Dating Tips for Single Women – What’s In Your Schedule This Week?
With Spring in the air, certainly a young woman’s fancy turns to the topic of love and romance. Often young women will feel the particular urge and inclination in the Springtime to date more and take those extra concerted effort steps and strategy to attract a romantic relationship into her life. So what are some concerted effort steps to take?
First of all, take out a blank sheet of paper and just start to write down about 15-25 things you will be doing this week, including errands you need to run. Just do a brain dump of tasks.
- Go food shopping
- Drop off dry cleaning
- Pick up dry cleaning
- Do Laundry
- Go to gym 5 days this week (that is 5 tasks, 1 workout visit per task)
- Get a manicure/pedicure
- Give self a facial
- Catch up with girlfriends
- Fill up gas tank
- Get car washed
OK, that was just to give a few specifics. My suggested list here was not exhaustive of all the tasks and errands you will need to do in your life. Take out your dayplanner or turn on your smart phone. You are going to schedule each of these errands. However, because you have a goal of attracting love, you will go through the exercise of shifting your thinking or changing your mental frame to borrow from the hypnosis modality and thinking advantageously. Ask yourself, “How can I do this task or errand this week to maximize my options for meeting the most people this week?”
Let’s take 2 examples from your list, shall we?
Fill up your gas tank.
Get your car washed.
Dating Tip – Fill Up Your Gas Tank
Now when you are desiring to be time efficient, you might look for ways to avoid the lines and any interaction with other people. Which might mean that you aim to fill your gas tank in the middle of the morning, stepping away from the office for a break. What good will that serve you now with your goal of meeting lots of people and maximizing your dating opportunities? Instead, now you want to aim to go to the gas station when the most people will be there. That is often at lunch time during the M-F work week. Additionally, to provide yourself with the most little opportunities to mingle with others, you will refrain from using the convenience of your debit card. Instead, be sure to walk into their office and pay in person.
Dating Tip – Get Your Car Washed
In a similar manner as filling up your gas tank, so is getting your car washed. Rather than being time efficient getting your car washed during the week, instead aim to go with the Law of Large numbers and get your car washed on the weekend. You can always mill about in the lounge area. Better still, aim to find a youth group’s Car Wash and use their car washing service. While you’re waiting for your car to be complete, go ahead and engage the others simply waiting in some brief conversation.
As your continue you will improve massively!
Happy Dating and Relationships,
April Braswell
Marriage Minded Dating and Relationship Expert
April, what an ingenious way of positioning one’s self to meet others simply by living life! Additionally, you can schedule some tasks at different locations instead of the typical routine locations we find ourselves sticking to!
Direct Selling Advice, Leveraging Relationships for Long-term Profit
I am amused that you suggest getting your car washed every week. That is crazy talk! I wash mine about every 3 months and use the drive thru car wash. If I was single, I would have to use some of your other examples to meet people because this would not change for me!
Sabrina Peterson, NASM CPT,CES
Corrective Exercise for Every Body
I would also suggest trying to look nice while you’re taking care of other things, you never know who you might meet. I notice living in different places in the world that comparatively speaking we Americans get pretty lax about our appearance in public. I have to constantly remind myself to not go out looking like I’ve just been working under the car. You can really stand out from the crowd too if you look a smidge more tidy.
Hi April, another great dating tip post as usual!
April, It is so interesting how you shift ones’ way of thinking from “how can I save the most time as I do my tasks” to “how can I meet the most people as I do my tasks”. And that can make each day more exciting and fun and romantic, as well!!!
Sonya Lenzo
Great ideas. I would have been more time efficient.
When I was young and single, I used to wash my car by hand out in front of my apartment. It was hoping to get some attention with the new car (to show perspective mates that I had a good job). It also got the car cleaner than going through a wash.
Tim Van Milligan, helping you Make Money Online, God’s Way!
Even when I use my Gas card to fill up I usually find a reason to go into the convience store and get a soda or a snack, it is a great way to get to know more people even the cashiers. April is right you need to go with people arround and talk it does not do you any good to just walk in and out. Unless you are drop dead gorgous.
It is interesting how once you look at every errand as a potential spot to meet people, you are no longer looking to get them done efficiently. But when you factor in that meet new people is now every other item on your errands list, then it is a very efficient way to handle the new list.
Seize the Day,
If we want to find a relationship we need to make ourselves available to meet and mingle with others. You show people how to restructure and re-engineer their lives to make finding love easy.
Steve Chambers, Body Language Speaker
Finding dates while filling your tank – who’d a thunk!!!! LOL You never cease to amaze me with your ideas. I guess that just about any situation where you come in contact with other human beings is an opportunity. It’s all in the way you look at it.
Lisa McLellan
Babysitting Services, Nanny Services, and Nanny agencies
I like that you can incorporate our daily errands with meeting new people and getting yourself out there and social. Makes it practical and productive at the same time! I love it and it leaves no excuses for anyone!
Jen B
Nice way to re-think your every day activities & how to open up the possibility of meeting someone while doing them.
The Success Secrets
Hey April,
Casual conversation at the gas station or at the car wash is a great way to charge your social batteries and unwind from all of the other chaos that might be going on. It blows my mind how much people miss by being preoccupied and how much of the day is missed by not being in and enjoying the moment. Thanks,
Great way of looking at life – I would also say your advice for finding more people could be transferred to getting yourself and your website known, no? Engage people in conversation, see if they have similar interest to your own and then – if they do – pull out the business card and offer to share more information on your site with them ….
Work, work, and more work! Panera Bread is a great place to work! You get free wi-fi and great food, and if you’re single you can mingle!!
Another good tip.
Weave your desire to meet someone when the time is right.
It’s easy to talk to someone in these situations like asking for help or complimenting there car.
you can always ask a guy you are interested in to ehlp you check your oil, too.
I was just sort of laughing inside, thinking about how you keep recommending making our tasks more difficult in order to meet people. Paying for gas inside – I groan at the thought. But it is all for the greater good…
It’s true April, what I do each week and putting hobbies into my agenda has impact on the dates I get and the cute guys I meet.
What can I do to meet more men this week? This is really an extremely fascinating point, April, thank you for sharing! what do you think? There are numerous blogs on this topic but this one states precisely what I believe also.
A woman who isn’t just waiting for me to fill her life is hot. What is wrong with all the 30 year old girls who have no idea what to do for a date? I don’t see many good looking women on the dating sites.