Today is Palm Sunday and we have started what is known as Passion Week. We are still in the Season of Lent. The more Liturgical Churches are the ones who celebrate Passion Week. However, the Evangelical Protestants can still go to services as well. Just because your church might not be holding services throughout this week does not mean you have to stay at home and be stuck.
In fact, the very fact that your church is not holding services this week can be a very good way for you to politely to have the perfect excuse to attend services at other churches without it being any kind of a negative reflection on your church. You’re not being “unfaithful” as a Single Christian to attend services elsewhere. You’re just going to Passion Week services…. yeah.
So take a look at the variety of services in the week ahead.
Some of the days like Good Friday offer multiple services throughout the day. So you could attend a service near your office at lunch time and another service closer to home in the evening. The idea is to locate other churches to attend without just having to wait for Sunday forever to find meet, mingle, and socialize with your fellow Christians in a comfortable manner. There are literally about 9 – 10 services this week for you to choose from, work with and play with. That gives you something like at least 2 or 3 additional potential other Christian churches for you to visit.
Now, when you visit this week, the service you attend, you may not meet and really get to become acquainted with the church members who are there. However, this may be the first time you go to that church and your doing so now this Passion Week before Easter to break the ice with the other church. It will give you a taste of what they are like. Of what the options there are.
And then plan to attend another service another time, an Adult Bible Study on another weekend day or something. It’s just that Passion Week is like the Christian intensive of services where you can accelerate the use of your time to break the ice with multiple churches in just one week which any other time of the year would take you weeks and even months to do.
So go ahead and leverage your time this week to become familiar with other churches and for you to become familiar to the members who are there. We are instructed to be bold to ask God for what we want and to pursue it actively. God speed the day when you then meet your Soul Mate as a result of taking action on a regular basis.
Happy Dating and Relationships,
April Braswell
Click here to apply to have April write your professionally written internet dating profile.
Professional Internet Dating Profile Writing and Review
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Gosh April, those tips are so interesting! I wouldn’t have thought of using Passion Week to advantage, well done!
Latest post up:
Hi April!
I think this week is an excellent moment to meet new people and attend other churches.
Specially in Spain for the Good Fryday and the rest of the Saint Days ( that’s how we call them) people move a lot and participate in many religious events, even though maybe during the rest of the year they do not participate that much.
Great advice to meet people and participate on the religious events from other churches!
Adult Bible studies are such a wonderful way of meeting people! I totally agree with you here!
This is the week a lot of people go to church who haven’t gone throughout the year. To you all, I wish you a Happy Easter.
Your tip reminds me of an expression, but I can’t remember it. Go fishing when the fish are biting? In other words, take advantage of the variety of events that are available!
Stay Cool!
Naomi Bettencourt
Excellent place for like minded singles people to meet : )
Reading Body Language
One other thing I would like to add to the great theme you have going here… a great way to meet people at even a larger church is to volunteer. When I joined a very large church in Chicago, I volunteered to serve coffee after the largest service on Sunday. It gave me a good opportunity to say hi and how did you like the service/the music/the weather/etc? to anyone who looked interesting.
Sonya Lenzo
The idea of adult bible studies makes so much sense as you have time to get to know one another as well as your beliefs. Makes for a great way to meet as well as develop rapport.
Great tip as always Ms. Braswell!
Jen B
Personalized Empowerment – Face Your Fear
This is a very cool idea for getting out and meeting people and increasing your “exposure” whle still enjoying the variety of flavor that being in a new or different church environment can bring.
Dewayne Chriswell
It seems like Easter and Christmas are the times when people, who don’t go to church regularly, go to church. Which might make it a better time to really get out there to mix-n-mingle!
Great article, April. This really gives Christian singles a number of actions they can take themselves and not only pray that God will see fit to give them a husband or wife in the faith.