As a dating expert, there is pretty much no dating tip which I suggest which I have not either done, suggested with successful results to dating coaching clients, or if I have not yet done these myself, I am willing to do. So when I share suggestions about going to Sports Bars strategically for single women to meet more guys, trust me. I have done this. I am doing this. Yes, in my family, we have 3 divisions. The Basketball fans. The Baseball fans. And then there are those who froth over at the mouth during Stanley Cup hockey! I am part of that group. We have gone to strange lengths to get to watch the Stanley Cup playoff games. We are resourceful at this.
More dating articles on Single Women and Sports Bars:
Dating Tip – Seasonality
Dating Tip – Do Go
Dating Tip – Do’s and Don’ts
Dating Tip – Do Rotate

So, it’s my birthday. (Yes, thank you for all the Happy Birthday wishes, especially over at Facebook. It’s kinda impressive and massively humbling at the same time.) Don’t laugh. Well, actually, do go ahead and laugh. How am I celebrating my birthday? With my nearest and dearest at a beautiful restaurant in Orange County. And we will likely eat dinner in the bar area because that’s where the large screen TV is! Yes, there is a Stanley Cup playoffs game on this evening. We’re getting there early to get to watch the game. Detroit Red Wings vs. Phoenix Coyotes. Yes, the Yotes have forced a game 7. There is nothing so sweet and thrilling to a Hockey Fan as a game 7. Triggers frothing over of the mouth, excited agitated speech, and salivating. Yes, we do get a little #CupCrazy (the Twitter hashtag.)
People have been asking,
“Do women need to be knowledgeable about a sport in order to frequent a sports bar?”
Dating Tips – Women Who Are Sports Knowledgeable
I find that if she is knowledgeable, this can be cool to men. It’s like, “Wow, we can talk!” Single guys feel like they have normal topics they can talk with her about. He doesn’t have to tax his brain to think like a girl and come up with topics women are interested in.
Dating Tips – Women Who Are Sports Enthusiasts
However, having enthusiasm and a genuine interest count for a lot a well. Not every woman has to start to memorize sports stats unless that is genuinely who she is. If she doesn’t know the corresponding stats for that sport, that team, or the series, she immediately has a wonderful question she can ask the guys. Men still like to have some things where they are an expert where women are not. Give him something. Even if you know a lot about the sport, go ahead and ask him some questions. “How long have you been a fan? What started your interest in hockey? Did you play as a kid? What do you think about how they’ve been calling the playoffs?”
Dating Tips – Women Who Don’t Enjoy Any Sports
The only single women I would advise against going to sports bars is the group who really do not care for sports whatsoever. Really ladies, this is not one which you want to fake. Either you enjoy the games, or you don’t. If you can find some aspect of sports or a particular sport which you enjoy, cool. Then go ahead and go to a sports bar. However, if there is nothing, your lack of enthusiasm and attitude of boredom will come across massively in your body language and signal that to guys. They can tell. And will think you have a poor attitude and worry you are high maintenance. They’ll worry that they cannot please you. And if they feel they can’t please you, they will not even try. It would be a better use of your time to go somewhere else.
When you’re a single woman who enjoys sports on any level, you do want to make use of your time effectively and frequent a sports bar during the playoff season. You will meet plenty of guys, have fun, and get more dates. And who know where that will lead you this year?
Happy Dating and Relationships,
April Braswell
Do you recommend that the ladies wear hockey jerseys or other sports uniforms to cheer on their teams? I would definitely not have them carry hockey sticks…
Seize the Day,
First, H-B! Hope you have a great day and that your team won!
You’ve got great points here that I find useful even for ESL language teachers! With our clients and students it helps make the class that much more interesting if we can ask intelligent questions about various sports – I’ve learned so much from both my male and female students about different sports: from soccer to deep sea diving!
I think a question that the woman can ask is to explain the rules of the game. What is a infield fly rule? What is the blue line? What is icing? Men like to show off how much they know by answering these types of questions.
Tim Van Milligan, helping you Make Money Online, God’s Way!
Thanks for the tips. I enjoy pretty much all sports, but don’t follow them enough to know specifics. I will have to try this out! Is this something you would say would be ok by yourself, or is better with a few friends?
I know almost nothing about soccer. Since we now have a professional soccer team ( oh jeez, I just forgot the team name…. I’m fired!) I would like to learn more about the sport. If I were single I’d go to a sports bar and ask men to teach me about the game. And I do enjoy sports!
Sabrina Peterson, NASM CPT,CES
Corrective Exercise for Every Body
Happy B-Day Super Star!!! I guess if you are looking for someone with common interest.. and a lady is not interested in sports… why go? unless you are sincerely willing to learn about a particular sport from someone… other wise all you are doing is leading them on…
Hope you have a wonderful B-DAY!!
Direct Selling Advice, Leveraging Relationships for Long-term Profit
April, I think you make a good point about not faking it if you are really not interested…you won’t get any points for that. I tried to be at least a little bit intelligent abut what was going on in the world of sports when I was selling business insurance, and sometimes Ifound that a little bit of knowledge was a dangerous thing.
Sonya Lenzo
I used to be a big sports fan and then I lost interest. I can see how going to a sports bar would be a great way to interact wiht people who have the same interest as me.
Even though I dont watch alot of sports anymore I do pay attention because just like the weather you can almost always bring up some sport.
First…happy belated birthday! Second…these are all incredible tips! Thank you for sharing your knowledge and love of sports with us.
Yours In Health!
Dr. Wendy
Sound advice. If you can talk the talk then have at it but if you have no interest in sports it will eventually come back to haunt you down the road when you’re yelling at him to pay attentiont to you while he’s screaming at the tv…better to find someone who will turn it off or better yet, someone you can scream at the tv with!
Jen B
The Harwood Group – Tinnitus, Chronic Illness, Fears, and Anxiety
i think just having a general sports interest is enough.
Guys like to talk about it and it can always lead to other areas of conversation.
I like it when a lady know a little bit about my world but I also like to share a little bit about what i know as well.
I think it shows a little leaderhip ability as well to be able to teach somebody something in a nice way.
Again, these are great dating tips for single women who might go to the sports bar
in their town.
One thing I hope you cover in a future article is how to politely ask the woman to remove her mouth guard before she kisses you. Some of those female hockey fans in Detroit really take it serious! And if you try to make a move on them too fast, next thing you know they’re high sticking you & that’s never a pretty sight.
The Success Secrets
That’s good advice. I’m sure a sports bar would be full of lively entertainment too, even if you’re not a sports nut.
Hangin out in sports bars you’re going to meet men interested in sports. If this is what you want this is a good strategy. If not, maybe you should look somewhere else.
Steve Chambers
Body Language Expert
Nice dating tips ideas, April… I’m not a sports enthusiast myself but if you’re there, guys who likes you will try to adjust to you. I guess it’s not important. 🙂
Meeting single guys over sports games is such a good dating idea. Then there’s something to talk about.
Finding cute guys at sports bar is just plain fun. There are so many TV screens to choose the sport and the guy!
I like how to meet men at Sports bars. Cool ideas.
Much appreciated reminder April to go where teh single guys are and they for sure are at the Sports Bars! Great post! Thanks for share.