Computer Dating with Integrity, Waiting Until The Divorce Decree
Computer Dating Contemporary Singles Date Website Challenges
Now that singles doing computer dating on The Net has been around for well over 15 years, internet dating singles talk about the various challenges of online dating. Since internet dating websites have moved into the mainstream of how modern single guys and gals meet, court, and marry, whole new challenges and problems have emerged that weren’t present in the early days of cyberdating on the Net.
Computer Dating Contemporary Singles Date Website Challenge of Lack of Integrity in Internet Dating
With so many more singles with computer dating profiles posted at the online dating website, one of the complaints among contemporary computer dating singles is the lack of Integrity in Dating Online.
There are many possible nuances to the problem of insufficient Integrity in Dating when it comes to internet dating mores.
Socializing While Divorcing: Wait to Date Til Divorce Decreed
One of the current challenges for contemporary computer dating singles is the managing of your social life while you are divorcing. If you are in the process of becoming single again, then until your divorce is actually finalized and you have received your divorce decree from a court of law, then you are legally still married.
Waiting for Dating Until Divorce Is Finalized to Attend Singles Events
Some of the Christian denominations like the Latter Day Saints (LDS) Christians have a policy for all of their Single Adult Singles Events that you simply may not attend unless you are, in fact, by decree and legally single. I think that makes for a very good and very clear policy. I admire it.

However, I do know that some singles will start to socialize and go on initial dip-the-toe-back-in-the-dating-pool test the waters and dust off their social skills non-date coffees. They don’t call them dates, even when the two of them are agreeing and arranging in advance to meet for the coffee and the gentleman buys the coffee for the lady.
The one thing that I cannot abide by, of course, is when someone is in the midst of their divorce, and they lie about it to others and tell them that they are actually single, when of course, they are not. They are still married.
Internet Dating with Integrity: Don’t Lie in Your Computer Dating Profile
Some women in particular immediately strike the man from their list and label them as “Cheaters.” So long as all behavior is chaste, there is no “Cheating.” However, there can be Lying. And that is the part that I cannot agree to, condone, nor abide. There can never be a good solid marriage minded relationships foundation built upon 1 of the two of you overtly and knowingly lying to deceive the other. What kind of marriage could that possibly lead to?
Modern singles might knowingly connect socially, share a glass of wine after work or a casual coffee on a Saturday afternoon. There is quite a range of pre-dating socializing open to divorcing people. It’s not that their social life must be bereft and barren.
However, waiting to fully and truly date and flirt until your divorce is fully finalized and you’ve received the legal divorce decree is an excellent singles dating best practices idea that will serve you well in establishing a marriage minded dating courtship. When you wait to date until you are completely and legally divorced, you honor yourself and respect your date. To do otherwise could lead to dating defrauding and bad feelings all around. Better to wait to date until you are free to do so.
Happy Dating and Relationships!
April Braswell
As seen in “In Touch Weekly” and in Dating for Dummies, 3rd Edition
April Braswell is a Professional Speaker who speaks to singles in Singles Groups and Divorce Recovery Groups as well as at Singles Dating Workshops and Singles Conferences. Hire April to speak at your Singles Event?
April, thanks for keeping up with the world of singles on the internet and helping people learn how to write their profiles. You are the internet dating expert.
Scott Sylvan Bell
Body language of negotiation
Now go implement!
Integrity in dating!
At last a like you April, who does what is best for everyone!
Looking forward to tomorrow!
Is someone is not clear enough to say the real status from the beggining then the relatioship is going to stop bad when the other part realize it, soon or later they are going to know. Good point.
Pendrives Corporativos
Building trust in these situations is crucial and lying about your marital status will not help in this regard. What are the normal options to choose from on a dating site – single, married, never married, divorced? Is there an option for “waiting for divorce decree” or do you think that would give too much ‘wiggle room’?
EcoFriendlyMatters @ EcoFriendlyLink
No more 100W light bulbs?
REally good advice April. I think we have all known folks who have gone back to their partners while they are waiting for the divorce decree.
Sonya Lenzo
Hi April,
I find sometimes that I forget to update my profile in the social media very easily. Do you recommend updating all your profiles at the same time?
I mean not only from the online dating sites but also from facebook, twitter or any other social media?
That makes a lot of sense, April. The worst thing to do would be to lie about it.
Cherie Miranda
Meditation Helps Cancer Patients
fair advice. Never start a new relationship with a lie. This is the rule to follow. I was also wondering about social media profiles. Should we let our friends know that we are “almost single”. 🙂
Good for the LDS to make an issue like this black and white so it is clear for singles.
I am certainly glad to see you tackle this subject… for both genders equally.