Internet Dating Textetiquette Texting Tip #5 for Singles: TMI Photo Sharing

You might think that I wouldn’t have to mention this.  However, I have encountered this so often I simply have to bring it up.

Body Language Flirting Signals First Date Body Posture
Body Language Flirting Signals First Date Do Vary Your Body Posture

When the two of you met at an online dating site, perhaps a fun social networking site like MySpace or Facebook, the two of you clicked and had chemistry for an online relationship.

And you’re attracted to each other and have agreed you two want to meet for a first date.  Perhaps you plan to share a glass of wine or a cup of coffee.

You’re both being sweet, mature, and only just that fun little touch of flirtatious.

Tee hee.  Tee hee.  And you’ve exchanged email addresses.  Giggle. Giggle. And have agreed to your first meeting place for your first date.  More tee hee giggles and flirting.

And then it happens.

You’re sharing about each other with each other.  Tee hee.

Get a Boyfriend Online, How to Get a Boyfriend Online, Getting a Boyfriend Online, Smart Blonde Woman Reading Email from Guys at a Dating Site
Smart Blonde Woman Reading Email from Guys at a Dating Site

And you open the email he sent you and you see there is a photo attached.  Oh my, how exciting!

More photos to see and share of each other!  What fun!  Um, but, err, ah, the digital photo he just sent you is not quite the additional image you would have thought a complete stranger where you two are thus far sharing merely only a PG rated exchange would think to send you!

And the digital photo attachment starts to resolve.  You start to catch a glimpse of what he’s sharing with you and your jaw just drops as you start to realize what he is sharing with you.  I mean we are all adults here.  Eyes bug out.  Jaw slack and agape.

So too much too soon way too soon in the online relationship you two have only loosely just begun to establish.

Who knows now if you two will ever even meet.

What is even worse, I am shaking my head in my hands right now, some of the people, because they met at Facebook, even share the same professional industry and some of the same extended professional colleagues.  WHAT were they thinking to share those photos?

Good thing the other single had too much professionalism, tact, and class to DO anything with the photos other than to delete them immediately.  But oye! if you’re wondering what COULD have happened, then just go take a look at the heartache Jennifer Lopez suffered with her former husband in her tape scandal.

Don’t do it!  TMI way too soon!

Happy Dating and Relationships,

April Braswell

Marriage Minded Single’s Internet Dating and Relationship Expert

as seen in “Dating for Dummies” 3rd Edition

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Seeking Love Online

Have you tried internet dating?  But it’s not really working for you like the glamorous images you see depicted in the tv ads?  Want help to be successful and safe with online dating?  Are you ready to get online and look for love using the exciting internet dating sites?

Have you been online for awhile, but you just don’t seem to be finding and attracting the right kind of singles for you?  April offers her Professional Internet Dating Profile Writing and Review Service to empower modern singles to attract love online and get better dates.

If you already have an online dating profile, she will review it and assist you to rev it up to be more attractive and alluring to the opposite sex.

If you are at square one and want to get online, with her Internet Dating Profile Writing service, she’ll help you capture and convey your unique essence online and get your profile posted asap.

To apply to hire April for her Internet Dating Profile Writing and Review Coaching Service, send her an email to april (AT) to get started in finding the love you want online.

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April Braswell

April Braswell is internationally recognized as America's Midlife Dating and Relationship Mentor and the award winning expert columnist at Bringing over 40 years of Sales and Marketing expertise, April is a the trusted Small Business Consultant and Coach to Leading Executives and Emerging Leaders. Author of best seller, Get Swipe Right. April coaches marriage-minded men and women to find and attract love, your best life partner. Life Love Love relationship. Love after 40 and 50. Photos appear by licenses with iStock. All rights reserved.

Reader Interactions


  1. Ummmmm ! Good grief ! So that is what I am missing out on . What on earth goes through their minds . Thanks on keeping us informed April , on the no no’s of media dating .

  2. April, Yes, you would think this was so obvious it did not need to be mentioned, but it does!

    I don’t know if it is short sightedness or the excitement of the moment or just plain poor taste…but the result is the same, what was light and mysterious is now…icky!
    Sonya Lenzo

  3. Guess even “electronic” tee hee’s and giggles can make people lose sight of common sense! I agree with Sonya on this one.

    I’ve worried about intimate conversations being revealed by ex-boyfriends out of spite or anger. I can’t imagine having to worry about digital photos too! Yikes!

    Very good advice, April!


  4. I can’t stop laughing long enough to consider what the person was thinking.

  5. That tee hee I did not understand!!! I can guess!
    Yes, picture sharing when you don’t even know the person can be a dangerous thing!

  6. Seriously?!? Who, in their right mind, would do something like send a “photo” like that when you haven’t even met or even shortly after meeting for the first time? I’m going to throw an idea out there … the person who sent the “photo” was probably drunk-texting … your thoughts?

    Best, Neil

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