Sacramento Area Singles Groups: Check Out Sacramento’s Young Republicans Apr 2012 Mixer
As a former resident of the San Francisco Bay Area, it is one of those SF Bay Area things. When it is to our advantage, we include Sacramento as being “within” the SF Bay Area. Like I remember from years ago in the San Francisco Chronicle from the late great beloved columnist Herb Caen talking about area Bridge players being champions. At least 1 of the people cited lived in Sacramento or the greater Sacramento area. In order to give greater elan to the San Francisco Bay Area, Sacramento was included for his column.
Well, because I like Sacramento, Old Town, the Train Museum, and its housing the California State Government, I am including Sacramento in the broader reaching named category of the Greater San Francisco Bay Area. The Sacramento Young Republicans are part of the California State Young Republicans groups. They are hosting a monthly members mixer on Thursday, April 26th.
Now, those of you who read my Relationship Advice & Tips Blog on any kind of a regular basis might notice that I’ve often shared the monthly mixer events of various Young Republican clubs. Well, do know that each of the Young Republican Clubs of the California Federation of Young Republicans (I might have that precise name incorrect. I’m checking the Sac YR folks to ensure I have the correct citation. So if it changes again in a few days, that will be with better info!) does indeed have a different personality.
Those of us of the SFYRs probably have a touch of a more SF sophistication and partying attitude. While we did have a monthly contingent going to Jackson Arms Shooting Range, probably many SF City Dweller conservatives simply aren’t packing. We also love our intellectual cerebral discourse. Much as we adored meeting for the happy hour time of the YR mixers, we loved to chew on the meat of real politics whenever we could get national and regional politicos to visit and present to us.
Naturally the Sacramento Young Republican’s have a particularly Sac feel to their meetings. They are RIGHT THERE in Sacramento, the seat of CA State Politics and their professional careers are not so financial district and Silicon Valley driven.
If you’re conservative, single, maybe even taken and just want to talk chewy conservative politics, do check out the Sac YR’s monthly mixer on Thursday, April 26th. Naturally, this is a CYRF mixer. Not everyone there will be single. Think of this more as a targeted demographic group if you are politically conservative. Many members and attendees will be single like yourself. And those who are coupled up you will have a delightful time connecting with them and sharing in political discourse and stimulating your minds together.
Simon’s Bar & Grill
1415 16th Street
Sacramento, California 95814
When: Thursday, April 26, 2012
5:30 PM
Cost? FREE! (Like how Capitalism is a Free Enterprise economic system….)
Happy Dating and Relationships!
April Braswell
As seen in “In Touch Weekly” and in Dating for Dummies, 3rd Edition
April Braswell is a Professional Speaker who speaks to singles in Singles Groups and Divorce Recovery Groups as well as at Singles Dating Workshops and Singles Conferences. Hire April to speak at your Singles Event?
April, very active schedule. You are doing a great service to people. I imagine your satisfaction when people come together and become a family. Good job.
Great, April, although these days I would think most members would be packing.
F-R-E-E?!? That is an incredible price. It sounds like this will definitely be a successful event for those in the Sacramento Great San Francisco Bay area who attend.
Yours In Health!
G.E. Moon II
Wealth Beyond Reason
Since politics can be such a volatile subject, this is a great event to meet like minded singles. Plus it is Free.
Yours In Health!
Dr. Wendy
What Back Pain Looks Like
Not carrying in SF? WTHeck?
you know of so many great and diverse events One day I will get out that way and see what it is all about!
Seems like you are on the go all the time knowing what is going on and where. Your folks are lucky to have you, April.
Be Well.
April, I know where I am going tomorrow night to meet up with a few people. Thanks for your dating expertise even in Sacramento
Scott Sylvan Bell
Body language of no confidence
Now go implement!
April, a bit too far for me to travel from London. But I’m sure with you at the helm, it will be a great success.
Kind regards
Peter Tamosaitis
April you help so many people with so many options!
You are amazing! Thank you for this site!
Looking forward to tomorrow!
Packing? Another word to add to my American vocabulary, thanks April!
EcoFriendly Matters
Lonely Planet review – are guide books eco friendly?
Funny how on the east coast poeple separate areas by city blocks and on the west coast we separate by give or take 100 miles!
You are so organized – and organizing – April; another great event for the Right group even though it is on the Left Coast LOL
You are the person I alwaysgo to when I am in town to find out what is going on. How do you keep up with it all?
Sales Expert
Do you recommend to talk about politics in the first date?
Lapiceros Parker