How to Find a Mate: Do Attend Live Singles Conferences and 5 Tips for Success

Finding a Quality Mate by Attending Live Singles Conference and Weekend Workshops

Seek Love Offline at Live Singles Conferences

In addition to single men and women asking me about how to get a girlfriend or how to find a boyfriend, the most common singles dating question I receive at my live Singles Dating Workshops in Los Angeles County and the SoCal region is, “April, how can I find a quality mate?”

Successful Professional Singles Want to Know Where to Find a Quality Mate

Many singles are successful business executives, men and women, with claims to success in their own right.  With their business career success, typically these professional singles‘ schedules are quite full and busy.  They don’t have a lot of time to devote to sifting through the millions of singles who have only posted an online dating profile or who have paid only $14.95 a month to belong to the internet matchmaking sites online for only 1 month.  They need to focus and target their social and romantic time for greatest efficiency and optimal results of viable potential mates for them in their prospective dates.

The Question: What is a successful and busy single to do then for finding a quality mate?

The Answer: Attend a live Singles Conference.

Successful Professional Singles Finding a Quality Mate in the Facebook Age

Find Mate Meeting Quality Singles, Professional Singles,
Smiling Successful Singles Meet

Yes, even in the Age of Facebook, you can still find Singles Workshops and Singles Conferences if you invest the extra effort to find and locate them.  With the preponderance of Facebook Dating, yes of course, there are online webinars on meeting singles.  However, you can only engage in minimal real interaction and connection with other singles that way.  Plus you never really know if there is couple chemistry until the two of you meet live and in-person in the offline world.


Successful Professional Singles Look to Find a Quality Mate Screening Out the Non-Serious Single

Live Singles Conferences and Workshops are some of the best places to meet, mingle, and casually interact with other eligible, available, and looking quality professional singles like yourself.  The Live Singles Conferences are not full of the singles who are just hanging online at the Community Online Forums or Internet Chat Rooms while in their living room watching TV at the same time.

Successful Professional Singles Make Finding a Quality Mate a Top Priority in Life

Instead, the high quality, high caliber singles who frequent Live Singles Dating Workshops and Conferences are often setting aside their weekends to invest in attending the singles conferences and dating workshops.  They have pre-selected themselves demonstrating their relationship readiness by doing so.  They know to spiff up and dress to impress when they attend the singles dating workshops.

Successful Professional Singles Dress to Impress to Attract and Find a Quality Mate

Nothing screams to me more, “I’m new at this and have no clue,” than when single men and women show up on a Saturday morning at a Singles Workshop in super casual schlump wear of ratty or baggy tshirts, rumpled jeans, or their weekend lounge wear yoga exercise pants.  When that is where you are, you are at Dating Ground Zero, and that is perfectly fine.  However that just means you have further to travel before you are ready to get a boyfriend or get a girlfriend.  You’re not yet ready for a relationship.

Successful Professional Singles Race Over to Live Singles Conference Right After Work Seeking to Find a Quality Mate

However, the single business professionals who attend the Singles Conferences, Conventions, and Dating Workshops will often come over Friday night, straight from work.  They might still be wearing their business garb and looking workday sharp.  It’s evocative of the Financial/Business District Yuppie Bars filled with single business women and men after work on Friday evenings.

When you’re single, ready and looking to find a quality mate, budget the time, money, and resources to attend a few Singles Workshops, Seminars, and Conferences.  You will meet other high quality professional singles looking for finding a qualilty mate like you, too.  It is well worth your while!


Forthcoming Articles to Cover How to Find a Live Singles Conference

Who Hosts Live Singles Dating Workshops

Happy Dating and Relationships!

April Braswell

As seen in “In Touch Weekly” and in Dating for Dummies, 3rd Edition

April Braswell is a Professional Speaker who speaks to singles in Singles Groups and Divorce Recovery Groups as well as at Singles Dating Workshops and Singles ConferencesHire April to speak at your Singles Event?

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April Braswell

April Braswell is internationally recognized as America's Midlife Dating and Relationship Mentor and the award winning expert columnist at Bringing over 40 years of Sales and Marketing expertise, April is a the trusted Small Business Consultant and Coach to Leading Executives and Emerging Leaders. Author of best seller, Get Swipe Right. April coaches marriage-minded men and women to find and attract love, your best life partner. Life Love Love relationship. Love after 40 and 50. Photos appear by licenses with iStock. All rights reserved.

Reader Interactions


  1. I love the part where you mention how the singles that are new at the dating thing show up at a singles workshop in ratty t-shirts and exercise pants. I think I’m am the extreme opposite – I get up, take a shower, do my hair and make-up even when I’m staying home sick. I feel like I never know who will come to the door! Heaven forbid the cable guy or the gardening lady should see my morning face and fuzzy pink bathrobe!

    Lisa McLellan
    Nanny Services

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