Top 5 Dating Advice and Tips for Single Women to Get a Guy’s Attention
A lot of single women and single girls ask me for dating tips and advice for how to talk to single guys, how to let the men know they are interested without being too aggressive, and how to get a guy’s attention when you are in public. Yes, there is enough there for 3 books, and certainly multiple dating expert articles to help singles meet, date, and court. So, to start with, I will take on the topic of How a Single Woman Can Get a Guy’s Attention. You want to aim to get his attention in ways, manners and means which are feminine. You want to express some of your soft receptive energy, still with a 21st century modern twist.

How To Get a Guy’s Attention Tip #1: Do Appeal to the Visual
Scientific research repeatedly demonstrates that men are highly visually stimulated. I am not inculcating for you to wear super plunging necklines to get guys’ attention. Because if you, do the attention might be a little more than what you really wanted.
How To Get a Guy’s Attention Tip #2: Do Avoid Being a Prude
Avoid having the air of a nun or a prude. You are a modern, sensual, woman. You are classy. However, neither do I recommend wearing a high starched neckline or worst yes still, a thick turtleneck. Elle McPherson when she modeled for Victoria’s Secret could wear a turtleneck and make it look enticingly classy sexy. But, the rest of us mere mortals typically need to wear something a little more alluring, revealing, and suggestive.
How To Get a Guy’s Attention Tip #3: Do Express Sensual Mystery
However, you do want to embrace that air of mystery to what you are wearing. Something which suggests your sensuality without removing all mystery. Leave parts of your figure to be discovered only by a vetted applicant suitor. You do want to embrace this easy way to get men’s attention and to do so in a classy womanly way.
How To Get a Guy’s Attention Tip #4: Do Express Relationship Interest
Keep the idea in your mind that you are signally, “I am a single woman, interested and available for a relationship.” That is the message you want to emanate from your feminine essence as you go about you day, groom, self-care, dress, present yourself and approach the world.
How To Get a Guy’s Attention Tip #5: Do Communicate Worthy of Courtship
By expressing, “interested,” that is not a promise of “YES!” to all who approach you. You are interested and receptive, and they still need to apply and woo you for the position of your romantic partner. Men who approach you will receive your feminine interest in their pursuit of you. And they still must prove themselves worthy of the position to be your boyfriend and potential life partner. You are worthy of pursuit and courtship.
Now that you have my top 5 dating advice and tips for single women to get a guy’s attention, do come back tomorrow. Now that you have his attention, what do you do to get him to approach you and for you two to talk? I will address that with my Top 10 Tips from a Dating Expert for How to Talk with Guys
Happy Dating and Relationships,
April Braswell
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I like Tip # 2. Although I’m sure turtleneck manufacturers are going to not be fond of your advice. 🙂
The Success Secrets
I agree to leave some mystery to your body. I can’t believe a guy will take a woman seriously who has everything on display.
Yours In Health!
Dr. Wendy M. Schauer, D.C., R.K.C.
Thank you so much for pointing out that we girls should make sure a man pursuing us is worthy. It’s something I tell my girlfriends all the time. Don’t get into a relationship with someone befoe they prove they’re worth your time!
Sabrina Peterson, NASM CPT, CES
Great dating points and tips for singles April and I have to say, any of the five dating and relationships tips from such an expert like you would work for me!
Dennis Perry
I agree – there has to be some mystery. Well, women are a complete mystery, of course, to us men, but that’s a whole other issue. 🙂
All great points. The trick I think is to learn how to be open and attractive to those of interest but to also filter out those who have no standards of their own. Dressing congruent with who we are attracts what is appropriate.
You continue to provide sound, effective, easy to use advice for those in need. Great stuff.
Getting a guys’ attention sounds easy with what you suggest. Great tips April
Oh April I like these dating tips for getting a guyz attention in public
Hi April, what I really like about your dating advice, is that you are emphasizing by the woman THINKING these thoughts (that she wants a relationship) without even saying them outloud to the guy she will convey that. That nails it.
Useful post for singles, April. I think they can profit from your website that will bring in a lot of exposure and ideas for meeting.
Hi April oh these tips for how to break the ice with cute guyz at the coffee houses sound playful and fun. Do I have to go shopping for a new outfit to do this? Or can I wear just anything like i normally do?
Hi April these are great tips for women to catch a cute guys eye. thank
nice post. thanks. I like getting a cute guyz eye. what fun
April your tips for a cute girl to get a guyz attention sure would grab mine.
Thanks April. I see cute guys at the food court at the mall, but it’s so crowded. Difficult to talk.
It is simply excellent point for how to break the ice at cool coffee shops like Starbucks. I am always seeing hot babes there.
It agree, this magnificent idea is necessary just by the way for catching a single guy’s eye. I admire your dating tactics sounds like fun.
I’m excited to check this. I like the idea of being feminine to catch a guys eye and not being too obvious or desperate in what I do.