Yup. Saturday morning is a GREAT time to load up your Dating Pipeline.
Get up.
Oh, I know. Your bed is SO comfortable. Warm. Cozy, inviting. You want to sleep in and enjoy some slug time.
I understand.
But let me ask you…
Are you single? Do you want some romantic companionship? Do you want to marry?
OK then.
Get up.
Shower. Dress. Freshen up your good grooming. Ladies, that means apply some light make up. (Think lip gloss, minerals make-up, mascara, you’re done). OK, a touch of aftershave for the gents or ONE touch of perfume for the ladies.
Now, go buy a newspaper from a periodical STORE where are people. Some are combination smoke shops and newspaper magazine stores. Ignore the cigs. It is not a political statement. You want the newspaper and the chance to say hello and make a casual comment about some headline. [Note 2019: I know by now it’s really challenging to find even 1 Periodicals store anymore, but where I used to live in both Cow Hollow in San Francisco and then Menlo Park on the Peninsula each time there was a really cool Periodicals store with a ton of magazines and newspapers from around the world, perfect for any sophisticated single’s conversation starter. Hard to find them these days. But if you can, seek it out regularly. ]
Wow, Queen Elizabeth seemed to really take a shine to Michelle Obama!
Smile. Let them say something back. Or not. Just light and breezy short sentences.
Now coffee. Yes. Go to the one with the LONGEST LINE. When you are single, lines are your friend. You will find SOME excuse to say hello to the person in front of you and behind you in line.
Some singles whine to me about doing this. What if the person in front or behind isn’t single.
Well, frankly, thank God if that is the case, because if your social skills are rusty, all the better to practice on people outside of your target market.
However, that is not the only point in doing this.
You are getting totally comfortable chit chatting with strangers. And you also nevah know… who is watching and observing you being so socially polished and poised.
When you DO this behavior, YOU are BEING YOUR most attractive.
And when you are BEING YOUR most attractive, you are magnetically attractive to others. They are drawn to you. You never know, they may start talking… to you!
And least you wonderful, I am walking my talk. I am UP and OUT QUITE early. AND I will make a point to PARK my car and GO INTO the McDonald’s for my coffee just to get to interact with PEOPLE and people there at a time I usually am not. Additionally, I am, yes, going to a business event. My expert advise DOES come from years of studying dating and relationships and with persuasion experts. And from field research. I live it as well as do my clients.
Happy Dating!
April Braswell
Great advice for singles…
Seize the Day,
Great points April. I do make it a habit to talk to just about anyone who will listen. that way i won’t clam up when i’m really interested in someone. of course i must be doing something wrong if i’m sitting at my keyboard on a saturday night!
Don Shepherd
That is excellent advice to go where you can meet other people. You are not going to meet anyone if you stay home.
Hi April,
As i have always wondered why Jessica Alba didn’t come knocking at my door and now I understand why!..lol No matter what field you are in getting out and about and mixing with people who can help you craft your skills and maybe just maybe meet that influencing person!
You always ahs great advice for the singles!
if your social skills are rusty, all the better to practice on people outside of your target market.
Dead right. When Pure Numerology shows that a person is an introvert, this advice is even more priceless. But we msut admit that for some personalities, they are absically born shy. Through constant vigilence & practice, this can be overcome.
To have a Pure Numerology Reading is a good starting point.
John Ho
I like your advice on talking to strangers Very good advice.
Darryl Pace
April, My latest approach to “chit chatting” is carrying flyers for the next singles dance in my purse. Then when I am in line or see an attractive man near me, I ask, are you single? Regardless of the answer, I say, “Oh if you were, I was going to invite you to this dance that I am doing the marketing for. If you aren’t, maybe you could pass this flyer along to someone who is.” It is a sort of non=threatening approach to say “HI”.
I tell my daughters not to talk to strangers. LOL
The DIY Lawyer
I really enjoy the way you write April.
GREAT advice. I like the way you find opportunities for being social at every point in the day. You’re so creative!
It’s a great incentive to get people to push past their fear and start talking to one another. When they do, they’ll find there’s rarely a reason to be afraid. I don’t know about you, but I’ve never taken offense to someone wanting to get to know me! 🙂
Great blog April. I’m loving it.
JJ Jalopy
I am going to need to apply your dating tips to my married life.
Bob Kaufer
Always be ready to encounter your dreams. If you go out of the house unkempt, well, when that other person comes along, your odds are not so good. And if you don’t go where people are, of course you won’t meet any.
Great Advice.
I’m a very social person. I never meet a stranger. I find people very intresting.
It’s good meet new people every day.
Lynn Lane
Enjoyed reading this. Married for 18 years, I don’t date anymore but it seems to make perfect sense: go where the people are, say things, make conversation in the places you frequent, become known, expand your scope.
April, You make this dating game sound fun and easy.
I’m at an intensive training seminar all weekend but will work on this for next weekend. Something to lok forward to!
All the best,
Great advice for getting out there and getting some.
Great advice for singles.
Ive been a fan of your posts for the last year…they are super!!!