Christian Singles Socializing: OC Singles for Christ Makes It Easy and Comfortable to Meet Other Single Christians

The Christian singles at OC Singles for Christ are at it again. Their regular Friday night social, fellowship, food, and worship event is in Southern California’s Orange County Beach Cities town of Fountain Valley. You can find them online at
I’m always hearing from single Christians who are marriage minded and relationship motivated how hard it is to meet other great Christian singles. When I used to live in the San Francisco Bay Area after I was widowed, I attended a small-medium sized church and used to joke about how many single Christian guys there were at my church. Two. There were only 2 single Christian men at my church and one of them was literally my brother, not just my “brother in Christ.” Marriage motivated single Christians who are looking for God’s intended for them absolutely do need to attach the feet walk of faith of taking proactive actions in conjunction with their prayer requests to God for leading them to His choice for them.
By seeking out and attending Christian social and fellowship events, you more naturally then do meet lots of other eligible Christian singles.
The crowd of Christians who attend the O.C. Singles for Christ events are typically mostly the 30 something singles. They also do draw a pretty good sized crowd of about 100 – 150 people, so this is really well worth your time and Friday evening.
However, if you’re not 30 something, don’t worry. Go ahead and attend anyway. There are always a few singles from the other age groups who show up and attend as well, so keep an open mind if your over 40 or over 50 years old and looking.
Because it is a social event, you lose the meat market feel to some singles event which feel so awful, dreadful, and high pressure evoking bad memories of awkward moments from high school dances.
This evening’s agenda features starting off with dinner at 6:15 pm followed by the Jesica Specht Worship Band at 7:30. Lots of Christian Praise and Worship style of Christian Music together.
Following the worship time together will be 3 breakout groups, each with a topic tailored to enrich the lives of Christian Adults.
Group Breakout Workshop Options
- Pastor Thomas Rose will be teaching a series on The Holy Spirit.
- The second group is lead by Teaching-Pastor Joe VanRyckeghem who is presenting a Relationship Series of talks which features the metaphor of dancing which my blog followers already know I espouse, love, and ADORE! His will be more dance interactive, so wear some comfortable shoes if you plan on checking out that group.
- And the third group features Discussion Leader Grant Hill teaching on being An Irresistible Person based on the Mathew 4:19 verse from Scripture.
The fellowship dinner menu tonight features pizza and fresh green garden salad. A $5.00 donation is requested. A variety of desserts will be served for sharing and fellowshiping to wrap up the fun filled evening.
While this is a great event for SoCal Christian singles, if you are of another faith, you might still want to attend to stretch your social circle. Alternatively, if you live elsewhere, be inspired to look around your geo-local area to search out and attend a singles social event near you. If there aren’t any, start one!
Are there any Christian Singles Ministries in your area? Do chime in at the Blog Post Comments area and let me know what are the challenges and joys you’re having dating in your area. I’m also available as a Christian Dating and Relationship Speaker for your meetup group, or ministry events including one-days. This is what the Lord prepared me for in walking alongside my late husband and his battle with cancer.
Happy Dating and Relationships,
April Braswell
As seen in Dating for Dummies, 3rd Ed.
Topical Dating Expert Columnist for MidLife Singles at
April is a professional woman motivational speaker, author, coach, and consultant based in the Los Angeles / Orange County area of SoCal. To contact her to bring her in to speak to your business, association, place of worship, or club, contact her at April (at)
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