To follow up on my post from the other day for Christians at the more mainstream broad category internet dating sites with 3 tips for online dating success, what about when Christian Singles use a niche online dating site specifically targeted for them?
The Christian niche dating sites can be excellent for Christian singles for meeting. In fact, the Christian niche sites can often be, yes, a God-send when your denomination is very exclusive for its marriage requirements and when there are not a lot of singles in your area.
Some of the denominations which are very exclusive and have strict requirements that you marry someone of your precise denomination include:
Seventh Day Adventists
Catholic (Roman Catholic)
Thankfully, there are a number of dating sites to assist singles in each of those Christian denominations. I’ll be sure to add them here shortly and update this post with that information.
When I was more active with the Christian Singles groups when I lived in San Francisco, we used to joke about some of the challenges. Invariably, you would be a single Christian lady at your small church, desiring to wed “rather than burn” as the Bible says (weird little in jokes, just go with me here). And you would look about you…. Truly there was a time when there were only 2 eligible Christian men in that small church, and 1 of the 2 was my biological brother! OK, that means it is time to take matters into your own hands!
True, as a Christian Single, you can attend the Singles Ministry activities of neighboring churches, and that is an excellent tactic to take. I do recommend you pursue those sort of activities in addition to online dating. However, do not only rely on the Singles Ministries to hook you up with God’s intended Soul Mate Spouse for you. Using online dating is much more efficient with your time.
1. Christian Dating Expert Tip: Do Identify 3 Christian Dating Sites
Identify 3 Christian Dating Sites that fit your denomination. In truth, there are some sites like ChrisitanCafe and Eharmony which are broader Christian based, and certainly worth pursuing. Check them out. Do some research for eligible singles in the denominations which work with your faith. I have met happily married couples who met and married via those sites. The mainstream Christian Dating Sites and Singles Apps are worth your consideration.
In addition, you want to ID the sites which are specific for your denomination. I will add more resources here.
2. Christian Dating Expert Tip: Do Research Singles in Your Denomination
Just because the name of the site is specific for your denomination, before you plunk your hard earned money down to join the site, do some research first. Are there sufficient singles in your region to warrant your joining? What do their profiles say? If they are your denomination, are they the precise same denomination? Or do they share your denomination in name, but their doctrine or school of denomination is really quite different than yours? Those who are LDS will resonate with this example. You might be mainstream LDS and find, somehow, that some fundamentalist LDS singles are at the site. You just want to check before you join for a good fit.
3. Christian Dating Expert Tip: Do Expand Your Regional Reach
If you are not meeting eligible singles in your denomination in your immediate area, you just might need to expand your regional search. Does this mean you need to throw wide open the flood-gates and search on singles 3,000 miles away from you? Well, yes, maybe. However, how about you start with within 50 miles, then 100 miles, and then within 500 miles of where you live to look for your Christian Soul Mate.
To start for the first few months or so, just keep it within your reasonable driving distance region. When you live within a reasonable drive of each other, once you two feel an interest and attraction with each other, you could actually meet face-to-face for a first date within a short period of time at a nominal cost. What is a short weekend jaunt road trip to meet someone new?
They just might be your Christian Soul Mate! Thus making the drive thoroughly worthwhile.
Happy Dating and Relationships,
April Braswell
I like the idea of a quick jaunt away to meet someone. I think I’d feel pressured unless I had a quick get away tactic just in case things didn’t work out.
Keri Eagan
I love road trips. That is a good idea especially if you live in remote areas or small communities. Venturing out lets you know there is more to the world than the space you live now.
You really get all bases covered, leaving “no stones unturned”.
Well, dating is really a prospecting and a sales job in its essence – a quality numbers game and ask relevant questions. Isn’t it?
John Ho
Numerology Expert Helps Understanding Personality for Better Influence & Persuasion
You are the God-send for many in this are. Very good steps to create that connection.
Lynn Lane->The Warrior Of Success
Not sure whether Christian dating is simpler because it narrows down the field, or more complicated because you’re throwing denomination into the mix!
Martin Wright
Hi Martin,
thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting.
Indeed, it really can be both, just as you say. It depends upon what that single really wants most, and attracting at the Soul Mate level.
Happy Dating and Relationships,
More good info, April. Dating for Christians can indeed be a challenge. Your advice would be helpful to any Christian out there looking for that “special” someone.
Health, Fitness for Working People — Darryl Pace
Are you amazing or what? You have no boundaries! Nothing will stop you, not race, not religion, not gender – you go girl!
Lisa McLellan
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I favor people that blog with really practical tips for singles like you April. it is very hard to put together that variety of information almost any way. Thanks. I find it generally a challenge to meet single Christian men.
What do you think about courting a Christian woman online who lives in another state then you do?