OC Singles Event: Annual Taste of Greece Festival Irvine

Starts today and runs through this weekend in The OC.

After the popularity of Hollywood film, “My Big Fat Greek Wedding,” which inspires a lot of single women to be happy with whatever their size and shape and to enjoy their own ethnic heritage while falling in love with Toula Portokalos’ large extended Greek family.

Saint Paul’s Greek Orthodox Church in Irvine, CA is hosting it’s 33rd Annual “A Taste of Greece Festival” starting today and runs through this weekend in Orange County, CA.

The festival offers quite a variety of Greek traditions for you to sample.

Greek food (of course!), as well as Greek pastries and wine tasting in a Taverna.  There will be Greek Folk Dancing Lessons as well as Greek Cooking Demonstrations as well as Crafts and a Boutique area with items from around the world.  Additionally, if you have never been inside of a Greek Orthodox Church, St. Paul’s Greek Orthodox Church will additionally provide guided tours of the church where you can learn about the special art of the church and learn about Greek Christian Orthodoxy’s position in the history of Christianity.

The environment is, no surprise for fan’s of the “My Big Fat Greek Wedding” movie, fun, festive, and family-friendly.

So you might be wondering why I am suggesting this as an event for OC Singles to attend.  Because yes Greek Folk Dance, the men dance with the men, and the women with the women, so that won’t be offering you a chance to flirt with a stranger! lol.  Still, because there are so many interactive learning, tasting, and trying opportunities over the course of the weekend that you will certainly very comfortably and casually be meeting and yes exactly interacting with lots of new people.  And just a few of them just might so happen to be single!


Additionally, one of the characteristics of a happy courtship and a happy marriage is the weaving in of “periodic newness.”  You want to continue to stretch, be interesting and interested, and grow as a person.  When you attend the 33rd Annual “A Taste of Greece” Festival in Irvine, surely you will learn several new things this weekend!  You’ll probably sip a Greek wine.  Perhaps you will participate in some of the Greek Food Cooking demonstrations.  And I hope you will kick up your heels, move, and dance!  Now you have something interesting to email your Potential Dates about at the internet dating sites and zesty conversation fodder for your first few dates with new people you are meeting at the online dating sites as well!

Have a marvelous time!  Opah!  Festival Website with the schedule of events and tours: Annual A Taste of Greece Festival Irvine CA

Happy Dating and Relationships,

April Braswell

Dating and Relationship Expert

As seen in Dating for Dummies, 3rd Edition


Ms. Braswell leads Internet Dating Success Workshops for singles of all ages in both Orange County and San Diego Count. To hear about the workshops in detail and the dates of the workshops, just sign up for her ezine in the Right Hand Column of her popular blog.

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April Braswell

April Braswell is internationally recognized as America's Midlife Dating and Relationship Mentor and the award winning expert columnist at DatingAdvice.com. Bringing over 40 years of Sales and Marketing expertise, April is a the trusted Small Business Consultant and Coach to Leading Executives and Emerging Leaders. Author of best seller, Get Swipe Right. April coaches marriage-minded men and women to find and attract love, your best life partner. Life Love Love relationship. Love after 40 and 50. Photos appear by licenses with iStock. All rights reserved.

Reader Interactions


  1. Greek festivals are among the most fun and the food is awesome. Irvine singles will be there in droves as always this is one of the best things you can do in Orange County.

  2. We have a huge Greek population in Australia , and therfore quite a few festivals around the country . I think Melbourne has the biggest Greek population outside of Greece . Lovely people . You should be able to meet someone nice at one of their festivals .

  3. Irvine is such a planned community so it’s a wonderful night to explore ethnic culture there! 🙂

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