelina Jolie.

This afternoon, or even better on a Sunday or Monday afternoon which is a great time to publish your profile, start gathering information about yourself to include some reflection of this in your profile:

Some things to consider…..

(get out a sheet of paper, start writing…)

Marital Status
Single Never Married

You job


Body Type

Children – yes, you will need to contemplate this

have them

how many


do you want more

had enough?

Willing to date someone with children?

or not?


how do you spend your time?

Don’t just say you hike…

Tell me you love to hike Mt. Charleston or Angel Island

OK, doing that list and preparing at least  a little will help!

I will discuss the ALL important Internet Dating Profile MAIN PROFILE PHOTO tomorrow.

Happy Dating and Relationships,

April Braswell

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April Braswell

April Braswell is internationally recognized as America's Midlife Dating and Relationship Mentor and the award winning expert columnist at Bringing over 40 years of Sales and Marketing expertise, April is a the trusted Small Business Consultant and Coach to Leading Executives and Emerging Leaders. Author of best seller, Get Swipe Right. April coaches marriage-minded men and women to find and attract love, your best life partner. Life Love Love relationship. Love after 40 and 50. Photos appear by licenses with iStock. All rights reserved.

Reader Interactions


  1. Awesome process. You will make a lot of people happy with your Online Dating Advice.

    Robert Martin

  2. I think it may have been that hit on Katie in the rock concert.

    I thought it was suave.

  3. Nice post, April. I’ve been trying my hand at dating lately as well. Thanks for the inspiration to do more to date more 🙂 x

  4. great advice April!
    I think most single people launch their internet dating profiles with very little thinking…and you can really tell when someone is prepared. You make a great job also about giving dating advice about what should be written and what not.

  5. Hi April the idea of preparing a bit first before you post a dating profile make a lot of sense. Thansk for the tips

  6. Hi April – yeah a lot of the profiles I’ve seen it looks like the girl just popped it up on bored afternoon. Put some more thought into it people.

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