Internet Dating Blunder in “Happily Divorced” Midlife Marriage TV Show
The fun new TV Land show featuring the star of the 1990s popular TV show, “The Nanny,” Fran Drescher, “Happily Divorced,” features a lot of the trials and tribulations of 21st century singles dating. This includes Online Dating both as a single woman and a single gay man wanting a romantic relationship.
In the recent “Happily Divorced” episode, “Someone Wants Me,” (Season 1, Episode 7) our romantic leads, Fran and Peter, both post profiles at internet dating sites. Fran tells the truth. Peter lies about his age in his profile. And quelle surprise, Peter then doesn’t get a lot of interest and replies to his profile because his lying is pretty obvious.
Fran, on the other hand, being a visually beautiful single woman who tells the truth in her dating profile, gets a lot of interest from single guys and goes on a number of first dates.
Here’s the problem.
In the tv show episode, “Happily Divorced” has her dates picking her up at her house and dropping her off at the door to her home.
Both of these are Internet Dating Faux Pas.
Well really, they are more than Faux Pas. These are Safety and Security Massive Mistakes.
When you are pursuing love online, do not give out your home address to a complete stranger you’ve met at an Internet Dating site or Social Networking site. Behave with safety and self-valuing caution.
Until you and your date are better acquainted, keep your personal contact information and location private. For each person, precisely how long that will take will vary. Some single women will comfortable sharing their home address for the man to pick them up for the next date at their house after just the first date. Other singles won’t feel that level of safety, security, and comfort until after 2 or 3 dates when a bit more personal background information has been shared and established.
There is no precise hard and fast rule to follow about When To give out home information. The only hard and fast rule about Home Address Information Sharing is certainly Do Not Share Your Home Address before the first date.
I mention these things in conjunction with the tv show, “Happily Divorced,” because there are a lot singles just re-entering the dating world again after a few years of being out the running.
Perhaps they were in a long term relationship for a few years.
Perhaps they are now Dating Again After Divorce.
And we all read books and watch tv shows and movies and glean current dating manners and expectations from those. Even though we know the tv show is not “real life,” still, our subconscious mind will often file that information away in the back of our mind sortah half thinking that what we saw on the tv show is ok and even socially expected of singles now. So it’s important for dating and relationship experts to point out the faulty message so you don’t believe that detail about what singles are doing now.
Your safety and security habits practice your appropriately valuing yourself and your life. You deserve to be treated well. Be sure that you’re the first to do so!
Related Articles: Top 10 Online Dating Safety Tips
Happy Dating and Relationships,
April Braswell
Dating and Relationship Expert
As seen in Dating for Dummies, 3rd Edition
Hi I am also a fan of Happily Divorced and I also completely agree to you about not giving the personal contacts at the beginnig.Internet Dating comes as a boon to many people and if handeled with care it will be one of the best ways to meet new people.
April, what is your opinion of the use of “Been Verifide” or one of the other services that does a background check before allowing someone to have your personal information? A lot of advertising right of now for these services on TV so I suspect that people are considering them.
Sonya Lenzo
Maybe the show writers needed to have researched the subject manner a little better . It may seem a small matter to some , but basic security procedures need to adopted by singles as you say April .
Absolutely April, safety must be uppermost, thanks for pointing out that no matter what it says on TV, it’s an interesting world out there and not everyone shares each person’s values.
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I’d love to see that series! I think is a good recommendation the series but also a very good advice not to get confused betwen what you see on tv and what you should be doing in real live!
This is great, practical advice, April. When you talk to someone a lot online before meeting, it can be easy to think you know them. But you don’t have the context of body language and verbal cues to fill in the blanks. You mention that Peter was obviously lying in his profile, but many men’s lies are no so obvious. You can’t take an online message at face value. If the same person said the same thing to your face, they might stumble on some words or get fidgety. Those signs would hopefully cue you in that they are lying, or possibly just extremely nervous. While I am an online dater, I do respect the rule of not having a man pick me up at my house. I know that I don’t really know the person that well yet. They may have claimed to have told you their deepest, darkest secret. But that doesn’t mean that they actually have or that you really know anything about them – other than what a Google search provides.
Good solid advice from the woman dating expert that knows her stuff. Thanks for keeping people safe April.
Tim Van Milligan
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The TV Land show Happily Divorced with Fran Drescher sounds like a great sit-com. The Nanny was very funny. People need to remember it is justr a show however. Some of the best internet dating tips are dating safety tips from you April.
April, these are all great safety tips for dating whether 20 or 65. Thanks for sharing your expert dating advice.
Scott Sylvan Bell
How to sell more implementing sales techniques
Now go implement!
What a perfect reminder to not neglect safety with dating. I wish more people would read your blog for safety tips.