Dating Advice After 40 Over 50: Weave New People Into Your Social Life

Dating Coaching for After 40 and Over 50 Singles: Stretch Your Social Circle

Dating in Your Forties and Fifties: Expand Your Circle of Friends

As a Dating Coach for Women After 40 and 50+, I coach single Baby Boomers to make efforts to expand their social circle and weave new people into their lives regularly. To build on my Boomer Dating Advice and Tips blog post from yesterday, studies repeatedly have shown that many married couples do meet through people they mutually know.

dating coach for women after 40, over 50, boomers dating, first date advice, first date tips, first date fail, social tribe,
Romantic Friends

Singles in Their Forties and Fifties Experience the Peril of Social Shrinkage:

Well, what about the other side of that phenomena?  That our social circle shrinks after 30 when our scores of single friends are often moving off into pair bondings (now I’m talking like the academics! lol!) and getting married. Your social support group of single friends is shrinking.

Your Personal Tribes and Social Circles Are Different in Your 20s and 30s:

When we were in high school and college, we literally were meeting and mingling with hundreds of people each day and our lifestyle centered around social and study events where we would casually interact often with many of those new people. It was easy to form a personal tribe when you were grad school, university and college.  But what’s happening to your social circle now?

But life after 30, after 40, and over 50+ and that is pretty much NOT how our lives are structured.  Ergo, the single Boomer who wants a life partner/marriage partner (your choice) often must make a concerted effort to BE MEETING new people and actually weave them into our social lives.

As one who is definitely a Socializer in the temperament charts, I will recommend you want a few of me in your life.  We are the natural hostesses.  We both naturally already have a number of good acquaintances and are also naturally creating small social gatherings which bring those people together informally.

After 40 and Over 50 Singles Meet for a First Date: Parameters and Guidelines

When you go on initial dates, I recommend Drinks and Appetizers for a Date 0 (Online Dating First Face to Face meeting) or simply any first date to be low key AND adult, not just a race to Starbucks with all the Mums and toddlers (not very romantic).   If you find that the two of you don’t really have any chemistry, if they are well-groomed and nice, just no chemistry, aim to weave them into your social life.  Often the more mature single, those over 40, 45 and 50+, does not take it personally that there is no chemistry.  And will often be open to being woven into your life as a social acquaintance.

What to Do If Your After 40 and Over 50 Prospective Mate was a First Date Fail? Is all hope lost, now? Or could you do something different?

I would recommend saying something towards the end of the 60-90 mins I recommend for the Date 0 or First Date timeframe.  Something gracious and clear like, “Bob, I have so enjoyed meeting and talking with you.  I can see we share a passion for Hockey, and here it is Stanley Cup season!  I just didn’t feel we were a match [Notice: gracious and clear. Don’t mislead him thinking it is a curtousy.  It’s not.]  However, I’m having a group of friends over Thursday night to watch the NHL Playoffs.  I’d love it if you would join us.  Who knows, maybe you’ll be a fit with one of my other friends.  What do you think?”

Be sure to get his email address and send an Evite to him where he can see there are several others being invited as well.  Just treat this like it is normal and gracious, and it will be.

For the 20 and 30 somethings, I was recently interviewed by and featured in the Kansas City Star/Ink periodical on Speed Dating Success in Kansas City by journalist and editor, Pamela Spencer.

Happy Dating and Relationships,

April Braswell

Dating Expert and Relationship Coach

As seen in Dating for Dummies, 3rd Edition

April Braswell is an expert columnist at and speaks to singles in Singles Groups and Church Singles Ministries as well as Divorce Support Groups.  Looking to Book April to speak at your Singles Event?

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April Braswell

April Braswell is internationally recognized as America's Midlife Dating and Relationship Mentor and the award winning expert columnist at Bringing over 40 years of Sales and Marketing expertise, April is a the trusted Small Business Consultant and Coach to Leading Executives and Emerging Leaders. Author of best seller, Get Swipe Right. April coaches marriage-minded men and women to find and attract love, your best life partner. Life Love Love relationship. Love after 40 and 50. Photos appear by licenses with iStock. All rights reserved.

Reader Interactions


  1. April – I really like the way you framed this “no thank you.” What a gracious way to say it both direct and considerate. What a great reminder to weave new people like this into your social life. You never know…I’m reminded of the movie, “When Harry Met Sally.” It was the unintended “couple” that actually hit it off.

    Great advice as usual!

  2. Clearly having a natural hostess or connector is very effective and provides a sort of validation. Just remember that you don’t actually have to be doing anything to meet people – they are all around you and most like being approached, as long is it done correctly because their lifes could use some excitement as well.

    Christian Haller

  3. wonder how that random hockey reference got thrown in there. a gracious no thank you will keep you from getting put in the penalty box 😉

    Don Shepherd

  4. Hi April

    I have been reading your posts for a while and find them really enlightening and so helpful. I also noted that there are a few aussie men who comment so maybe they can also way in and help me out, seeing as I am an aussie woman dating online…….I guess…….Anyway heres my story I have recently started corresponding with someone, emails and texts and thats as far as its gotten – although its a daily occurrence, I once suggested meeting up and he never ignored it, I told him if he wasnt interested no problem lets move on but again ignored it……he keeps texting me which is great……I thought maybe he just wanted to go real slow but I just found out he is going out on dates with people he has met – so whats up does he just want a texting buddy, is he not that into me – I am so so confused, why bother texting me at all………… odd

    I feel maybe putting myself out there like you are saying to do just isnt the right thing for me, maybe I am destined to be alone and should just forget all about men! Thanks for your amazing advice Ive read so far………

  5. You are so great April. I could see you giving that gentle let down speech, but I couldn’t do it. I know you are right and it’s the right thing to do, but I can’t imagine saying it to someone. I remember (way back when) when I went to a party with a guy I was dating and he tried to fix me up with his friend. I was more than offended and angry. I know you are 100% right but I’d need lessons from you before I could get that phrase past my lips.

    Lisa McLellan, Babysitting Classes – Babysitters, Nannies, and Au-pairs

  6. Great ideas…. I think it would be better to be up front if the chemistry wasn’t there than any kind of leading on….which I would guess would only get tougher later.

    Sound advice from a most gracious hostess.



  7. It is so much harder to meet and get to know a group of people once you grow up. My group of friends from college (I graduated GaTech 24 years ago) is still my closest group of friends. Followed by a smaller group from High School, and a group from my first job.

    College and jobs are in some ways like a war, and we make battlefield friendships for life. Not that being up studying for finals or coping with hangovers compares in intensity or sacrifice to being in a foxhole together, but it is similar effect for pampered college kids.

    Seize the Day,


    PS: Most of my friends got married in college, and most are still together. Most of the ones who married after college had a harder time, and have had more compatibility issues leading to more breakups. Not sure why.

  8. Very cool. I’ve never seen a “let ’em down easy” script. That was great. You certainly cover all aspects of dating.

    Darryl Pace

  9. You make it all sound so very easy. I guess that’s why the radio shows are interviewing you for boomer dating advice and not me.


  10. April, I like the honest upfront approach you have. No use prolonging a bad match. Mark

  11. Hi April,

    You are the hostess with the most! And a superstar in this field 🙂

    You hit it right on the button again in that after schooling social interaction is an awful lot harder as you just don’t interact with as many people on a daily basis

    But awesome advice once more!


  12. April your stuff is just great…I feel what I have learnt off your site has changed my life for good!!! Thank YOU

    David Power
    UK Hypnotist

  13. Brought back chills and reminders of being in college and being let down easy or sometimes hard.

    Bob Kaufer

  14. April,

    Your “Something gracious and clear ” script approach is so diplomatic & caring.
    I like it much.

    As usual, yiur are THE best in this dating and relationship field.

    John Ho

  15. Hi April,
    Excellent advice on being friendly with those you don’t have chemistry with. Never write somone off totally. They may have a friend that is a good match for you and if you remain friendly, they will speak well of you.


  16. Don’t think my last post got posted. I agree with being friends with the “no chemistry” person. You both my know matches for the other and if you are friendly you will both put a good word in.



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