As a Dating Expert, I get questions in my email box and my Facebook email box from singles asking me for help and tips all the time. I’m continuing on this week to address the question from the 18, 19, and 20 year old singles who are looking for locations for where to meet other singles. Often this crowd is not looking to get married, but certainly they are human and want to connect romantically and intimately. Plus it is never too early in life to work on your dating and relationship communication skill set.
For the young singles who are over 18 years old and younger than 21 years old, not everyone is in college. In fact, a number of the young people in that age group who have contacted me asking for dating tips and advice are out there working. The very fact that they are working and holding down a job when a lot of their peer group is in a 4 year or community college or trade school is part of why they must make a concerted effort to get out and meet peer group singles. They simply are not meeting them already in the normal course of their day the way their high school buds who went to college are doing.
Now certainly while you want to make a concerted effort to meet girls your age, you also want to be careful that you do so in a manner and during hours that do not pose a problem with your job. One way to do this is to do some of the activities you are already doing in the normal course of your day, and just shift and change them up a bit.
For example: Drinking coffee. (Since I LOVE coffee and am known for drinking it, yes, you all already knew I would work in a coffee example.) A lot of girls LOVE to go hang out at Starbucks. Now if you are working a blue-collar trade job, you might be going to Starbucks already, too. But you go there as soon as they open in your hood at 5:30 am and the cute girls are there later in the morning like after 7:30 or 8:30 am. So, what’s a guy to do?
You take breaks during the course of your morning, don’t you? Well, when you are on a morning break, make a concerted point to go to Starbucks and be engaging while you are there. Because you are on the job and have to get back to work, you don’t have 30 -60 minutes to hang out there and just sorta see what develops. You will need to be efficient and focused. Chat with the people around you in line. Talk to the person in front of you and behind you. Get in the habit of doing this for your social practice. That way when a week from now when there is a CUTE GIRL in front of you and you want to talk to her, you are already warmed up and can easily talk to her because it is part of what you normally do.
You get your coffee. Don’t be in too much of a rush to jet outta there. Go over to the condiments area. Even if you take your coffee black, go over. Get a napkin. Take a sip of your coffee. Others will probably be there, too. Ask someone to please pass you a napkin. Say, “Thank you.”
And you are now interacting.
If a CUTE GIRL happens to be there this time, all the better. You two have broken the ice, which is often the hardest part, isn’t it?
Now say something next to get a little conversation going. And when you need to leave in 2:25 minutes from now, you can with all honesty, sincerity, and integrity utter this sentence, “I have to get back to work now but I really enjoyed talking with you. I wish we could talk longer. Here’s my card. Can I get your number?”
Practice that. Practice that a lot. And then naturally, you will get to where that is perfectly normal and comfortable for you to converse well with beautiful women all the time.
Happy Dating and Relationships,
April Braswell
Follow and Engage with April on Twitter: @AprilBraswell
You make it sound so effortless! And I bet it becomes that way with practice which leads to confidence…
Seize the Day,
Practice, practice and more practice!
Talking to the old lady in Safeway Supermarket! LOL, I remember your advice pretty well :))
John Ho
Sounds great. It is all about the confidence!
Lynn Lane->The Warrior Of Success
My Gran would always strike up conversations with those next to her in any queue. Not for dating purposes (though thinking about it now she was flirtatious!). It’s a great life skill, whatever your circumstances.
Practicing their dating communication skills can also help with self esteem. It’s important at that age to know how to meet others especially if you are shy. Shy folks have a tendancy to stay in relationships that don’t work even if they want to get out…because how will they meet someone else? Your tips are always great.
Keri Eagan
It’s not just about the dating and romance, learning how to get good at that will help in every other aspect of life.
Bert (alter ego- Mister P)
It sounds so easy!
You’re such a blast April!
I agree with scouting different spots to meet single. Coffee Shops are great places to start.
Nice write-up…
Solid advice for the young person that is looking for a partner.
Also, I like the fact that you tell the person to practice. Practicing does indeed help make the guy much more “smooth” when he is trying to get to know a young lady.
Health, Fitness for Working People — Darryl Pace
I’ve noticed that plenty of younger women are there in the evenings too. No reason you can’t meet up with the cuties, especially if you are near a college. Bring your ipod and a good book and you’ll blend in if you want to.
Great dating advice for millenials,
Coffee shops are good to go to. Great job.
You always have solid advise April.
Jose Escalante
People need to listen to you. You present a great way to start a conversation.
Jose Escalante