OK. So don’t start crying on me. I’m here in The OC right now and when I’m not here, I’m back at home in Las Vegas. Where we do get a little snow. In December. We even get REAL snow out by BEAUTIFUL Mt. Charleston. It’s just that, well, it’s in the 70s-80s for us. So, if you’re in the midwest where there is already snow and you’re freezing… well, just don’t cry when I talk about OUR weather.
OK, that said. So here I can still suggest going to outdoor PUBLIC events like a Swap Meet, a Crafts Fair, those sort of events. And in the Southwest section of The States, we still have these events Outdoors!
However, in those colder sections of the country, they start having those fairs, bazaars, flea markets, and swap meets INDOORS! They have them in nice warm cozy BUILDINGS!
Go to them.
Go attend those events. Think of this like your interpersonal socializing Active Warm Up socially like you do your active warm up and stretching before you do a serious fitness workout (You DO do an active warm up, right?). The thing is, the Vendors are your conversation props. They are already geared towards readily engaging you in social chit chat conversations. Just chat a few minutes with them. “Oh, cool stuff. How long have you been at this Flea Market? How many years have you been selling XYZ? Really? You don’t say? It’s been your hobby passion that long?” (Notice how those are the same sort of engage and draw out the other person questions and conversation you have on a First Date? Exactly! You are practicing the same skill set!)
While you are engaging the Flea Market vendors, others come up to the table. Perhaps a Potential Date! (aka PD) It is so easy, since you two are already talking conversationally, simply in the next beat to turn your Body Language slightly towards the newcomer (not full facing which borders on aggressive, it’s a sword play stance, that’s why we read it as aggressive) and Include Them in your conversation. Your Body Language just signaled, “We are including you in our little Tribe.” And this makes them feel comfortable. Flirt slightly, lead a little and invite them to join you for coffee over at the refreshment area, you’re already going there now.
Should there be any kind of rejection, no biggie, because you were already going for the coffee. None of it personal. “Oh, ok, well have a nice time here. Great talking with you, Bob.” And you move on like just all of this is very light, warm, social, and normal.
And when they say, “Yes,” then just go right on over, again, like it is all nice, warm, NORMAL, and light. Because that is exactly what it is. Normal for you to socialize and converse with new strangers. Daily!
Happy Dating and Relationships,
April Braswell
Las Vegas Midlife Dating Expert
Follow and Engage with April on Twitter: @AprilBraswell
Great advice for cold weather dating.
Steve Chambers
Sales Training Speaker
Good reminder about the use of body language.
Martin O’Connor
You can’t expect to get dates if you don’t go do things like this. Good info.
Bert (alter ego- Mister P)
Hi Martin,
thanks for stopping by and commenting at my blog. I cackled over your display of drole British humor. 🙂 It’s great.
Is that why it’s called a flea market, because if you get blown out you can always flee!!
Great advice, as ever, for those on the market! [I just can’t stop!!!]
Hi April,
I love how your posts not only gives dating advice, but great social ideas as well. I know the two go a bit hand in hand, but you always have some kind of suggestion for a wine tasting, outdoor fair, etc… to attend. Just reminds us all that there is a great big world out there to explore!
Hear in the Northland we need info on Cold Weather Dating. WE NEED TO KEEP WARM, and I can’t think of a better way to do it.
Robert Martin
Its a good thing I’m not single! I hate to be cold. It was freezing here today and I was complaining about it all day long! lol I’d be single til spring. I bet witchy with a B when I’m cold. I don’t know why I live in New England.
Lisa McLellan
Child Care Expert,
Babysitting Services, Babysitting Tips, Babysitters, Nannies
Cold weather is great for bonding and setting up new relationship. People live in cold regions are often more warm-hearted than those live in the tropical areas even though the latter can be more friendly with their layback lifestyle.
John Ho
Brrr! Just seeing spring here…. sort of because the weather is completely mental. Four seasons in one day just like the song.
Where I live in Wellington, NZ. it is well known for the wind which is an almost constant energy. Essentially this means bad hair day most days for me if I venture outside. I bet I make a funny picture at a flea market…. yikes!!
Keri Eagan
We had a cold snap in Dallas and I was none too pleased. When I come up for air in a month I will have to give this a try. It beats the bar scene.
You can never stop engaging people and talking with them, that is what you are so great at preaching…
Seize the Day,
Indeed, master the dating process – take delight in the actual process so you can be in the moment. You never know who you’ll pop into.
Mastery and Team Building, Kate McKeon
Great ideas. We are social creatures and we need that connection. Makes us all feel good. 🙂
Lynn Lane –>The Warrior Of Success
Great ideas. I can see how a flee market or similar place would be a good place to meet people. I was at a farmer’s market a couple of weeks ago, and the place was FULL of people. For singles, it would be a great place to meet PD candidates (that acronym made me laugh).
Health, Fitness for Working People — Darryl Pace
Or… move to New Zealand! It’s summer there right now…
That’s what Kalpna and I are doing in January! 🙂
Wow April – Your seemingly endless list of dating opportunities is amazing! That’s what truly makes you the dating expert!