Dating Help for Singles This Holiday Shopping Season: Conversation Ice Breaker Tips and Advice

Now that we are well into the Christmas and December Holidays, it is certainly time to address the idea of ice breakers and conversation starters. All throughout the holiday season, you will be finding yourself single and out and about simply doing all of you holiday shopping. In fact, at this time of year with all of the “good cheer” good will abounding, you will find that people just in general are more predisposed to chatting casually with strangers.
What does this mean for you as a single?
This means not only do you want to take advantage of all of that “good will” but you also will want to plan ahead so that you are ready to spring into action and not be caught with nothing to say and nothing to do.
If you are single this December, you have surely already encountered some conversation opening ice breaker opportunities and simply been stumped with what to say and do to take it to the next step.
Perhaps you were simply at the shopping mall food court ordering yourself a bite to eat for dinner after a full day at work and you’re here just doing some light holiday shopping list browsing to see what is even out here and available this holiday season. You’re at the cash register ordering your din dins burger and salad, and Mr. Hottie says something flirtatious to you. You blush and manage to stammer out something flirty back to him, but then you’re grabbing your dinner to go and leave. Both of you can chalk up a few brownie points for practicing your flirtation skills, but if you don’t know what to say or do after the first opening sentence, you both are lost with no date this weekend.
A few simple things to do to always be prepared.
It’s the holiday season. You can always wear a holiday accessory for a conversation starter ice breaker. Women can get away with a lot more of these than men can. We can wear a cute sweater, a scarf, a hat, a broach, a pin, earrings, a necklace, shoes, boots, a jacket, mittens, gloves, tights, stockings, and yeah you get it, just about anything. Men are pretty much limited to a tie or a hat. Men might wear a sweater or sweatshirt with a holiday motif on it, but then those are near give aways that some woman in your life bought it for you last year, and most women will assume it was your wife and simply not perceive you. Guys, you can make light of this by complimenting the lady on her fun accessory and then display a little self-deprecating humor by following it with something like, “Your earrings are so cute. The only holiday thing I have is a sweatshirt my grandma gave me. I’d be too embarrassed to wear it in public!” And then quick ask some innocuous question to keep the conversation going, “Do you work around here? I work over at the Office Park down the road.” You’re mentioning where you work puts her a bit more at ease.
Singles Romance Help Advice: Moves to Make Today
Singles Romance Tip Option 1: Make Your Move Now!
Ask them to join you to eat your food, drink your coffee. If you possibly can and have the time, invite them to sit with you to share your meal or snack right now. You almost have to take things to the slightly next level right here and now or the connection simply isn’t warm enough to segue to a real date even if you do phone tomorrow.
Singles Romance Tip Option 2: Make Your Move within 24 Hours!
Hand them your personal card or business card to follow up afterwards. “Wow, you sure are cute. I’d love to sit and share a coffee together, but I actually have to be somewhere in 15 minutes. Can I get your number? Here’s my card. I’ll phone you tomorrow.” Don’t let it go past tomorrow unless you are in an airplane all day on a 6 hour flight. Otherwise, the connection was warmed up enough to last past about 24 hours. You must follow up fairly soon after meeting and ask for at least a “Drinks Date” to connect a bit further.
Happy Dating and Relationships,
April Braswell
Internet Dating and Relationship Expert
As seen in Dating for Dummies, 3rd Edition
April Braswell speaks to singles in Singles Groups and Divorce Recovery Groups as well as at Singles Dating Workshops and Singles Conferences. Looking to Hire April to speak at your Singles Event?
April, most folks think they are too busy during the holiday season to even think about flirting…but your ideas remind us that there are more people out and about right now…thus more “possibles” and people are just friendlier during the holidays!
Sonya Lenzo
April, these are all great ways to get attention from a single man or woman. What do you think about asking a man or woman for advice for a gift to get a conversation going?
Scott Sylvan Bell
Reading body language of jealous men
Now go implement!
And if you attempt to start a relationship during the holidays through an online dating service, enjoy and happy holiday hunting to all
It’s true that people are more friendly when Christmas holidays are near!
I like Scott’s idea about the gifts, what do you think? What other things could you ask?
Blog sobre Hipnosis
Excellend suggestions for making connections which may lead to dates over the Christmas holidays!
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Getting past that opening line is what scares most people. Thanks for the excellent tips.
Tim Van Milligan
Great advice for making connections and encouraging romance during this hectic time of year.