The San Diego association of Young Republicans, you know, the typical thirty and forty something locals who are members of the California Republican Party, are having their September 2011 monthly meeting this month on next Monday night.
What: SDYR September Monthly Mixer Meeting
When: Monday, September 26th 6:30 pm – 8:00 pm
Networking is from 6:30 – 7:00 pm with the meeting starting at 7:00 pm.
Where: Randy Jones All American Sports Grill
7510 Hazard Center Dr. Suite 215
San Diego, CA 92108
PH: 619-296-9600
A little background about the location, Randy Jones is a Cy Young winner and San Diego Padres baseball legend.
Now this month’s San Diego Young Republicans meeting features an opportunity to meet and listen to San Diego City Attorney Jan Goldsmith. Goldsmith combines a distinguished background from both the California State Assembly as well as Academia having served on 3 Law School faculties.
This means that for folks who attend this particular Young Republicans mixer you will have both a stimulating and intriguing guest speaker in Goldsmith to listen to plus this week’s Republican Debate to offer you ice breaking conversation fodder to talk with all of the other attendees at the event.
Ice Breaking Conversation Questions
Wow, did you live in Goldsmith territory when he was a State Assemblyman?
Did you know that Goldsmith was a Law School faculty member before being the San Diego City Attorney?
When you’re one of the young singles who often attend these political themed mixer meetings, do aim to arrive early for the general networking time which occurs in the half an hour prior to the actual meeting which starts at 7:00 pm. The networking time is from 6:30 – 7:00 pm. Yes, so that means for you to enjoy maximum efficacy for your time investment that you actually need to arrive on time at 6:30 pm or just around that time. You will lose out massively if you arrive fashionably late because you will completely miss the casual social time that the networking time is precisely targeted to assist you in.
Then stay for the whole meeting and special guest talk with Goldsmith! Stick around for awhile afterwards to discuss what he covered and ask more questions.
Happy Dating and Relationships,
April Braswell
Dating and Relationship Expert
As seen in Dating for Dummies, 3rd Edition
Most articles give thoughts and ideas about an event and I think it is great that, in addition, you give a little bit of background and posed two ice-breaker questions to help the socially-stunted individual.
Stay Extraordinary and Do Great Things, Neil
More good info on where to meet like minded people. I like the ice breaker questions!
Cherie Miranda
Holistic Health Expert
April, what a great place for quality people to meet other singles in the San Diego area
Scott Sylvan Bell
Reading male body language
Now go implement!
These types of political get togethers don’t work in Australia , as we don’t give a flying fig about politics . Comes from Australia starting life as a prison . No one is trusted less than a political figure . That is why we don’t hold any political figure in high esteem . Just the way we are .
I’m with John Moulder on the topic of politicians. I don’t have much time for them, it amuses me to see them being treated with such respect in many countries.
But that does not detract from the fact that this event could be a good one for meeting people. Thanks for your great advice!
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April, sounds like a great place for all the Young Republican Singles to meet and greet in San Diego.
Young Republicans seem to be all fired up as the Dems were a few years back. Why was that again? Anyway, an evening with City Attorney Jan Goldsmithis perhaps an unconventional San Diego singles events but when San Diego Young Republicans are all in one place with a common goal, September 2011 will surely be memorable. Thank you dating and relationship expert April.
Seems as if California is the haven for everyone with a social life.
How many events like this have you been to?
Always looking forward to more
~Mark Hogan
Just knowing the first words to say to start a conversation helps so much!
You just have the best website for singles, April!
Create a great day!
The idea of giving ice breaking questions is great…even if 2 people meet who both read your blog and said “Hey, did you get that question from April Braswell?” Now THAT is a great ice breaker!!!!!
Sonya Lenzo
Thanks April always helpful to know some useful tips on how to go about mingling in a new situation.
I may sound like a rookie…or just out of the game for too long, but is a mixer intended for singles or just a great opportunity to meet singles?
I think sometimes it would be better to attend an event that is not specifically intended for singles. Makes mingling a little easier, pressure may be off more, and you are there for a common interest so there is something to break the ice.
As the awesome professional relationship and dating expert that you are, would love your take on it.
Jennifer Battaglino
Tinnitus Reduction
I like the added touch of adding the ice breaker questions.
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I learn so much about the american life and how people socialize from your site!
Thanks April!
I always enjoy going to events where I can ask public officials questions. I generally don’t enjoy the answers.