Singles Dating Advice and Tips: Leverage Starbucks Happy Hour

Starbucks Frappuccinos® are at it again.

Starbucks is aiming to help you enjoy more of their delicious Frappuccino® and for you to enjoy them with more of your friends.  Or if you actually go alone, during the Return of Frappuccino® Happy Hour, you easily and readily have the opportunity to meet new people.

Welcome back!

Starbucks Frappuccino® Happy Hour Returns!

Beautiful Single Girl Drinking Cup of Coffee Date at Starbucks Frappuccino Happy Hour
Beautiful Single Girl Drinking Espresso Drink

Now (started May 6, 2011) through May 15, 2011, the Starbucks coffee chain franchise is hosting their special happy hour for coffee lovers.

What is so cool about this is that it offers singles great opportunities two fold.

Starbucks Happy Hour Singles Dating Tips #1. Super Fun Excuse to Meet in the Real Offline World

If you want to meet someone you connected with and “met” at an internet dating site, the Starbucks Happy Hour gives you a FUN excuse to go ahead and meet several people under an umbrella of fun and frolic offline and to segue your online relationship to the real world of being in person.

Making Use of Coffee Bars to Meet Singles Organically and Naturally in Daily Life

Starbucks Happy Hour Singles Dating Tips #2.  Singles Leveraging the Starbucks Frappuccino Happy Hour Empowers You to Easily Meet New People

If you are single and do not have any new singles warming up in the cue of your internet dating pipeline, when you attend the Starbucks Frappuccino®  Happy Hour you immediately have through May 15, a new opportunity to easily and readily meet new people.  Many other people will be making use of the half off prices and attending Starbucks between 3-5 pm for the half priced Frappuccino®.  Well, some of those people will be single.  Or their friends are single and they might introduce you to their buds.

The idea really is to make a concerted effort in an easy and targeted way to meet new people.

Shy guys?  This is an excellent opportunity for you to place yourself in a long line and practice just gently chatting up all those beautiful women who will be attending the Starbucks Frappuccino® Happy Hour and enjoying the Fraps.

Go ahead.  Ride the Frappuccino® Wave to accelerate your social life offline!

Happy Dating and Relationships,

April Braswell

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April Braswell

April Braswell is internationally recognized as America's Midlife Dating and Relationship Mentor and the award winning expert columnist at Bringing over 40 years of Sales and Marketing expertise, April is a the trusted Small Business Consultant and Coach to Leading Executives and Emerging Leaders. Author of best seller, Get Swipe Right. April coaches marriage-minded men and women to find and attract love, your best life partner. Life Love Love relationship. Love after 40 and 50. Photos appear by licenses with iStock. All rights reserved.

Reader Interactions


  1. What an AWESOME Tip … It makes perfect sense that Starbucks will draw a crowd with their Happy Hour and at least some of the people will be single … it’s true, opportunity is everywhere, you just have to be open to it – and as you’ve shown us, we can go out and create it, too!

    Best, Neil

  2. I never would’ve thought to go to Starbucks to meet other singles but now that you mention it, it makes perfect sense: it’s super popular and there’s locations everywhere.


  3. That sounds like a great tip and a sort of party from 3 till 5! Starbucks is a nice place and very safe to meet new singles! Nice!

  4. Maybe you should talk to Starbucks and see if they would promote Happy Hour for singles only on one night a week!!!
    Sonya Lenzo

  5. Great advice April. Starbucks is a great idea. I wonder if other coffee cafes will imitate the Happy Hour idea. Love the video.

  6. the excuse of getting to go drink coffee is a fun easy way to meet cute girls. they love starbucks for sure.


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