This post is a little for the ladies who follow me, and for the men simply to enjoy and reap the benefits of women practicing excellent self-care and indulging in some weekly Femmy Pampering and excellent personal grooming.
Ladies, it is Saturday. You have in all likelihood been being your best business self all week long, which is kinda “Yang” in energy. As you segue into your weekend dating time, be sure to shift your energy to allowing your “attractive” and “receptive” “Yin” energy to emanate from you.
Femmy Pampering Self-Care DOs
Femmy Pampering Tip #1 – Dance to Music in Your Living Room: Turn on some fun dance music, plug your iPod into it’s house unit, pull the curtains, and dance around your living room to some Beyonce, Fergie, or Madonna. Yes, go ahead and tilt your head back and forth in some fun ridiculous manner.
If you are not laughing and giggling within 3 minutes, play another song until you do.
The goal is to shift into some fun girlie energy with this music aspect of femmy pampering. Be sure to giggle like when you were in high school. As you do this, you are nourishing your soul and feminine spirit with your practicing your femmy pampering.
Femmy Pampering Tip #2 – Get a Mani/Pedi: Ladies, it is Saturday! It is international Mani/Pedi day. Doesn’t it seem like we are always filling up the Nail Salons on Saturday? Yup. Go ahead. Go treat yourself to a manicure and pedicure.
If you want to keep things frugal with your budget, then go to Sally Beauty and pick up some great Orly nail polish bottles and give yourself a manicure at home using some of the hot new nail products. Apparently “Matte Colors” are what is in-style for the Fall 2009. However, as we segue into the Holiday season, if it is more your style to celebrate with a little frost or glitter for festive nails go ahead and go with that. Think Autumnal shades of Burgundy or Merlot with a touch of gold frost.
If you are planning on hiking this weekend or next weekend and are laughing right now over the idea of your bothering with colored nail polish because of using your hands while hiking, no worries. Go ahead and get a pedicure with a super fun shade of some interesting color like a near black like Kim Kardashian wears and combine with a natural manicure and use nail oil to nourish your cuticles and nails before and after your hike. The contact with dirt and rocks will have a drying effect. Sip your water and hydrate your hands and nails later.
Even if you are a sporty type, you can have feminine nails. You’re not going to want to have major finger nail enhancements. Lotion your hands often for softness, use nail oil each evening, and just apply a simple clear nail strengthener to your finger nails and keep your nail color play to your toe nails.
Femmy Pampering Tip #3 – Slather Up with Lotion: It always seems like when I’m in the South and South East I can get fabulous femmy perfumy lotions at just the Wal*Mart or Drug Store. And they smell marvelous. However, the brands at most Wal*Marts right now, the perfume is very cheap smelling. So, what I recommend is that you slather up massively with a more neutral smelling cream like an unscented nut butter or shea butter cream. And then lightly use the more fragrance lotion sisters from the drug stores and chains for your femmy pampering.
If you have a touch more money in your purse for your femmy pampering budget, try the body cream or lotion of your favorite perfume or any of the delightful fragrant lotions from Crabtree and Evelyn. Their perfume quality is higher. Again, remember to go lightly on it. You want to aim to radiate feminine fragrance softly with your femmy pampering and avoid where it is aggressively overbearing.
Do this femmy pampering rituals in the morning and the afternoon before your hot Saturday night date, and you will by then already be in your more relaxed, soft and receptive feminine “Yin” energy for your date, making you more magnetically attractive for locating, finding, and attracting your Soul Mate.
Happy Dating and Relationships,
April Braswell
Any ideas for equivalent “massie” pampering?
– Rock out to Guitar Hero or Rockband
– Play your favourite sport (to really work those hands and feet)
– Explore half a dozen beers you’ve never drunk before
and then get together with a pampered femmy!!
Martin Wright
Yap, cheap smelling prefume does turn off men (at least me anyway).
Self care is so important before we can really enjoying helping others.
John Ho
Hi John,
Thanks for stopping by my blog and commenting. Indeed, yes, what I want to encourage women to do is to treat themselves with Quality items, because we/they themselves are Quality. Even if it has to be on a frugal well-stewarded budget, better to invest in the best quality perfumes and make them last.
Like Love.
Best Quality!
Make it Last! 🙂
Happy Dating and Relationships,
Great ideas for the ladies. Good ideas for us men to use to give our significant other a nice treat.
Health, Fitness for Working People — Darryl Pace
The best part about pampering is the time a person takes to take care of themselves. Everyone needs some alone time to reflect and keep themselves centered. This helps us to stay focused on our goals and objectives both for our relationships and in the other areas of our life.
As always, great advice.
Steve Chambers
The value one places on themselves is reflected in the care they give themselves. I agree with you completely, April.
Lyle R. Johnson
Sales Pitch is Aggressive Term