When Should Single Guys Give Their Single Mom Girlfriend a Mother’s Day Card?

When a single man dates a single mom, he can be wondering at this time of year whether or not he should give her a Mother’s Day card.  Or certainly by the time that their dating relationship has moved to courtship and they are committed and exclusive and are considering to segue to marriage, when should he give her a Mother’s Day card?

I’ll let you know, it varies.  Don’t you just hate reading that?

In general, I would recommend that he phone her and wish her a Happy Mother’s Day if they’ve been dating for a few months.  However, just about until you are seriously a couple, ideally more than 6 months, for the particular occasion of Mother’s Day, just give her verbal greetings and salutations to celebrate the day.

The unique challenge of Mother’s Day is that her being a mom and celebrating that is less romance inducing.  She loves being a mom.  You may even think it is really great that she’s a mom.  However, it ever so slightly detracts from her romantic life.  Not that it is exactly and either / or situation.

However, the more you focus on her being a mom when the two of you are together during your dating days with her, the less energy you devote to your romantic pursuit of her.

When you’re dating, focus your attentions on courting her as a WOMAN.  Her being a mom is, essentially secondary.  Treat her as a WOMAN.  Romance her.  Honoring her on Mother’s Day with a card is not romantic.  It is sweet.  It is tender.  It’s not romancing.  At least not right away.

Once you two are truly a couple and are in a relationship heading towards marriage, then you can make Mother’s Day romantic.  But early only, just treat it lightly.  Don’t ignore it completely.  Why?  Because she is a single mom.  This is a huge part of her life and a major part of her identity.

Let Single Mom's Kids Celebrate Her on Mother's Day
Let Single Mom’s Kids Celebrate Her on Mother’s Day

But Mother’s Day early on is really a day for her children to fête her.  It’s not so much your date to fête her.

Just do say something so she doesn’t inadvertently feel like you’re ignoring or neglecting her.

Talk with her in advance.  “Oh, how will your children celebrate the day with you?  I’d love to see you.  However, since it’s Mother’s Day, I don’t want to get in the way of your family celebration.”

What you might end up doing is taking her out to dinner that evening after her kids have celebrated by taking her to brunch or making her breakfast in bed at home.

Happy Dating and Relationships,

April Braswell

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April Braswell

April Braswell is internationally recognized as America's Midlife Dating and Relationship Mentor and the award winning expert columnist at DatingAdvice.com. Bringing over 40 years of Sales and Marketing expertise, April is a the trusted Small Business Consultant and Coach to Leading Executives and Emerging Leaders. Author of best seller, Get Swipe Right. April coaches marriage-minded men and women to find and attract love, your best life partner. Life Love Love relationship. Love after 40 and 50. Photos appear by licenses with iStock. All rights reserved.

Reader Interactions


  1. Excellent advice to help single men dating single mother’s. It is a bit tricky and requires some thought but acknowledging her special day & saying you dont want to get in the way sounds like the perfect way to handle it.


  2. That was an unusual article . Something that not many blokes would have thought about . Well done April .

  3. I think I’ve seen a lot of Mom’s so happy to get a Mothers Day card that the connection is not as defined. Having thought about it, I’d do it!

  4. Sound advice to prevent something awkward for a guy and single woman mommy.

  5. a guy has to think about these things or else hif girlfriend could get mad at him either way.

  6. I’ve had a single mother living with me for 5 years and she has one daughter who stays here a little more than half the time. I could not agree more with your advice… a mother’s day card isn’t romantic. It’s basically just a reminder that she has a lifelong connection to another man. Since she cannot have any more children due to complications from the first, we will never have that kind of connection ourselves. That’s why I got her 2 cards this mother’s day, so she has something to read while I’m spending the day at the massage parlor.

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