Where to Meet Divorced Men Over 50: Help for Mature Single Women After 40
Meeting Divorces Men Over 50: Where the Boys Are, Now That They’re Midlifers

Many single women after 40 are looking to meet divorced men over 50 as a target ideal prospect potential mate. Many men over 50 have already been married before, being either divorced or widowed, and make terrific future life partners or husbands having a clear idea of what marriage entails. Many do have profiles at the Midlife Dating sites, but don’t just look there. Where can you find and meet divorced men over 50 out in daily life? Read on to discover more about them and where to encounter them casually, naturally, and organically!
A lot of the single men over 50 after their divorce they often are no longer living in super large houses in the suburbs. Many of them lost the house to their ex-wife in their divorce. Alternatively, in the current economy, many divorcing couples were forced to sell their houses as part of the divorce procedure. Sometimes no one got the house in the divorce settlement.
That’s good news for the single woman over fifty who is looking for some good casual spots to meet mature men outside of the singles bar scene which you could find and frequent on a weekly basis. There are quite a lot of places to meet divorced men over 50 which require a bigger time and financial commitment, but those are in other articles here.
Where can you now find some of those over fifty year old single divorced men? What is one of the places they will have to go now on a regular basis? This list targets the easy-to-find places divorced men over might frequent on a weekly or at least a few times a month basis. The more periodic venues are covered in other articles.
Finding Elusive Midlifers: Places to Meet Divorced Men Over 50 Venue #1
Many of them are now headed to your local public laundromat on the weekends. Their new apartment complex might have a laundry facility on premises. Or it might not. Most of the guys are doing their laundry on a Saturday morning. So if you are going to do anything at the laundromat, do it Saturday morning. Go it for any excuse you want to do some front line reconnaissance to see what time on Saturday morning seems to draw the most men. Alternatively, a single man in his 60s who is then likely retired can do his laundry any day of the week. So if you are looking for a senior single sixties man, then poke your head into the laundromat on weekday mornings.
Where to Meet Divorced Men Over 50 Venue #2
Many of them are splitting custody of their children with their ex-wives. That means, the kids are over visiting them. It is not uncommon that at least in the first year of divorced life that these mature men, newly single and fending for themselves in the kitchen now, are not the best cooks for family meals.
So that means they will be eating dinner out at least some of the nights when they have the kids. They are not taking their 5 year old to Flemings Steakhouse for dinner, with the aged beef and its corresponding well-worth it price tag.
They are eating at a family style restaurant which are kid friendly. That can be from the local Chinese restaurant to the Pizza Joint to the Coffee Shop/Diner sort of restaurant.
Aim to eat at one mid-week on a Wednesday or a Thursday night. Sit near the front so you can see everyone coming in and out. Place yourself at your table so that you are facing the door and can be seen by everyone as they come in. Smile, make eye contact, and nod your head in that casual “it means nothing, I am doing this with everyone” sort of way. However, it breaks the ice for him to likely and even just automatically smile, nod his head back and perhaps even utter the phrase, “Good Evening.” And that is what you desire. When he does say, “Good evening,” smile again and comment. Say something. Almost anything. “What beautiful kids you have…” He can get your card or your number when he pays the bill if he found you attractive according to his personal taste.
Where to Find Single Divorced Men in Their Fifties Venue #3
Following up further on this idea of their learning to be single bachelors fending for themselves alone in the kitchen again now, many of these guys aren’t looking to cook a major 3 course meal for themselves every night.
There is a very funny tv ad from a few years ago for Carls Junior. It shows a guy standing in the produce aisle at the grocery store holding up a single baking potato. Staring at it and staring at it. The ad’s tagline was, “If it weren’t for us, some guys would starve to death.”
They are looking for small, super easy, and super quick meals to stick in the microwave and heat and eat in minutes. This means they are not hanging in the produce section at Mother’s Market and Kitchen Healthfood stores or even the local Ralphs. They are over in the Pre Fab, Ready to Heat food areas of the grocery stores. Yes, in the frozen food section where the microwavable chimichangas are. Think “guy food in minutes.” The Dinty Moore stew and canned chili sections.
Just know where these foods are located in your local store and swing by those aisles, looking good, and also knowledgeable. Do this especially in the frozen foods section. They can ask you a female food expert question and break the ice. Talk with others easily while you are shopping so the guys who are there see that you are approachable and easy to talk with.
These are outward body language signals to him that you would be open to his at least approaching you to break the ice without immediately rebuffing him. That encourages a man. They do want to feel that they will not immediately be humiliated and suffer the humiliation of rejection. It’s never fun and it always hurts. Your display of your attractiveness and approachability signals him that you’re OK and open to being approached by others in public, like by him!
Happy Dating and Relationships,
April Braswell
As seen in Dating for Dummies, 3rd Edition
Dating Again After Divorce Advice For Women: Taking Back Your Maiden Name?
Should You Lie About Your Age in Your Online Dating Profile?
Online Dating Faux Pas in “Happily Divorced”
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- When you are newly back in the Dating Game now looking to date again after your divorce…
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I am singel.i waiting a girl patner from scotland
Your account of where to meet single men over 50 is great. I just want to add a few more thoughts. Women over 40 like safe places to meet a potential partner. Therefore, bookstores (where you can order a cup of coffee and read a magazine), political organizations (where someone with like viewpoints will be there), adult education classes, wine tasting, meetup groups, etc are benign places to meet and still enjoy what you would do anyway. Thanks for your great article.
Hi Amy, you’re very sweet to join in the conversation here. Yes, those are great places to meet, too. I’ve already cited them in other blog posts. Are you single yourself? Partnered up?
Cheers and blessings,