Single-never-married women ask me about what special insider secret dating tips do I recommend to use when dating a guy to see if he is really good husband material. Certainly, looking for character attributes of kindness, thoughtfulness, diligence, and generosity are important character traits to be looking for demonstrations of. See how he treats cashiers. What about how he tips wait staff? Is he cheap? Is he a spendthrift? One really great successful relationship insider secret I can give you for free is to observe how he treats his mother. Many of his positive character attribute displays will be proven in how he treats his mother. Twofold, of course you do not want a man whose mother still has him dangling after her every whim on her apron strings. Certainly should that behavior surface, just stop dating him now. She is still number 1 and there will be no room for you.
However, the majority of men, that simply is not the case anyway. What you want to be looking for are all the acts of thoughtful kindness he does for her. You might not be around her this coming Mother’s Day, on the occasion of her birthday, or any other special days celebrated in conjunction with their family religion. Yet you can still see evidence of his cherishing behavior towards her in honor of Mother’s Day by asking some simple questions. While you two are watching television over the next day or two or enjoying a meal out together, you will likely see a commercial for something being positioned as a great gift idea for Mother’s Day. That is when you can ask and it flows naturally with the course of things. Simply ask, “Oh, what are you giving your Mamma for Mother’s Day?” Don’t stare him in the eye like this is a major question and you are taking notes. Because of course, that is not what you are doing anyway. You are a research scientist simply observing the single man. There is no judgment. Instead, you are gathering data.
What is his response?
“Yeah, I got her a card.”
“Yeah, I got her a present.”
“Sure, I sent her a gift certificate.”
“Uh huh. Giving her flowers on Sunday when I go over.”
“Yup. I’m taking her to brunch on Sunday. Didn’t I tell you?”
The only one that is something of a flag, not exactly a dramatic flaming waving red flag, but still a warning flag is the first response. Getting her a card, only a card. Now if he is in high school, college, or within the first 18 months out of college on a severely limited budget, getting her only a card is a pretty cheap gesture. This is not all about how much money he is spending. If he is on a very careful budget, he can still go over to her house and make her breakfast. Remember being a kid growing up and having no money yet? You still managed to make and give gifts to your mom, right? He can still do that now. Notice how in the question I suggested you use I didn’t use the word “buy.” Instead the focus is on “giving.” Giving can still be the personally made gifts we learned to do as children. If all he is doing is giving her a card, he lacks creativity and resourcefulness. This can also make for a tedious life partner. You want to share your life with someone who is kind, gracious, and resourceful with what he has.
Additionally, my bringing up Mother’s Day on Thursday, this is my gentle reminder to all the single guys who read my blog as well as the married men who knew Mother’s Day was coming up but maybe just hadn’t thought that it was THIS Sunday. Gentlemen, Mother’s Day is THIS Sunday. I also just gave you a list of items you can easily give her as well as some creative ideas when you need to manage your budget. Just helping you out in advance of the day to make you good and position you favorably with the special women in your life. I’ve got your back.
Honor the special women in your life for truly lasting love.
Happy Dating and Relationships,
April Braswell
Dating and Relationship Expert
PS: If you plan to get her flowers, order them ASAP. The longer you wait, the harder it will be to have any at any of the stores or ordering online for the correct in advance arrival time.
Hi I am Carmen. I enjoy your dating tips blog, April. Your tips are helpful both with online dating and meeting by chance. thanks
yeah, don’t be too pushy to meet his mother and family too soon. Give a guy plenty of space when dating.
Hi April. This is wise advice for single women not to overreach with high maintenance expectations on Mother’s Day.
howdy, I am ranking this as a great tip for singles to keep in mind for mother’s day.