Online Dating Profiles of Divorced Single Moms
If you’re a single mom who is recently divorced or maybe you’ve been divorced for awhile and you just feel like “now’s the time” for you to jump pack into the dating game and venture into internet dating, I have a little word of caution for, as well as the single guys reading your profiles.
In this same series of the examples of the singles to just stay clear from, we’ve had
Internet Dating Profile Personas of Men: Mr. Laid Back, Internet Dating Personas of Women: She Gives High Maintenance a Bad Name and, Internet Dating Personas of Men Online: Wussy Guy.
Well, single moms, do single guys need to steer clear of your profile? You didn’t just write the equivalent length profile of your college admissions essay about how much you love being a mom, how you’re juggling childcare and getting your kids to their soccer practice just leaves you no time for a personal life, right? Your dating profile photos aren’t where you’re either with your kids or your hair is up in a scrunchie while you wear mom wear (please see a few episodes of Stacy London and Clinton Kelly sharing fashion and image wisdom in TLC’s “What Not to Wear.”), right? No, no, of course not. YOUR image is attractive and alluring. Another phrase you could use to describe YOUR image is “Classy Sexy,” right? (Don’t make me report you to Stacy and Clinton! lol) You have bought a new outfit for yourself in the last year, and at least 1 of those included a cute cocktail date dress and a darling skirt, right? Of course it did.
And your dating profile photos. They are all of you, yes? None with your children, right? Your image is one of being an interesting life partner, shared life companion, who does some interesting things in life where a single man just has his interest piqued.
Meanwhile, you are not lying about being a mom in your profile. Of course. Because while the goal of internet dating is 1. Volume and 2. Get to the Date, the number #1 RULE of internet dating is ….
Be Truthful.
So, you naturally have already truthfully identified yourself as being a single mom by your designation as “Divorced” and as “Having Children.” What that means is you have no need to add more your being a single mom to your dating profile. You might be just a bit curious as to why? The reason why is you want to project your attractive and alluring woman image. To add more from your single mom image would be to overpower you Attractive and Alluring Woman image with too much Matronly image and energy.
Once you’re really ready to be dating again, after you’ve done some personal work to release whatever it was about your ex that you just might need to do, make sure your dating profile puts the right image out about you to attract single men and avoid putting them off. You’re a divorced woman who is a single mom. It doesn’t define you 100%. It’s part of who you are, not everything about you.
Happy Dating and Relationships,
April Braswell
Dating and Relationship Expert
As seen in Dating for Dummies, 3rd Edition
Should You Lie About Your Age in Your Online Dating Profile?
Online Dating Faux Pas in “Happily Divorced”
- When you’re ready to get going online and find love and the romantic relationship you crave….
- When you want to supercharge your internet dating search and courtship to find real love….
- When you’re sick of the sea of sameness swirling about the dating sites and lackluster result you’re getting….
- When you’re sick and tired of one more Saturday night wasted meeting someone who doesn’t match you whatsoever…
Then click here to apply to have April write your professionally written internet dating profile.
Professional Internet Dating Profile Writing and Review Service
Have you been online for awhile, but you just don’t seem to be finding and attracting the right kind of singles for you? April offers her Professional Internet Dating Profile Writing and Review Service to empower modern singles to attract love online and get better dates.
If you already have an online dating profile, she will review it and assist you to rev it up to be more attractive and alluring to the opposite sex.
If you are at square one and want to get online, with her Internet Dating Profile Writing service, she’ll help you capture and convey your unique essence online and get your profile posted asap.
To apply to hire April for her Internet Dating Profile Writing and Review Coaching Service, send her an email to april (AT) to get started in finding the love you want online.
It sure is important to be truthful in your online profile. Thanks for this informative piece for Single Mothers.
April, that’s great advice to single moms! Writing a good profile is difficult enough without faling into those traps – we’d be silly to even consider writing a profile without your help!
I particularly like your comment that being a single mum is “part of who you are, not everything about you” – a very valuable point!
Should you idle your car when stopped, or switch off to save fuel and pollution? For how long?
Excellent advice for single moms! There are far too many single parents who center their lives around their children to the exclusion of all else and then wonder why they can’t get a date or make a relationship work.
Cherie Miranda
Breathing Meditation
Good advice for internet dating single moms.
Hugh MacLeod
Wow there is so much that goes into online dating and having a successful profile. I know my cousin said that when he put a pictue of him with his mom on his online dating profile he got a lot more responses to his profile. Do you think it is a good idea for men to have a picture of them with their mother on their profile?
Goal Achievement Creating A Goal GPS To Keep Focused On Success
April, do all of these same rules apply to men who have just been through a divorce and want to get back into the dating world?
Scott Sylvan Bell
Reading body language of men
Now go implement!
More helpful advice to tweak your profile on a dating site .
April, you hit on the 2 most important keys to profile writing…put yourself in the best possible light but be honest!! I don’t know why but a lot of people seem to have a difficult time hitting this balance correctly….I guess thats why they need YOU!
Sonya Lenzo
I am sure that if people were not reading your blog some would make the mistake of just putting pictures with their kids… Ithink I’ve seen that somewhere…
I’m often surprized when someone dating again after divorce takes the reigns and writes their own internet dating profile. Single Moms, listen to the only internet dating expert April and have her give you the profile you deserve. You’ll be happy with the profile, and happier with the results.
Hi April,
I like how you state for the single-mom to simply put “divorced” and “having children” … enough said. Funny thing is that I wouldn’t even realize why I would pass up a profile of a single-mom talking all about her kid(s) until you pointed it out!
Stay Amazing and Do Great Things, Neil
Probiotic Survival
Another great post that should be on every dating site!
You make it so easy!
Looking forward to tomorrow!
Create a great day!
Time to Care for the Caregiver Now?
I definitely like this post. Single Moms should never lie about that but, by the same token, most men would not be looking to date the children.
Be classy, be sexy, be honest. The rest will take care of itself.
I am sure that single moms appreciate the gentle nudge of what to do after many years. The return to being single can be intimidating.
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