I know. I hear yah. You are a millennial guy who does everything internet.
But I am just aiming to help you out here and prevent long term bodily harm and injury for you with some expert dating advice for Valentine’s Day. Guys, let me tell you, a Valentine’s Day Ecard will NOT be enough!
When it comes to romance and matters of the heart, we ladies want a physical tangible item. Preferably signed by your hand. Perhaps with a small note expressing a few items of tender feelings from your heart to us.
We crave a love which we can touch, one which is tangible. The expressions of your heart need to us need to be as well.
Well, certainly for now. But also years from now, this is one item worthy of hoarding. When we are old and white haired, and telling the grandchildren of the stories of our romance, these cards are a physical demonstration, an example for us to cherish and for us to show to them of your particular love for us.
Go ahead. Wear your heart on your sleeve and put it in writing to the one you love. Your doing so will mean so much to her now, touching her heart, for years to come.
Go Buy the Card Today
Gentleman, I’m aiming to help you out here again. Back when I was a little girl, my father could readily pick up a card the day of Valentine’s Day or a few days before and have a number of romantic choices to choose from. But those days are LONG GONE. If you were to wait until the day of Valentine’s Day or even that weekend before, I cannot be held responsible for what will be left in the card racks. They may be dreadful. They may show a sense of humor which will offend her and get you in the Dog House. Avoid this NOW. Go tonight. To a card store. Papyrus. Hallmark. Or to the Grocery store or Drug store. Or Wal*Mart or Target. Do this today. Go shop. Buy. Have it ready days in advance. You will thank me later.
Are you single and you don’t have a hot date for Valentine’s Day this year? Well, we can do something about that! \Happy Dating and Relationships,
April Braswell
as seen in Dating for Dummies, 3rd Edition
Good Advice April. Made all the more poignant by the recent Hallmark movie The Last Valentine_Great movie. Betty White ripped my heart out & made me cry.
What are YOUR Thoughts about a Hand Made Card with one’s Own Words? Do they even Sell_Heart-Shaped lacy things anymore?
Hi Jim,
Thank you for stopping by my blog and commenting! Quick answer before the inundation of comments! Yes indeed, hand made from the heart is ALWAYS in style and should be well-received by a lady who is receptive to your romantic overtures. Yes, they are still made. You have to look for them in craft stores and online. Enjoy!
Thanks April, seems like you’ve got my back when it comes to dating.
Hi April. Yes, guys. No ecards for any romantic occassion. Women want to see you made some effort and put some thought into it to treat them special. An ecard is no effort whatsoever. It smells like, oops, I forgot and want to CYA. Get her a real card. Stop by the drug story whether it’s valentine’s day, her birthday, or an anniversary.
Yeah my dad taught me early on to treat women with class. A card not a digital one gives the right signal that she matters.
Hi April, I agree. If a guy I’m dating wants to get me he gives cute gifts. ecards wouldn’t work. No effort. It’s like what they said in The Rules, a guy who wants you is giving you romantic presents on special days like Valentine’s Day. If not, NEXT!
April this is right on target. When will single guys get it that we want their attnetion and deserve it?
April you sure know how to help guys with really good tips. I’ve seen the PUI guys recommend treating a woman poorly to get in the sack but that doesn’t work in a relationship if she has any self respect.
My brother is great at this. He always give cards with big roses on them to my grandmother. Women love him.
Hi April. I’m laughing now. You’re right. I’m sure some young guys would think it’s just ok to send a digital card. Yeah that will not get him where he wants to go!
Oh that would be a problem. Even the married guys don’t get this April.
It’s true. With the internet age and instant delivery of so many goods, some guys might make the mistake of sending a digital card. Modern women may enjoy instant everything but we do still want romance also! Something physical is required for romance.
Digital cards are not as common here in Spain as they seem to be in the US. I enjoy reading your dating tips and learning about US culture from you April.
Oh April. You’re correct. Modern guys can be so stupid that way. Good thing they have you as their dating expert giving tips to help them out.