Yes, NOT to neglect the single men who were like, “Hello, April, what can I do to increase my odds of meeting more women if there are so many MEN in all those business classes?”
Head down the hallway to the arts and crafts rooms.
Or as BabySitting expert Lisa McLellan remarked, “What about all those dance classes that I like to take?”
yup. FILLED with women. LOTS of women. For all those men who write me about how they are in a rut and just are NOT meeting single women or really that MANY single women, arts, crafts, dance classes, etc. are DEFINITELY a great place to work the Law of Large Numbers.
At the end, you just of stroll over to the vending machines, “Hey, can I buy you a bottle of water?” I mean, what women would refuse a bottle of WATER? And it won’t break your bank and you’ve got a convo STARTED.
And that’s the point.
When you want further guidance about more specifically HOW after you’re meeting more women but not quite converting those to dates, or you’re still stuck, well, shoot me a note and check out my services at my website after you’ve read a number of the articles and we can schedule some one-on-one coaching time.
I can be very general here, but to really help you in your individual situation and go through all the nuances of what you need, one-on-one coaching is best. And as we all know, it’s the winners in life who hire coaches to succeed even further in life and achieve their goals. I mean, anyone can “Get Married” but how about finding The Best Love Partner for YOU? And to create a GREAT romantic relationship, one you LOVE, and not one that is boring (yawn) or stifling (eek!). I mean, isn’t that what you want? A great romantic relationship with a wonderful life partner? I think you deserve THAT, cause marriage lasts a LOOOoooooooooooNG time! You deserve the whole shebang.
Happy Dating and Relationships,
April Braswell
Oh April it is so true that women LOVE a man who can dance!At the singles dances I used to attend in Minnesota, there would be men who were not GQ good looking but they WERE good dancers, and they were swarmed by good looking women!I also gave a class on diet and nutrition once. Only one man showed up and he was the center of attention!
Sonya Lenzo
I am such a crafter, this is a perfect dating idea for me. thank you for pointing it out. I like this one.