How to Meet New People This Week as You Try Something NEW

OK.  True confessions.  I often get in a food rut.

You know the kind.

You are at a restaurant.

OK, maybe the same one you ate at 2 maybe 3 times this week.

And HEY! I’ll have the exact same thing I had before!  We are human and we often get into comfortable patterns. I mention this especially because once we are over 35 years old.  over 40.  Over 50.  Many boomer, Gen X and Gen Y dating singles fall into those ranges.  Get into life ruts.  And just keep doing what we HAVE been doing.

Whether it is the restaurants we frequent.

The routes we drives.

The food on the menu we select even when the menu is 25 pages long.

A Law of Success in Life is… keep trying new things….

Indeed, for singles who are looking to pair up, pair bond as the anthropologist put it (they are studying us, you know), if you want different results than what you have currently realized, yes, you WILL need to DO SOMETHING DIFFERENT.

What is that wonderful popularized definition of insanity?

Doing the same thing and hoping against hope expecting different results.

So, today… I did something different.

So different from what I normally do for where I eat… the restaurants… that I even went in a different direction.  And I SELECTED a different restaurant.  I selected it simply based upon its location.  I had driven by it so I knew essentially where it was. I was all prepared to eat the same dish I always get at this kind of restaurant….

… and then…

when I walked in…

It was an oasis of tranquility…
Frankly, to tell you the insiders secrets of how I really responded to it… I loved the environment so much I want to move in and LIVE there.  Peaceful.  Beautiful.  Tranquil.

And more serendipity….

It turns out the restaurant I selected… is national award winning and considered The Best Thai Restaurant in the country.  They are third generation restaurateurs.  And they have served Thai aristocracy and royalty.  And Me?  Well, I totally stumbled across it right there on PCH in Newport Beach.  My lunch companion and I even joked that being its California, Thai restaurants are like Starbucks.  There is one on every street corner.

But the Gods, Providence, The Universe, whomever you want to refer to… today led me to a beautiful tranquil oasis in the midst of The OC where the food we ate was indeed fit for royalty…. us!

When you are looking for different results in YOUR life, try something different. Go somewhere different.  EAT something different.  (I had Crying Tiger rather than my usual Chicken Satay, which btw I still utterly love.  Just I had to try even something MORE different while I was there.)

You will practice the Law of Success. It’s on Napoleon Hill’s list of 21 Laws of Success  Stretch yourself.  Open new neuro-pathways.  And indeed meet new people.  I sure did.  I met 3 new people while there.

Happy Dating and Relationships,

April Braswell

Las Vegas and Orange County Christian Singles Conference Speaker

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April Braswell

April Braswell is internationally recognized as America's Midlife Dating and Relationship Mentor and the award winning expert columnist at Bringing over 40 years of Sales and Marketing expertise, April is a the trusted Small Business Consultant and Coach to Leading Executives and Emerging Leaders. Author of best seller, Get Swipe Right. April coaches marriage-minded men and women to find and attract love, your best life partner. Life Love Love relationship. Love after 40 and 50. Photos appear by licenses with iStock. All rights reserved.

Reader Interactions


  1. I read somewhere that if you sated a random sample of ten people one of them would make for a very good life partner. Dating more people simply complicates the process by confusing people. Making a decision from a limited field makes for better, and easier, decision-making.

    Similar to the jelly experiment.

    Of course, some people are in it for the fun.

    Steve Chambers
    Business to Business Sales Trainer

  2. Comfortable patterns, yeah.

    Safer that way isn’t it. If you eat the same foods, day in and day out, you know that the spices of the different food won’t bother your stomach.

    At least, this has been my defense at times.

    It still doesn’t fly with some of my closer friends.

    I’ll have to consider your article 🙂


  3. Well… I am accused of being in a rut, just because I don’t change even my eating habbits…

    Well, you may have an idea here.

    Thanks for the info,

    James Mason

  4. Great post April!

    Your post moved from something everybody can relate to, into the area of your expertise.

    Bert (alter ego- Mister P)

  5. It is rare to find my favorite word– serendipity– in a blog post. But there it is.

    Serendipitous encounters are the best kind… not sure why that is true, but it often is.

    Seize the Day,

  6. Serendipitous encounters are the BEST! Mind you I love spontanety and chaos – keeps me on my toes.

    I would love to know where that study is about 10 randoms, one very good life partner. Sounds much more time efficent. Sounds like a great restaurant.

    Keri Eagan

  7. We are habits creature. Tht’s why it’s improtnat to set up GOOD habits and avoid bad ones right from the start.

    When I worked as a waiter while I studied years ago, I observe many regular patrons, esp. those older ones, always order the same dishes most of the time.

    John Ho

  8. Scary thought for us, but we are just like other animals. Take for example a buck deer; he comes out at the same time everyday, walks the same trail everyday, marks the same spots everydat, ….etc. Just like clockwork. We are the same, and hate change for the most part.

    Look at how many people date the same type person time after time.

    Robert Martin

  9. My NY Sister worked at the Upper East Side Restaurant, Serendipity, years ago. The Land of FroHos, Frozen Hot Chocolates before there was Starbucks and Frappacinos. SERIOUSLY yummerz.

    How serendipitous that we should both enjoy the word, Rob! 😉 Thanks for stopping by and commenting at my blog.


  10. Did you know that your brain actually processes the information differently when you choose a new route?

    It literally opens you up to new possibilities even at the atomic level!

    , Katie

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