OCYR Monthly Mixer in The City of Orange September 29 2011
What: September Monthly Mixer of the Orange County Young Republicans – OCYR
When: Thursday, September 29, 2011 6:30 pm – 9:30 pm
Where: The District Lounge, 223 W. Chapman Avenue, Orange, CA
This month’s mixer of the Orange County Young Republicans political club is hosted by City of Orange’s Councilman, Denis Bilodeau. Because so much of Orange County is comprised of strip malls, all too often people can get the impression that absolutely everything is made up of malls and franchises. However, The OC is sprinkled with many unique restaurant gems. The City of Orange offers its own individual bars and restaurant finds for your enjoyment as you sip your cocktails and hob nob with your fellow Southern California conservatives, your fellow Republicans.
The OC’s Young Republican club differs from a number of the other Young Republican clubs I cover in that they seriously rotate which of the Orange County cities is featured and hosts the mixer each month. This means that it has the ability to really reach out to the variety of Republicans in Orange County. Additionally that means that no one single area of The OC is overly serviced while another is neglected in the rotation.
This also means that you will meet a slight variety of people each month. By having the mixer in a different city and a different restaurant/bar each month, the event naturally draws different Orange County residents from different cities. So you can go to any of the mixers that you want, and you will always see a few of the stalwarts like the club officers. As well, you’ll meet some different club members or prospectives in each city. You don’t have to go to each month’s mixer. However, when you do have the opportunity to go to a few, you’ll always meet some new people each time that you attend.
Part of what is so great with attending the Young Republican club mixers that I’ve attended is the group is very open to chatting with anyone who shows up. We all figure you are something of a kindred spirit. The club in San Francisco where I was a member, quite a number of us socialized with each other over time outside of the YR monthly mixers as well. So they really proved to be an excellent investment of your social time to expand your social circle. And yes, some couples and even engagements did form over time as well!
This is my first time at the OCYR mixer. Isn’t it great that they rotate the city? Which of the venues have you liked best this year?
Happy Dating and Relationships,
April Braswell
Marriage Minded Dating and Relationship Expert
As seen in Dating for Dummies, 3rd Edition
April, thanks again for the detailed description of what sounds like an interesting opportunity to meet other people. I’ll be checking back for additional information.
Great that you can meet a variety of people each month! Sounds like a good event for like minded people to meet.
Cherie Miranda
Holistic Health Expert
Ahhh … variety is the spice of life. I really appreciate how you take the time to toss us socially awkward folk a few ice-breaker gems to get the ball rolling.
Stay Extraordinary and Do Great Things, Neil
I think it’s great that you recommend such diverse events for singles to attend and meet others. Since this is your first OCYR mixer, should we expect a post about how the event went?
The Masters of the Mind: Will Smith Quotes on Mindset
I must confess that I would have never thought of a political gathering as a great place for singles to meet but, after reviewing your article, it certainly makes sense to me. This is especially true in an election year.
I can see how this would be a great place to meet people who share your political and social beliefs and that’s a good start to a great relationship.
It looks like it’s all happening in Orange County . All of these events certainly make it easy to make new friends ,
The idea of rotating cities is really good because I am sure that you have more opportunities to meet new people and at the same time go to new places!
Los Angeles singles should listen up to expert dating tips. Orange County singles that are young Republicans will really enjoy meeting other like minded people at the Sept Happy Hour Monthly Mixer in this different location.
Sounds like a great place for like-minded young Republican singles to meet and possibly fall in love. Maybe this is the Real OC?
Love the Kindred Spirit.
Makes You Feel More at Home!
Are You Alive?
I have seen a several mixers for Republicans. Do they have any for Democrats (as I know CA has it’s fair share)? Are is just the conservatives who like to socialize and mix?