Online Dating Expert – Assess For Your Week Ahead
Hey there. On a Sunday evening I will often go over the previous week and assess where we are. This is one of those best practices I have learned from the trenches of successful selling and Sales Management. Before you start your week, reflect on and assess the past week, and then plan your week ahead.
As an Online Dating Coach part of what I recommend both for myself and my dating coach clients who are smart singles wanting a relationship is to establish the habit of assessing the dates and activities of the week before.
This is for single men and single women who are committed to getting married/life partner relationship. If you’re single and cool with that for now then these are not for you.
Did you invest at least on average an hour a day to meeting new people and getting out, to placing yourself to meet new people?
How is it going?
First, are actually having short conversations with NEW people?
Frankly, if you are RUSTY with doing this, do NOT start with the single whom you find tremendously attractive. Start with the sweet little old ladies at Safeway. When you are in the produce section, ask her a question about whatever produce she is purchasing. “How do you tell that cantaloupe is really ripe?” or “I’ve been interested in organic produce. Why do you pay the premium price for organic?”
Notice both those questions were OPEN ENDED.
By which I mean, they invite the person to utter a few sentences to you.
Not a YES/NO answer.
You are PRACTICING here. Banter. Flirt. 3-5 sentences each. Thank her and move on.
OK. Skill set was developed.
Now then.
Are you meeting people whom are dating quality and caliber for you?
Now mind you, I DO want you to date those to whom you are actually attracted.
HOWEVER! I do NOT want you to ONLY date YOUR equivalent of I MUST date only
VCs worth 2 million…
Britney Spears or her twin…
Last months’ Playboy Playmate…
I want you to DATE Real People.
Now I do get both men and woman who are picky. Oye, who isn’t? We are all picky about SOMETHING. And they only want to date those who are qualified. One of the purposes of dating is to practice your communication skills AND to explore additional facets of yourself, try new things.
However, if you ain’t been on a date whatsoever last week, last month, last quarter (last year?!!!), you MUST get out, break THAT habit state of NOT dating which your brain is in and DATE others.
A Date
A Date is NOT, “We are getting married.”
A DATE IS, “I find SOMETHING about you attractive and appealing and am interesting in pursuing that further for
an hour
90 mins
3 hours
an evening…”
More on assessing tomorrow. This is LONG enough!
Happy Dating and Relationships,
April Braswell
Flirting and having fun sounds like a good idea to meet guys!