LDS Christians Inland Empire Singles Friday Dance and Potluck
Southern California Singles Social Scene in San Bernadino County, CA

Southern California Singles have lots of informal social choices to choose from when it comes to having a lively local singles social scene. If you don’t live in the area, do poke around for resources like what I post about for here in the Southwest near Los Angeles for what the options are in your area.
Southern California Successful Singles Stretch Themselves Socially
Within SoCal there are both the different area counties as well as local regions like LA, South LA County (aka Long Beach and the surrounding cities like Torrance), Beach Cities, South County, as well as Newport Beach, Huntington Beach, and San Diego the cities singles groups. I do hear from most Southern California Singles that they really want to date someone who lives within typically about 35 miles of them. However, sometimes when we stretch ourselves just a few miles more like to within about 50 miles or a little over an hour during non-commute traffic (across town can take an hour during the Annual Huntington Beach Surfing Conference the US Open of Surfing). I have interviewed happily married couples who successfully met online who expanded their search to their geographic region which entailed a reach of withing 500 miles of where they lived. Who then met. Courted, and have been delightedly married for quite some time now. This is all to make the point of, keep a little bit of an open mind when you are seeking love.
And while I love and adore internet dating as a fantastic tactic for singles to readily meet and connect with other eligible and available singles who they would not typically meet in the average course of their day, let’s not forget. Online dating is only one tactic for how singles meet and how happily married couples met.
Which means what, April?
Get out of Dodge more.
Successful Singles Sometimes Put The Smart Phone Down
Yes, you do need to put down your smart phone or tablet, power down your laptop and get up off of the couch. Spiff yourself up a bit. And go out and meet more people. If you are expecting magically a matchmaker will wave my magic wand and do it all for you. Think again. Even when I do provide direct matchmaking services and introduce singles, everyone needs some additional skill building for a relationship to take and thrive. One of the best places to practice this is at fun local singles dances.
Fun local singles dances are not like 7th grade first dances when you had just about zero romantic social skills. Instead, going to local singles dance soirees is like going to dances when you had hit you own version of “cool kid” stride by Junior Year in High School and you could just go and have some fun. Dance to the music. And socialize.
The local area LDS singles dances are often a great venue for meeting other singles for 2 reasons. Yes, it’s hosted by the LDS. So you know there won’t be any alcohol served. Which means you can have actual connecting conversations and won’t inadvertently say or do anything too fast too soon that you might regret because you had some alcohol to drink and knocked out your impulse control center in your brain. Secondarily, it’s not pitch black. That also sets the stage for yes, real live conversations with other singles you can actually see. This setting isn’t great for those PUA tactics. But that wasn’t what you were looking for anyway, was it? Nope. You want a relationship. Maybe even marriage. So these venues support the meeting and conversations which support that. Not everyone who attends is LDS, so if you’re not an LDS Christian, no worries. You might meet some other non-LDS singles as well as some who are.
Because the goal is?
- To Get Out of Dodge
- To Keep an Open Mind
- To Have Some Fun!
San Bernadino County Inland Empire LDS Singles Dance and Potluck
High Desert Potluck and Dance in Hesperia, CA
When: Friday, January 13, 2012
What Time: 7:00 pm – 11:00 pm
Where: Hesperia LDS Church Building
10862 Maple Ave., Hesperia, CA
Singles Age Group: Likely Mid-Singles, covering typically singles in their 30s to about early – to mid forties. If you are a year or two younger or older, usually it is perfectly acceptable to attend.
The Dance is DJ’d. There might be some nominal cover charge like $5.00. Typically the LDS Christian Singles Dances are very economically priced at $10.00 or less. Just bring a few fives with you to make it easy for everyone, including yourself.
If you want to attend and want to speak with one of the organizers, email me at and I’ll share that with you. Then you can get an idea of what item to bring to share for the potluck. Note to the bachelors and bachelorettes, modern single men and women both want their partner to have some domestic cooking skills. So single guys and gals, you get to demonstrate you can cook at least a little with the food item you bring to share at a single potluck and dance. I’m just saying…
Then go put your grove thing on and have some fun!
Happy Dating and Relationships!
April Braswell
As seen in Dating for Dummies, 3rd Edition
April Braswell is a Professional Speaker who speaks to singles in Singles Groups and Divorce Recovery Groups as well as at Singles Dating Workshops and Singles Conferences. Hire April to speak at your Singles Event?
What a good idea to combine a potluck with a dance. Now you have two ways to get conversation going…”who made this fabulous dip?”….and with great and easy recipes on the Internet, it is easy to impress!
Sonya Lenzo
I’d like to know the schedule for activities for LDS singles over 50 anywhere new/or not-so-near Barstow, CA.
I am new to The Mojave Desert, a transplant from my San Diego birthplace.
Thank you!