So since it is both April’s Fool Day and my name is April, I have to toss in a cute quip (or is that qute quip if your the texting Millennials?) to tease about and wish you all a Happy April’s Fool Day!
As a leading dating and relationship expert, singles often ask me where can they meet more men? Or the single guys ask me, “Where are all the beautiful single women?” Like there is only one place, right. And like they are not all around us all the time.
One place where I perennially see quite a lot of beautiful women and gorgeous girls is the coffee shops. Yes, do go with the leveraging the Law of Large Numbers (think of it like catching a wave and riding it, pretty cool, huh?) and select the large chains like Starbucks. You want to select a Starbucks or a Seattle’s Best where they get a lot of foot traffic. What that means is, of course, steer clear of the Starbuck’s coffee shops which are only a Drive Thru. That is very much a SoCal phenomenon. Your own individual metro area might vary. The Starbuck’s which have a number of tables and comfy sofa and cushy chairs are best.
Single Business Women
If you go to the Starbuck’s early morning between 6 and 8 am and settle yourself into a chair where you are juxtaposed perpendicularly to the flow of inbound foot traffic, you can easily see the women who are bopping into to grab their morning cup of coffee before heading into the office. You might even see some single women dashing in to grab a coffee wearing their early morning gym workout wear. When you position yourself to see them and they you when they step in the door, you can easily do some Body Flirting, making eye contact, smiling, holding eye contact, and get up, step into line behind them to freshen your own cup of coffee. Then you are perfectly positioned to initiate and make conversation with them.
Single Divorcees and Millennial Single Girls
After the rush of business people hurrying to the office in the morning, if your taste is either more for women over 35 or for the young Millennials girls in college and just out of college, stop by Starbucks after 9 am. You will see plenty of the soccer moms gaggling with their girlfriends, likely with a child in tow. Typically within a group of 5 girlfriends, 1 in the crowd is divorced. Sit in the middle of the couch so they have to sort themselves around you. Be immersed in your book, almost oblivious to them and their stylish beauty. Then after 7 minutes finally notice them when their toddler in tow offers to share his cookie with you. “Oh, what a well-behaved little boy. Would you like me to move over so you all can sit together?” Your gentlemanly behavior will make a wonderful first impression on them as will your admiring the child. Examine left hands for a ring collection on their ring finger. Those without are usually single. Chat them up. If they are all married, while you are talking with them you can always say, “You’re all such beautiful women. Do you have any single girlfriends? I’m having a hard time meeting eligible single women with my busy job.” It is women who most often enjoy fixing men and women up more than men do. You can always add, “I’m here every Tuesday morning around 9 am….. ” to put them more at their ease. They might not take steps to fix you up right away. However, after they see you 2 or 3 times and you wave and nod your hello greeting each time, you increase the likelihood that they will.
I’m not joking!
Happy Dating and Relationships,
April Braswell
April, you have to admit, its gotta be a little cool having a holiday with your name in it! Especially, when it is a day of fun and forgiveness! Love the way your advice is real and practical! I am going to mention your site to a couple of my single friends!
Building Long-term Profitable
Lol. Hi Mark, and thank you for stopping by my blog and commenting. I like your sense of humor. Indeed, it IS fun. Plus I get a whole MONTH!
Happy Dating and Relationships,
April Braswell
So true April! When I go to Starbucks, most of the folks are so busy on their cells or texting, they couldn’t make eye contact with anyone, much less their “soulmate”, even if they fell over them! They should do a little of that old 1950’s stuff (Stop,Look, and Listen) and see what happens…could be, that a little old ’50s romance could pop into their lives!
Sonya Lenzo
you are a riot and so observant! Great advice and where to go and what to look for. I hope the singles are listening to you because that is exactly what they should be doing if they do want to make that dating connection.
The Harwood Group – Tinnitus, Chronic Illness, Fears, and Anxiety
This is wonderful advice on places singles (or married people on the prowl) can meet others for romantic encounters. Keep the great advice coming.
Steve Chambers
Body Language Specialist
I’m so glad to have found your site. I have a few single friends that I’m going to be sending your way…I truly think they could benefit from your advice.
Yours In Health!
Dr. Wendy Schauer, D.C., R.K.C.
April you have everything down to a science.
David Escalante
And I thought coffee shops were places you went to buy coffee!!!! I guess just about any place is a singles club. LOL I love your ideas, they are so creative.
I babysit for a woman who doesn’t even try looking for a guy even though she wants a boyfriend badly. She says she has too much “baggage” so no guy would be interested. She says she’s met a few different guys that she really liked but once they heard “her story” they basically disappeared in a puff of smoke.
It makes me feel bad because she’s a sweetheart and very attractive as well.
BTW, the baggage she’s referring to is her kids who are high maintenance, one has disabilities, and her house that is falling apart because her ex-husband never fixed anything, and her large credit card debt.
Is there a place where you can find guys who aren’t so afraid of baggage?
Lisa McLellan
Babysitting Services, Nanny Services, and Nanny agencies
Hi Lisa,
thank you for stopping by and commenting at my blog. Indeed, when singles have a lot of baggage, it needs to be lightened up a bit and unpacked a bit to where it moves to merely carry-on sized baggage. Have her email me here and we can discuss a coaching package I have for that for divorced singles, ok?
Lucky lady – you have a whole named after you! 😉
I enjoyed your post, for the picture it gave me of American life (just like the films) and because it brought out how different we all drink coffee.
Here in Bella Italia, we usually stand at the counter and drink our cafe. Exchange a few words, but rarely sit down.
However, I have noticed the men eyeing up the pretty women – and Italian women are beautiful!
Do the women notice the men? Sure, we do – especially the good-looking guys. But an Australian friend told me there was a lot more goin on: he said how much he enjoyed watching the Italian women flirting with the men! Hmmm, come to think of it, I’ve seen women flirt with him!
Human nature is the same, I guess, all over the world – just conditioned by culture!
Eileen O’Neill
There are some great ideas in the post April. Being a single guy myself I always have one eye open looking for beautiful women. I seem to have better luck when I am not actively looking.
Mike Norris
The article is fine, but I think it depends on where a person lives. Where I am, I don’t see a whole lot of single business women. The ones that workout early AM SAY they are “in a relationship” or “seeing someone” or wear “ward off men’s rings”.
From what you have wrote, it sounds like there are single business women everywhere and single men know the single business women are not going to date “real men” ie. average joes out there. Would prefer to meet “venture capitalists” at least where I am. From my experience I can start to see why single business women are indeed “single”.
April, this is relevant to me being single. I will have to use your idea and ask if a group of women if they have a single friend that needs a well spoken adventerous guy. I dont know why i didnt think of that. Thanks
Scott Sylvan Bell
Excellent tips for the young, as well as the more mature bachelors out there looking for Mrs. Right!
Health, Fitness for Working People — Darryl Pace
Starbucks or any other coffee shop….great place to start.It’s easier to get talking with someone in there.
Hi April,
Simply terrific singles dating tip advice! Really like how you keep your advice simple & concise in a way that’s easy to understand AND implement!
The Success Secrets
I think that to receive dates having a firm reason is fun. Nevertheless, one time I’ve received a text message from a guy to meet that day.
Love your dating tips blog April. You deliver great tips for singles with a sense of humor as well.