One of the niche categories for the internet dating sites is Christian Online Dating Sites. There are quite a number of them. Today I will address the broader approach Christian Internet Dating Sites. And then I will tackle how to succeed with some of the more exclusive denominations.
The Christian Dating sites are varied. Once you select the site you want to join…
1. Christian Dating Expert Tip: Do Cite Your Christian Denomination
You do want to cite your denomination. Some of the sites, you can be very precise with their denomination field click box. This really can be helpful when other singles are searching and want to know who the other Baptists or Catholics there are at that site. Additionally, this is part of following my “Be Truthful” philosophy in your dating profile. If you are Catholic and someone else is LDS, the other single may really not want to date you. For some Christians, this can be very important. It really is a matter of personal doctrine and choice.
2. Christian Dating Expert Tip: Do Be Careful How You Phrase Your Church Involvement
You might think you are not that involved in your church…. However if you find yourself serving on the Vestry within 2 years of your membership at every Episcopal Church you joined then you are definitely in a leadership role even it is not yet today. Interestingly enough this is often where Christian singles who are single-never married have some difficulty. Invariably because balancing temperaments attract and suit each other well for a marriage relationship, the church member who quietly attends the services but keeps their involvement to a minimum, having more of a personal devotional life (think an introvert) is attracted to and does well with the more involved Bible Study leader or Men’s or Women’s Ministry leader (think extrovert). And if you express either one of those approaches candidly yet poorly in your online dating profile, you may turn off the very partner who would balance you well and where you both would be very attracted to each other.
3. Christian Dating Expert Tip: Do Avoid Pejorative Statements About Other Denominations
There are running jokes about the Baptists, that whenever there is an argument, another strain of Baptists starts. There are the Independent Fundamentalist Baptists. The Conservative Baptists. The Southern Baptists (which is a denomination and is not about the location). OK, enough, you get the idea. And the Episcopalians are Anglicans, The Synod, and The Episcopal Church. Whether you prefer classic music Hymns or your are Pro-Christian Rock and Praise loving and have a Seeker-Friendly philosophy, soft-peddle those things in your profile. In your profile, it is best to positively state your denomination and to utter a few phrases about your personal practice – “Reads The Bible on average 5 days a week and prays daily, attends services monthly.”
However, please refrain from making smack-down doctrinal stances in your profile. That is better done once you two have met and investigate whether you have in-person chemistry. To do so before then would be premature and is poor social behavior. And remember to keep a little bit of an open mind. You might be pleasantly surprised by who God has intended and prepared for you to marry.
Happy Dating and Relationships,
April Braswell
Orange County Christian Dating Expert, Author, and Conference and Event Speaker
Where I live I noticed that a wide varitey of men called themselves Christian, even when their belief in God was vague at best, or they hadn’t been to church in a decade. It seemed to be used as the default option.
Keri Eagan
I may have thought the dating game was complicated, but adding religion…! What next, politics?!
Martin Wright
Great advice for snagging a Christian mate.
Steve Chambers, Body Language Speaker
Yeah April – I’ve heard plenty of jokes. It just isn’t funny to some people. It can be a real turn off and you are right about the person that may have been right for you if you don’t state you are more christian than someone else. I’m all for honesty with online dating but not everyone wants others to see there other side – especially when first dating.
I guess it’s important to consider religion when dating. Good info.
Bert (alter ego- Mister P)
Regardless of religion they need to go to you if they want a date!
Jose Escalante
I imagine people need to tread very carefully with religous dating – great advice!
Having common ground has to be a good thing, but for some people religion is such a fundamental part of their routine that making a small shift to accommodate someone else’s differences could be quite an issue.
I suppose the fact that people are becoming customers of religous dating sites in the first place says a lot about how important it can be in their quest for a partner.
As always… you have all the bases covered!
Excellent advice! If you have an online dating profile you and you consider yourself Christian to the point that you would be on a Christian dating site, then you must be clear about your level of involvement and your particular denomination.
I have run into a number of “Bible Christians” who believe that Catholics don’t believe in JC . . . never mind the lack of facts there, you aren’t changing anyone’s mind so be upfront about your denomination.
Cool article.
I’d never really considered the business of religious dating before.
Yes, DO share your denomination. There is nothing worse than meeting up for a blind date with someone who assumes that everyone who is Christian is just like him . . . yuck. Make no assumptions, be clear.
Mixing romance, human love with religion and/or politics is a sure way to spice up life.
It’s always comfortable to mix with people with similar outlook in life. Compatibility is crucial in long term relationships. You advice to treat with care is indeed wise and sound.
What else do you expect from THE OnLine Dating Deva??
John Ho
Excellent advice, April! Really, really excellent advice.
Health, Fitness for Working People — Darryl Pace
Quite complicated mixing dating with religious views but these are helpful tips. Thanks a ton!