Integrity in Dating: Internet Personal Ads How Old Are Your Online Dating Profile’s Photographs
Internet Dating Photos: How the Dating Websites Know Your Photos Age
Technology of digital cameras actually will tell the internet dating websites where you have your photographs posted how old the profile photo is. So the internet matchmaking sites do know precisely the age of your online dating profile photographs. All of the internet dating sites encourage singles to post only photos which are recent photos of you. However, how recent really is recent and what is the big deal anyway?
Internet Dating Photos From Over 30 Years Ago Are Not the Issue
I’ve already been discussing the issue of using photographs in your dating profile which are from your high school prom or college homecoming dance parties sporting the dress, image, and embarrassing styles of the fashion world of more than 20 years ago and all too likely those of 30 plus years ago. I’m not talking about those photos from a quarter century ago in your life nor even those of your DMV photographs.
I’m opening up the topic of using Recent Photos of you in your dating profiles.
Now the issue is and the reason why you want to be considering this and managing the age of your online dating profile photos is because this is your internet personals ad. When you are seeking a serious romantic relationship via an internet personals ad, then you want to put your best foot forward, but the actual foot you have right now, not your fashion foot from a prior decade.
Internet Dating Photos Age Recency: When It Doesn’t Really Matter For You
For those singles over 40 years old, 50 years old, and 60 years old versus those singles in their 20s and 30 years old or so. When you are 44 years old, how you looked at 42 years old unless you’ve seriously altered the color or style of your hair, using a few photos of yourself from 2 years ago in your online dating profile is probably really perfectly fine.
Internet Dating Photos Age Recency: Who It Does Matter For
However, when you are 20 years old, how you look, style and dress now versus when you are 21 years old and 22 years old really can be a massive difference in how you really look and come across to others. According to the OkCupid study provocative bathing suit clad photos in particular, which I also cite as always a mistake to share online at the internet dating sites, have been shown to typically be quite out-of-date coming from singles.
Internet Dating Photos: Your Image Is Your Self-Advertising Message

I’ll tell you right now, it is already abundantly unwise to share provocatively clad photos online with strangers. Why? Because when what you want and are seeking is a long term serious relationship, then your bathing suit photos are sending and advertising the wrong message for you.
When you’re a single seeking a serious relationship with with a single who is a quality woman or man, then you’ll want to both avoid sharing bathing suit or inadvertently provocative photos of you as well as do include posting recent flattering photographs of yourself, preferably taken by a professional photographer from LookBetterOnline.
Related Articles on Online Dating Profile Articles:
Integrity in Dating: Online Dating Profile Photograph Advice PT1
Integrity in Dating: Online Dating Profile Photograph Advice PT2
Happy Dating and Relationships,
April Braswell
Internet Dating and Relationship Expert
As seen in Dating for Dummies, 3rd Edition
- When you’re ready to get going online and find love and the romantic relationship you crave….
- When you want to supercharge your internet dating search and courtship to find real love….
- When you’re sick of the sea of sameness swirling about the dating sites and lackluster result you’re getting….
- When you’re sick and tired of one more Saturday night wasted meeting someone who doesn’t match you whatsoever…
Then click here to apply to have April write your professionally written internet dating profile.
Professional Online Dating Profile Writing and Review Service
Have you tried online dating yet? But it’s not really working for you like the glamorous images you see depicted in the tv ads? Want help to be successful and safe with internet dating? Are you ready to get online and look for love using the exciting internet dating sites?
Have you been online for awhile, but you just don’t seem to be finding and attracting the right kind of quality singles for you? April offers her Professional Online Dating Profile Writing and Review Service to empower modern singles to attract love online and get better dates.
If you already have an online dating profile, she will review it and assist you to rev it up to be more attractive and alluring to the opposite sex.
If you are at square one and want to get online, with her Internet Dating Profile Writing service, she’ll help you capture and convey your unique essence online and get your profile posted asap.
To apply to hire April for her Internet Dating Profile Writing and Review Coaching Service, send her an email to april (AT) to get started in finding the love you want online.
Great post April!
Excellent explanation of when your profile Photos Age Recency matters and when does not matter.
What is the really important thing is that you are recognizable…and that your date does not feel deceived.!!!
Sonya Lenzo
I have a friend who met her husband online. His online photo was from years earlier when he weighed a good 20-30 lbs less. My friend was upset when she first saw him, but fortunately she gave him a chance and they ended up falling in love and getting married. Their first meeting was for coffee. She said that when she first saw him, she was going to walk the other way and then just never respond to his emails. Now she’s glad she didn’t.
Lisa McLellan
Babysitting Services, Nanny Services, and Nanny agencies
April, how often should a person change their photo on their profile and do you think that other people should be in the main picture.
Scott Sylvan Bell
Reading body language of women in photos
Now go implement!
Thanks for pointing out these points April . News to me that people wouldn’t want a recent photo on the sites . Doesn’t make much sense to me .
I agree with Sonya!
In some many profile pictures people are unrecognisable! You see them in facebook and then you wonder if it is the same person…
What is your advice about that?
Dejar de fumar con ayuda
I can certainly see the logic behind wanting recent photos but I never really considered how age played a big role. Never really thought about how much one can change from 20 to 22 vs. 40 to 42.
Makes sense!
Lying in a dating profile continues to baffle me. What exactly are people trying to accomplish. I couldn’t imagine trying to carry a real conversation with someone in thier 20’s. Just as I’m sure they couldn’t stand the thought of being stuck with me.
Deception is never a good thing. Unless you’re James Bond I guess…
Exercise is a Gift
Is there any way to get the age of the photo from the website?
Mark Hogan
I agree that using photos from a couple of years ago for 40+ people is fine. But definitely nix the bathing suit idea at any age.
Cherie Miranda
Dharana: The Sixth Limb of Yoga
I’m surprised that people post photos of themselves in a bathing suit because it would seem to be sending the wrong message entirely.
Again, good advice for helping singles avoid mistakes with their online dating efforts.
Success Secrets
You’re so right about age differences affecting recency of photo requirements April. Thanks!
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Hi April,
Not that I’m in my 20’s anymore, but I found it interesting to note that youngsters in their 20’s should be VERY recent with the profile photos. Does this hold more true for women over men or both the same? Also, someone in their mid-40’s to post a picture at say 39 … yea or nay?
Stay Amazing and Do Great Things, Neil
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