Northern NJ Singles Dating Tip: Celebrate Father’s Day Nutley Street Fair

Held along Franklin Avenue in Nutley, NJ, the local Father’s Day celebration features a lot of the classic local town fair items we’ve come to expect and cherish over the years but which you just don’t find at every local festival anymore.  Items like pony rides, petting zoo, face painting, and temporary tattoos (one of my favorites!). These are terrific wholesome family fun activities and the are all low-tech and encourage enjoying yourselves with the simple things in life and not being entertained perpetually with a digital gaming app.

What Do Father’s Day Public Festivities Have to Do with Singles Seeking A Mate?

Yes, it’s Father’s Day and much of the fun things to do are geared towards kids.  So if your a single in Northern Jersey, you might be wondering what on earth am I thinking to suggest you go have a good time celebrating Father’s Day at a local family fun festival like this annual festive gem in Nutley, New Jersey on Franklin Ave.

Well, if you’re single, get up off your coach, power down your laptop, get out and about and when you select where to go, look for crowds. Yes, it’s ok. You can bring your smart phone and take scads of photos while you’re there. So don’t worry that I’m suggesting you complete separate yourself from your digital life.

Every Weekend Look for Events Offering Mingling Opportunities

Aim to get out and about and go where there will naturally be a number of other people.  There can be single divorced dads there delighted that this gives them a play date for their kids without having to organize and coordinate families’ afternoon time.

What to Do If You Live Nowhere Near Nutley, NJ?

Even if you don’t live in the nearby Nutley area, take this fun application of your Daters’ Mindset and seek ways to apply it in your area and any local events near where you live.

Hockey fans who know me will be delighted to discover that the sponsoring organization is none other than Nutley High Hockey League Booster Club.  Give them a hand, have some fun, and know your dollars are benefiting a fun local cause I can sure get behind:  Hockey!

The festivities start at 10 am and run until 5 pm and has no ticket cost.  Yes, a free event to attend!  Our favorite price of admission.

If you’re not too full after all the food and goodies which’ll featured at the festival, might I suggest stopping off at Applegate Farm’s Nutley location at 397 Centre Street, just around the corner from N. Franklin Ave. to enjoy some ice cream? Super yummy.  Trust me.

Happy Dating and Relationships,

April Braswell

Dating and Relationship Expert

As seen in Dating for Dummies, 3rd Edition

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April Braswell

April Braswell is internationally recognized as America's Midlife Dating and Relationship Mentor and the award winning expert columnist at Bringing over 40 years of Sales and Marketing expertise, April is a the trusted Small Business Consultant and Coach to Leading Executives and Emerging Leaders. Author of best seller, Get Swipe Right. April coaches marriage-minded men and women to find and attract love, your best life partner. Life Love Love relationship. Love after 40 and 50. Photos appear by licenses with iStock. All rights reserved.

Reader Interactions


  1. A free event is a great way to meet single dads. The Father’s Day Nutley Street Fair is bound to be a great time and another great suggestion from a dating and relationship expert. Being from Jersey however, how can you not bring up the best pizza on the planet?

  2. I love those kinds of events! You always meet a lot of people that just want to spend a nice day outside with family and friends, they are also great places to meet other singles, and as you suggest, that migth have kids just like you!

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