Decluttering and Making Room for Love and Romance at Home
Today I did some practicing what I preach and taking my OWN medicine.
1. I got my hair DONE at Joseph Cozza Salon so I look MY best. (Christopher and Jesse each did a GREAT job with my hair! I look FABULOUS.) This is a premiere beauty salon in San Francisco on exclusive Maiden Lane in the Gump’s building.
2. I invested some time in DECLUTTERING within my home. My brother, aka The Groom (he’s getting married in 2 weeks, so yes, I have even MORE witness to What Words for How to Get Married and fall in love) even commented on it.
“You’ve been doing something.”
I LOVE (seriously, I DO!) male communication.
Women, we would have gushed.
Men? direct, taciturn, darling.
Indeed, I am working on cleaning, decluttering and LETTING go of the unnecessary things.
What to Keep
Now, a birthday card my late mother gave me, THAT is necessary to hang onto.
What to Toss
A plant which is only .05% alive, is NOT. THAT went into the garbage.
Now, WHERE is Jennifer Skinner of TVSC with HER keep is small elegant and simple ways? Jennifer, I always want to ping you after I have done ANY decluttering to get my little pats on the back (even we COACHES crave OUR pats on the back like we give our clients!) to further encourage me to keep up the good work.
Because indeed, when you are a single guy or single gal, a Feng Shui principle (Chinese New Year is approaching, so I have to mention something of Asian and Chinese derivation to honor the day!) for Feng Shui for Romance and Attracting Love is to MAKE ROOM FOR IT.
So, I am letting go of anything of DEAD energy like the dead plants and sorting through and recycling (practicing good stewardship is always a GOOD thing!) all that wasted paper from all the junk mail.
As a single man or single woman, often one needs to add just a TOUCH of the opposing energy to enliven and INVITE the opposite sex into your home and life.
Even if you don’t BELIEVE in espouse the Feng Shui philosophy, this really is VERY practical.
Guys, women feel more invited and comfortable if there is just a TOUCH of softness (YIN ENERGY) in your bedroom and living room (the two rooms you are HOPING to invite her into). A toss pillow or two. A curtain on your windows. SOMETHING to soften all that YANG ENERGY from masculine YOU!
Gals! OK, so we LOVE Cottage Chic and all that chintz etc. However, men buy leather couches.
So, God forbid, have SOMETHING wood, metal, or leather in your living room and few more masculine objects like tall candles next to your bed.
Hope that gives you some fun ideas for attracting LOVE!
Happy Dating and Relationships,
April Braswell
very nice post, i certainly love this website, keep at it, April. It’s true, if my life and my house is already too full there is no room for God to give me a husband of my dreams like Joel Osteen says.
All of this is good advice…thro out or give away that which you don’t need. It is freeing.I have a male friend that visits frequently and he has HIS chair and I keep that portion of the room comfortable for him. Don’t we all like to feel welcome when we visit?????
Sonya Lenzo