Facebook Dating Tips for Singles: Are You Friend or Faux?

Facebook Dating Singles:  Be Cautious Accepting FB Friend Requests from Fake People Profiles

Facebook is so popular right now that it is actually the #2 most popular website on the planet.

So, on one hand it is an absolutely great place to have a personal profile and do some flirting, staying open to love and meeting people in your area or through friends from high school, college, and your club or association activities.  And this principle works out the same way also for business people looking to do another layer of business networking with their fellow local business owners.

However, because Facebook has gotten to be so large and so ubiquitous, invariably you will find every trashy element out there as well including professional time wasters, married people flirting with you in your Facebook email box (ouch and STOP poking me, ok? lol), sending you flirtatious opening FB Instant Messages, as well as full-fledged scam artists.

I’ve been interspersing my warning guidelines about behaviors to follow when singles reach out to you online at Facebook, but today I want to focus in particular on the topic of Faux Facebook Friends.

How can you tell if someone at Facebook is a Real Person or if they are Fake

I say Faux, which I like using better, fun play on words, wasn’t it?  Like we ladies know you NEVER say your pearls are FAKE!  Nunca!  You instead use the label FAUX pearls.  So are they Friend or Faux?

Facebook Dating Tip #1:  Do they already have more than 25 friends of both men and women?

Or do they only have Facebook friends of their opposite sex who are SUPER GORGEOUS good looking?  If they are a single guy are all their friends SUPER MODEL GORGEOUS women typically under 35 years old?

If they are a single woman, are all their friends the SUPER MODEL hunky guys out from a day photo shoot from Gentleman’s Quarterly (GQ) or Men’s Health?

Often the faux are professionals of some sort and are targeting wasting the time of single men or women.  Their FB Instant Messages will feature redirectily BITLY urls in them which cloak to where the url will actually take you.  NEVER NEVER NEVER click through those urls.  Do so at the peril of your computer and all website accounts like Facebook, Twitter, and all else which can get hacked and malware attacked.

Facebook Dating Tip #2: Does their profile cite a NETWORK which they are part of?

For example Harvard University or UCLA Network?  Alternatively does it cite Cisco Systems or 3M Network?

Look for signs that at least a FEW of their friends probably really are their high school fellow prepsters or graduated from the same college or b-school alma mater.  When I first joined Facebook, you had to cite your graduating high and college.  Many of the profiles of real people at Facebook cite the NETWORK of their alma mater or corporate employer.

Facebook Dating Tip #3  Look for at least 5 personal profile photos.

Look for these photos which don’t look like they were ALL taken at a professional photographer’s photo studio.

Dating and Relationship Expert April Braswell with Yann Vernier
April Braswell with Yann Vernier

Look for photos which are demonstrating to you: I am a real person with friends and a life.

Perhaps an outdoors photo with them at a farmers market?

A few casual informal photographs of them with a few family members or friends.

Facebook Dating Tip #4: Their primary profile photograph clearly displays their full face.

The FB Faux are often subtly hiding a bit of their face so you cannot fully see who they are.  Sometimes the guy is wearing sunglasses and they are slightly turned away from the camera.

This allows them to conceal their online flirting from their spouse who they think will NEVER inadvertently encounter this additional FB profile of theirs online… or from their home computer.

Don’t get me started on that rant.  BTW, it’s all admissible in divorce proceedings.  Your computer NEVER forgets.  It’s call Forensics.

Sometimes she is showing more of her frontal assets than she is of her face because she is advertising for a different kind of connection and would really like to FB Instant Message with you to get you to go over to her website or webcam.

When you are single and looking for love online, certainly Facebook has been the starting point for countless romances and marriages.  However, do be a smart dater and be on the lookout for scammers of one kind or another.  When someone starts emailing you to become their friend with romantic overture emails, do follow this guidelines to help you answer, “Are you a Facebook Friend or Faux?”

Happy Dating and Relationships,

April Braswell

Dating and Relationship Expert

Internet Dating and Relationship Expert

as seen in “Dating for Dummies” 3rd Edition

Click here to apply to have April write your professionally written internet dating profile.

Professional Internet Dating Profile Writing and Review Service

Facebook Dating, Internet Dating Expert, Online Dating Expert, Professional Internet Dating PRofile Writer, Internet Personals ADs Writing,
Seeking Love Online

Have you tried internet dating?  But it’s not really working for you like the glamorous images you see depicted in the tv ads?  Want help to be successful and safe with online dating?  Are you ready to get online and look for love using the exciting internet dating sites?


Have you been online for awhile, but you just don’t seem to be finding and attracting the right kind of singles for you?  April offers her Professional Internet Dating Profile Writing and Review Service to empower modern singles to attract love online and get better dates.

If you already have an online dating profile, she will review it and assist you to rev it up to be more attractive and alluring to the opposite sex.

If you are at square one and want to get online, with her Internet Dating Profile Writing service, she’ll help you capture and convey your unique essence online and get your profile posted asap.

To apply to hire April for her Internet Dating Profile Writing and Review Coaching Service, send her an email to april (AT) aprilbraswell.com to get started in finding the love you want online.


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April Braswell

April Braswell is internationally recognized as America's Midlife Dating and Relationship Mentor and the award winning expert columnist at DatingAdvice.com. Bringing over 40 years of Sales and Marketing expertise, April is a the trusted Small Business Consultant and Coach to Leading Executives and Emerging Leaders. Author of best seller, Get Swipe Right. April coaches marriage-minded men and women to find and attract love, your best life partner. Life Love Love relationship. Love after 40 and 50. Photos appear by licenses with iStock. All rights reserved.

Reader Interactions


  1. Facebook is very wide now and it-s normal that many people that are looking for a relationship try to use its advantages!
    With the tips that you share in this blog it is very easy to know if the person is a real peron or faux and also it gives you ideas of what kind of person is trying to contact you!

  2. Crikey ! This dating game is getting scarier and scarier . Well at least April ,if people read your Blogs , no one should get caught in a compromising situation .

  3. Awesome title!!! I’m very selective of whom I accept a friend from. When I first joined I just said yes to everyone. Now if I don’t know the person I’ll not even respond to the fact I have a request. Do people actually just type names at random?

  4. April
    I have had one of my best and one of my worst experiences from FB in the last year…and neither of them was in a romantic sense. So I guess I am still full of mixed feelings about it.But I like that you are warning people about the dangers. I think young people in particular are far too careless about what they do and say on line…
    Sonya Lenzo

  5. It’s true things are getting scammy over at Facebook like they did at MySpace. It’s part of what ruined MySpace for so many people for netwoking. I got some family man in Africa begging me for money for his son’s surgery. I think he found me because we are both Christians and i have that Liked on my wall. I dont know if he is for real or if its a scam but it creeped me out. Had to unfriend him.

  6. I just read this article, this is good information till now. But you know, now Facebook is has introduced their new feature known as “Facebook Dating”.
    It will be just like Tinder, actually, it’s a competitor for Tinder.

  7. Appreciated! but now Facebook has announced a new feature called Facebook Dating. Mark Zuckerberg announced it in the F8 conference. And it is same like Tinder. They have announced it but didn’t launch yet, but they are going to launch it in the coming months.

  8. Hi Zain, that’s why it’s a blog. That was written years ago before FB wanted to become a full fledged dating site. Still, since most of my target audience are marriage minded singles, targeting Tinder really won’t be too relevant for them quite yet. Once it’s established, I might write an additional blog post. We’ll see. There’s still a ton of Faux approaches going on at Facebook. It was cool over 10 years ago, but it’s gotten tiresome. Thanks for visiting and chiming in at my blog.

    Cheers and blessings,


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