Memorial Day Weekend Dating Tips For Singles: Go to Las Vegas

If you live in the Midwest and Northern parts of the United States, and certainly Canada, than even though we have the US holiday of Memorial Day weekend approaching as the official start of Summer Time, the weather you are enjoying may be still chilly.  Even if things have warmed up where you live, it might be only in the upper 50s or 60s F and be, well, let’s be honest and direct here, too cold for beaching.

Not in Las Vegas.

One of the great attributes of Las Vegas is our very nature of being a Desert City.  It is arid.  Which means it does actually get quite cold in the winter time.  But seriously, come mid-April, it’s like God flipped the switch!  And it get HOT!  Yup, the first Spring when I moved to Las Vegas, I was actually hot and started to sweat sitting outdoors enjoying an iced tea in Henderson.  My good friend College Stage Hypnosis Show star Ken Owens laughed and teased me.  He’s originally from Michigan and loves the heat.  “Just wait until Summer time, April!” he quipped at me.

If you live in one of those regions of the United States or Canada where it is warm but not yet warm enough for the beach and bathing suits, than go ahead and book a trip to visit Las Vegas for the long Memorial Day Weekend.  In Las Vegas, the hotels on the Strip (Las Vegas Blvd.) feature larges spacious outdoor pools with plenty of space, deck chairs, and umbrella tables for you to hang out and enjoy that warm baking sun shine and heat!  Yes, of course, bring your sunscreen with high SPF.  But if what you brought isn’t strong enough for the Las Vegas Desert Sun, there is a Walgreens right there on Las Vegas Blvd between the Imperial Palace and The Venetian.

The Pool parties are absolutely a superb places to position yourself to readily, easily, and painlessly meet and mingle with LOADS of other singles of all different ages.

Yes, the largest majority of singles who will be poolside with you will be between 25 years old and 37 years old, but you will always find a few older singles and all the college students who are enjoying the fact that they have just turned 21 years old and are enjoying their new status of being of legal drinking age.

In Las Vegas, the partying will start even as early at Thursday night.  It will still be a bit quiet comparatively Friday during the day.  That means if you’re one of the smart singles who books your travel a little bit early and gets there to start things moving and shaking on the Strip on Friday, then you’ll already be situated and get the lay of the land early.  The majority of singles tourists will start arriving into the Las Vegas McCarren Airport Friday afternoon and well into the later hours of the night.

As soon as you arrive in Vegas, yes, check in.  You’ll need your room card key to get poolside access.  Go ahead and head on down to the pool as soon as you’re settled into your room because you want to start meeting other singles who are there and enjoying the beach atmosphere of the Las Vegas pools.

When you’re looking to connect casually and comfortably, two of the best places to do this rapidly in Las Vegas in in the bar areas and by the pool.

Until next time….

Happy Dating and Relationships,

April Braswell

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April Braswell

April Braswell is internationally recognized as America's Midlife Dating and Relationship Mentor and the award winning expert columnist at Bringing over 40 years of Sales and Marketing expertise, April is a the trusted Small Business Consultant and Coach to Leading Executives and Emerging Leaders. Author of best seller, Get Swipe Right. April coaches marriage-minded men and women to find and attract love, your best life partner. Life Love Love relationship. Love after 40 and 50. Photos appear by licenses with iStock. All rights reserved.

Reader Interactions


  1. Great advice. For those of us who live here we have the biggest problem of all.
    Where do we go on vacation when we already live here?

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