Axe Hair Crisis Products Dating Webinar, October 8th

Quick post tonight.  Those super fun hair products folks at Axe Hair (Unilever, I think is Lynx Hair for my UK blokes here) are hosting a Dating/Mating Webinar this Thursday and have invited me to be a panel Dating Expert.  With those fabulous ads, how could I resist?

I actually love all their ads, including (shhh) the racy shower one which is banned but you can find on YouTube.  What I love about this one with The Models Experiment is how the truth and the research bears out, hello, guyz, women do care how you look, how you dress, and HELLO, dude, how your hair looks.

More of the high tech Silicon Valley Engineers and Software Engineers looking to do better with girls could oh so use this product and learn a thing of two.

OK, now most of the women they have the guys interact with are their contemporaries…  Oh wouldn’t it be fun and super cool to leverage one the hottest dating trends right now and do an AXE Hair Crisis ad with some hot different races/ethnicity Cougar Women?  (Oooo! Waving hand in air to be first volunteer!)

Hmmm, perhaps we could do a Survey Monkey survey to capture Cougar Chicks interest level?  Any Cougar Bait volunteer guys, a few Cubs, perhaps?

I’m terribly wicked.  But you already knew that about me.  Indeed, sometimes I do just have too much fun.  Ain’t it cool?  Care to join me in that approach to life?

Happy Dating and Relationships,

April Braswell

Las Vegas After 40/ Over 50 Dating Expert

Follow and Engage with April on Twitter: @AprilBraswell

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April Braswell

April Braswell is internationally recognized as America's Midlife Dating and Relationship Mentor and the award winning expert columnist at Bringing over 40 years of Sales and Marketing expertise, April is a the trusted Small Business Consultant and Coach to Leading Executives and Emerging Leaders. Author of best seller, Get Swipe Right. April coaches marriage-minded men and women to find and attract love, your best life partner. Life Love Love relationship. Love after 40 and 50. Photos appear by licenses with iStock. All rights reserved.

Reader Interactions


  1. I know there are gaillion products for women, but perhaps some friendly hair intervention for some of our boys and girls. I’ve seen some colors that make me wonder – intentional or oopsie! ?

    Sounds like a great opportunity to give your two cents. Can’t wait to hear how it pans out.


  2. Too funny April!
    Can’t wait to hear how the axe gig goes. What fun. My favorite line – if these guys can’t get girls, what chance do you have . . .



  3. April,

    To have a good hair cut and styling is liek waearign a good piece of clithing. It’s all part of grooming.

    many years ago, I read from a well known hair stylist saying chocolate was the worst enemy to have great quality hair. Bad news for chocolate lovers.

    John Ho

  4. Enjoyed the video, but preferred the YouTube one – thanks for the tip (and for the British spelling of Axe)!
    Jolly good luck with the dating/mating webinar.
    My mind is boggling at the thought of webinar mating. How does it work? Do you need a touch sensitive screen? Wireless mouse? Up and down arrows on your keyboard? Joystick?! Or can you use your iPhone – they’re bound to have an App for it!

  5. I chuckled. It is a good reminder that taking care of your hair really matters.

    Bert (alter ego- Mister P)

  6. LOVE the idea of seeing different ethnicities of Cougar Women in an ad. Hot gig if ever there was one. Of course I’m not a Cougar yet but I’m looking forward to being one eventually. You Cougars are fabulous.

    Nothing lifts a mood like a good hair colour. When I find a really good look on me, I have to keep checking my hair out! What’s this about chocolate? I’m ignoring that one.

    Happy Dating and Mating Webinar.

    Keri Eagan

  7. Hi April the video does a great job of proving the point…. You know April

    Jose Escalante

  8. I agree with Keri, Cougar ads sound great! I’ve been hearing about cougars a lot, but your site really help me put them in a new light. Oh and Courtney Cox (love her) also has a show called Cougar Town, have you seen it? I’ve only seen one episode, but it looks like it might be quite entertaining.


  9. What a funny video! The wigs were hysterical! I wore a ridiculous short blonde curly Marilyn Monroe wig in a dance recital one time because I didn’t want to be on stage but the other women insisted. All I did was call more attention to myself. But I, like these guys, surely wouldn’t have been able to get a date in that thing (had I been single) . It was very funny looking.

    Lisa McLellan
    Child Care Expert,
    Babysitting Services, Babysitting Tips, Babysitters, Nannies

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