Dating Again Post Your Divorce Help For Women: Retain Your Married Name?
Questions for Divorced Single Women Wondering About Possibly Taking Back Their Last Name After Divorcing…
If you’re a single-again woman whose divorce has completed, you might now be reflecting on your new life as it is now.
Divorced Dating Help for Women: Advice on Deciding for Yourself When Considering Keeping Your Married Name – Do Take Your Time
This is an important time for you. Whatever bigger life decisions you are considering, do take your time and give yourself plenty of time before you put anything new in writing or in any legal contract… like all of the paperwork and computer systems involved in legally changing your name…. again!
As you ponder the possibility of changing your name again, before you make a final decision, some of the significant parts of your life that you are pondering and contemplating are:
Divorced Question 1 to Contemplate Regarding Your Last Name: Who are you?
Take some time some weekend, make yourself a cup of your favorite herbal tea, curl up on your sofa with your journal and do some inner reflective writing.
Divorced Question 2 to Contemplate Regarding Your Last Name: Who are you NOW?
Be sure to give yourself plenty of time to let things surface from inside of you. You might write a bit about who you were. Who you were before you married. Who you were during your marriage. And now think about the newly independent again woman you are today. Who is she? What does she want? What is her life, her guiding purpose, and her career? Answer these questions authentically for yourself first before other friends and loved ones try to influence you to their thinking. It’s your life and your name.
Divorced Question 3 to Contemplate Regarding Your Last Name: What name reflects who you are now?
As you chew, ruminate and reflect on your new identity and who you are now, that will naturally lead you to contemplate… Your Name. Our names are a very close, intimate and very important personal attribute about ourselves. To our mind and our ears, our Name is one of the most beautiful sounds for us to hear.
Sometimes there is a pressure from your single girlfriends, especially your single girlfriends who are also divorcees. Some of them might have either a little left over baggage (We all have at least a little carry-on pully cart bag of baggage. We’re all human.) from their own divorces which they might be projected onto you and who you need to be.
Indeed there are even divorce parties a new modern social cultural occasion designed to celebrate a woman’s divorce finalizing. I have never heard of men doing this. Divorce parties seem to be a female social behavior.
However, after you take the time to reach for and listen to your own inner voice, then you will know what suits you best and be able to decide for yourself what last name best reflects the woman you are today.
Happy Dating and Relationships,
April Braswell
Dating Relationship Expert LA
As seen in Dating for Dummies, 3rd Edition
Dating Again After Divorce Advice For Women: Taking Back Your Maiden Name?
Should You Lie About Your Age in Your Online Dating Profile?
Online Dating Faux Pas in “Happily Divorced”
- When it’s been awhile since you’ve been dating regularly and you want an expert friend and ally to turn to for advice…
- When you are newly back in the Dating Game now looking to date again after your divorce…
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Then click here to apply to have April write your professionally written internet dating profile.
Professional Internet Dating Profile Writing and Review Service
Have you been online for awhile, but you just don’t seem to be finding and attracting the right kind of singles for you? April offers her Professional Internet Dating Profile Writing and Review Service to empower modern singles to attract love online and get better dates.
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To apply to hire April for her Internet Dating Profile Writing and Review Coaching Service, send her an email to april (AT) to get started in finding the love you want online.
April, what do you think about the consideration of Credit (cards, rating) on which name to use (change to)
Lyle R. Johnson
Close Sales using Basics
Great advice April about deciding on your post-divorce name. It’s a very important part of who you are.
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you are right. There is no straight answer whether to keep last name or change it back to maiden name. Often it is too much of a paperwork hassle to go through. I already changed mine when I divorced and another time when I got married again. But this time I kept my maiden name and added my new last name. At the end it does not matter too much for me.
When I got divorced I wanted to return to my maiden name but my attorney advised me against it because my son was so young. He felt it would make it easier on me having the same last name as my child and I agreed.
After my son turned 18 and with his blessing I returned to my maiden name. It is interesting how different I felt. Sort of like reclaiming myself.
The question “who are you now” is most difficult to answer as well as crash your mind if cant think to overcome it
All the best
Lapiceros Cross
After all is said and done, I think a woman should chose to yse the name she feels most comfortable with. Credit rating bureaus will figure it out…
Sonya Lenzo
Can an american woman just decide to keep her father’s name even if she married?
I also wonder, how easy it is to change your name with the administration? where do you have to go to change it?
I’m not very familiar with the process of changing your name, but, instead of keeping your married name, or going back in time to something you used to be, couldn’t you change it to something completely different? Could that be beneficial?
Mark Hogan
What is the legal aspect … does one have to legally change the name through the Courts … or just start using the selected name since both/either name was legally the name at one time?
Lyle R. Johnson
Sales Compliance from Simple Request
Hi April
Good advice..I’ve had friends on both sides of the fence..I would suppose in the end it’s as you say, a matter of personal choice and identity. As I think about it, I believe each of my friends -kept the name/didn’t keep the name-were happy with their final decision.
Be Well.
I’ll bet a lot of women struggle with this issue after their divorce. Great advice, April.
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Hi Suzanne, good for you for going through both there. Being supportive of your teenage son during those challenging teen years with all the peer pressure and scrutiny. And then for choosing yourself anew and honoring what was true for you in your heart and personal identity. So many divorced women in their forties find they want to reclaim their identities by changing their names. Names are very important for personal identification and how we think of ourselves. cheers, April