So many singles, especially those in the 30s, feel a particular pressure after Halloween. I know men can feel this social pressure, but I think it’s single women in their 30s around marriageable age especially who feel this pressure especially. You’ve probably already started to feel it because the Christmas/Holiday decorations have already started to make their appearance up at the stores starting really right after Labor Day Weekend.
The pressure of having a significant other for all the Christmas and Holiday parties and then the most dreaded Singles night of the year…. New Year’s Eve!
In the mid 1980s movie starring Meg Ryan and Billy Crystal, “When Harry Met Sally,” the lead characters indeed had a running agreement that if they were single on that particular annual occasion, rather than experience the dread of being alone on New Year’s Eve, they would agree to be each other’s date.
This has such an impact that the online dating sites see a significant annual rise in new membership subscriptions during the month of December. While that is great, and it’s a good thing to be taking action, if you want to meet new people, to launch your internet dating profile in early December and expect to have a boyfriend or girlfriend significant other by the time you both need to purchase tickets for a New Year’s Eve event is putting too much pressure on you for success.
Additionally, singles start to go home and visit with their families over the Thanksgiving holiday. Their family members, both those who are older and those who are their peers… but married, all start to make what they think are tactful inquiries, “Are you seeing anyone? Are you seeing anyone special? Do you have a girlfriend? Got a boyfriend yet?” Yeah, all of the above. Like you are not already feeling enough pressure from yourself and your peers to pair bond.
Better to start with putting together your online dating profile now. Get some great photos taken by a professional photographer. No, please do NOT use your photo from your Iphone taken with you showing your manly chest in your bathroom mirror. When you do that, you just scream that you are unpolished and lack all people skills. Women might admire your great physique, but they won’t want to actually talk with you and go one a date with you.
If you want to be paired up on time for the special occasion of New Year’s Eve 2009, start taking action NOW!
Happy Dating and Relationships,
April Braswell
Oh no…. I hadn’t even thought about the holidays yet. Usually I enlist one of my girlfriends to come along, but they either have bfs, married, or in a different city.
I better get started!
So the pressure is on! And all those Christmas functions as well. At the start of December it gets so hectic… it is difficult to find time to spend online. You are right of course – much better to start right now.
Keri Eagan
Is a naked cartoon avatar also out of the question, April?!
When Harry Met Sally is one of my all time favourites.
Now where’s that photo of Daniel Craig – do you think they’ll notice?!
Martin Wright
I can’t believe it is nearing the holidays. Good advice to start an online profile now. It is true of all the singles being asked “Are you dating someone now” Sometimes it is annoying I’m sure.
Good idea to get going now, but if you’re not ready to date, then it doesn’t matter when you get started . . . it will come out all too clearly.
But good to stay in the flow.
It’s always good to plan ahead to avoid unpleasant surprises!
Sound advice as usual, April!
John Ho
Right now is the time to start looking is your single
Jose Escalante
Planning ahead is good advice for all areas of our lives, but especially for dating. This is some great advice.
Steve Chambers
Sales Training Speaker
Good advice. It’s wise to think ahead.
Health, Fitness for Working People — Darryl Pace
I remember way back in my dating days when everyone wanted a significant other for the holidays. I would have old boyfriends calling me up every November and December looking to “rekindle” the relationship every year.
Lisa McLellan
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