How to Meet a Quality Life Mate Singles Dating Expert Help: Attending School Reunions
How to Meet a Quality Mate Singles Dating Expert Advice, Help, and Tips: Attend Class Reunions

One of the top dating expert advice I can suggest to singles around the country from LA to Chicago to Dallas to Boston and Princeton and New York and Philadelphia to Georgetown is to attend class reunions.
Certainly as a single who is looking, you may have heard this successful singles suggestion before. However, just because you may have perhaps heard this dating expert advice before that does not dilute or diminish its value for you and its efficacy for enhancing your dating social life.
As a top dating expert in SoCal, I have interviewed now-married couples and inquired as to how they met and what brought the two of them together in marriage.
One of the Cupids Arrows that brought them together, I have repeatedly heard was “Attending Class Reunions.” This can be effective for you a 20 something single attending a Young Alumni reunion event to the reunions of High School or College on the occasions of their 10th, 15th, 25th and beyond class reunions.
When you’re a single in your twenties, you might think that attending a Young Alumni reunion would be a waste of your time. However, what can be very cool and beneficial to you in going to a Young Alumni reunion event it that often you will get a mix of young alumni from your class plus the added benefit of other alumni quite often from the school, college, or university classes closely surrounding your class by a few years. It means that you will get the feature of mixing things up just a little bit without meeting a group of people from an interest background completely foreign to you.
When you’re single and over 30 years old, 40 years old, and over 50 years old, attending reunions means again you do get to mix it up and mingle with your fellow classmates plus you will frequently have the experience of a handful of “Friends of Your Class Year” in attendance as well.
You all have an immediately safe topic of conversation for small talk to reminisce both about the school, college, or university which you all attended, as well as the town, and sports teams and local events.
Quite often a flirtation can start here either with a fellow classmate, or with the close friend or relative who joined them as well that evening.
If you are widowed, you might attend the reunion of your late spouse especially if you were well-acquainted with friends of theirs from school. It gives you an easy connecting and talking topic. And who hasn’t heard of Later In Life romances and marriages springing up and blooming between the widowed mate and a close friend of their late spouse?
Remember to break away from the crowd of the herd sometimes and go up to the bar, which in a hotel can be fairly decently light so you actually can talk to each other and see each other. Go ahead and wear your class reunion badge and sport it as an Ice Breaker. In particular, don’t go aiming to pick someone up. Instead, go with the goal of simply MEETING people and engaging in conversations. However, do come equipped with your business or personal card ready to exchange cards easily, casually, and comfortably with a easy and low-key invitation to have coffee together in the week ahead. Be sure to make the casual invitation for a time within the next 7-10 days to keep the acquaintanceship warm.
It helps to keep things moving and the acquaintanceship fresh while avoiding our nervousness kicking in with a defensive mechanism to protect ourselves and shield from rejection by having too much time pass and the other party then just postponing rather than take a new chance on romance.
Aim to be just a little flirty and most just warm and friendly, still as a MAN or as a WOMAN. Don’t try to be their BUDDY. They should have a feel that you’re interested in dating but not feel yet pressured to do so. The simple and easy Coffee Date request here is so low-key, it’s almost covertly hypnotic in its ease to elicit and acquiescence to agree to meet and actually do so. Once you’re there for the coffee, then you can express a little more clearly and overtly an interest in dating, and play it by ear about their readiness to do so. For singles over 45, 50, 55 and 60, the midlife men and women can sometimes be freshly widowed or divorced and be interested in getting back out there and dating. However, their pace in doing so may be a little slower than someone in their early-mid-30s using the Dating Apps and charging straight after a LTR and a wedding down the aisle. Having the coffee allows you to gauge the pace and accommodate it while being clear in a tactful manner about your distinct interest in romance.
Another wonderful thing about class reunion and various alumni events is that the full range of them typically occur all year long. There are Homecoming Events in the Fall. The Thanksgiving and Christmas Holidays season for local high schools and colleges anticipating the locals return from their college or graduate school studies. Volunteer to be a van service pick up from where the Airport Shuttle drops everyone at the Nice downtown hotel to swoop in and ferry a few van loads to the informal Friday night soiree at a local eating establishment. Don’t worry if your 55 and most of the crowd is in their 20s or early 30s. Just be friendly. What? They don’t have parents becoming newly single? And because you’re not going with the aim to pick someone up, your just being friendly puts everyone at ease. And you can always just tell the young women that you’re looking for someone to date with your shared educational background. If they know of anyone, they can make a casual introduction. If not, no harm no foul. You were just being friendly anyway, right?
Keep an open mind. Do attend your own class reunion events, and hook yourself up with your friends, singles and married, and sometimes tag along with them to some of their class reunions to mix things up and quickly and easily slip yourself into a social crowd who is familiar but whom perhaps you haven’t socialized with for a least 5 – 25 years. You never know when the Cupids Arrow you select will strike home for lasting love.
What are your plans this weekend? Get out. Bring a friend with you and aim to make or renew some new friendships as well. When you are having fun and being loving, you are your most attractive. Be open to love, and love will find you. It has to, because it comes from the wonderful quality inside of you first.
Happy Dating and Relationships,
April Braswell
SoCal Internet Dating and Relationship Expert
As seen in Dating for Dummies, 3rd Edition
April, a good friend of mine had tried a lot of your other advice but to no avail. He was very shy. But he went to his 40th class reunion and hooked up with a wonder ful woman…and they are still dating. I believe they have found their true soul mates.Many people at 25 and above reunions are single again…and you have a lot in common!
Sonya Lenzo
I almost forgot to add this point…dont bring a date to your high school reunion. Yes, I know you want to impress everyone with you hot date…but that is not the way to meet someone new!!! Or to renew old friendships!
Sonya Lenzo
maybe third time is the charm…storms here in Costa Rica affecting typing…would you suggest putting your profile online before a high school reunion or to wait til afater???
Sonya Lenzo
April, I have talked to people who rekindled relationships at reunions. I can see how this would be an easy dating environment because they already have a relationship built.
Yours In Health!
Dr. Wendy
How To Strengthen Your Core
I wouldn’t normally have thought of school re-unions as possible date-finding places, but you raise several very valid points about their efficacy – and of course the statitics prove that you are indeed right! Thanks for the latest thing to add to the armoury of the seeking single!
EcoFriendlyMatters @ EcoFriendlyLink
LED lights at home are expensive at first but save you money – and look fabulous!
April, what a brilliant way to meet singles, you have so many great ideas of where to go to find someone special.
Scott Sylvan Bell
Body language of women’s accessories
Now go implement!
When I want to learn anything, usually I start for the dummy collection. Great resource. Thanks
Lapiceros Publicitarios Lima
At first I was really surprised that you would suggest meeting singles at a class reunion. On further reflection, you do have a common starting place for conversation. Informative as always April!
Excellent advice, get out more, mix with as many people as possible, there is someone out there just for you.
reunions are very strange place to start a relationship. We usually meet at the same landscape where you left 10 or 20 years ago. The perception is old but the real person is up to date. How do you reconcile the time gap?
Interesting, April, and at my Reunions – I’ve gone to too many and they are getting smaller (the life expectancy thing) – the people there are just too old for serious consideration. (My Bad)
Lyle R. Johnson
Memes Evolution, Increases Sales
When you are having fun and being loving, you are your most attractive – amen!
Makes sense. I wouldn’t have considered class reunions as a place to meet potential partners before reading this post.
Cherie Miranda
When To Meditate
THe tip of going to “friend of Class Year” is something I never would have thought of … thanks.
Lyle R. Johnson
Sales Access to Non-Conscious
Would have never thought of a class reunion as a potential place to meet someone but it makes all the sense in the world.
MGM Films
Interesting….as it happens, I have a class reunion coming up and I am still debating as to whether to go or not.
Be Well.
I would love to attend a reunion, my schools closed some 10 years ago and no one is trying to set one up…it’s a same I’d love to see all those people.
Sales Expert
April, what a great read about dating and class reunions. My wife Kim and I met again at my 20 Year class reunion by a mutaul friend from school. That first night we talked for 5 1/2 hours on the phone, running her cell phone dead and then talking on her home phone.
At that point after a bad divorce and custody battle and gaining full custody of my son. I didn’t even think of getting married again. Kim has been a blessing to my son and I and truly made our lives spectacular. This coming October will be our fourth year anniversary and I know we will enjoy many more years together.
John and Kim Wilson
Married 10/10/10 at 10 am on the beach in St Augustine Florida.