For single Boomers and other singles over 45 and 50, I hear from both men and women about being overlooked at cocktail parties and in public.
One of the things I have learned from Reading Body Language and Persuasion Expert, Kevin Hogan, is to display physical congruency to be our most attractive. There are a number of evolutionary reasons for why both men and women find youthfulness attractive for physical chemistry. To build on my lessons about Relationship Success from last week, that is just the Attraction Phase, where we are talking about chemistry. For full relationships to develop, we will need something more. However, we do want to look our best to foster chemistry. Including looking youthful, not young per se. Youthful.
Yes, let me trot out my top Numero Uno care: Serious Sunscreen. I have Irish heritage. I was always sunburning even with sunscreen as a child. The best way to avoid wrinkles and raisin dry skin is to apply SPF 35, 40 or 50 sunscreen daily. Just apply it to your face after you moisturize your skin after you wash it each day. It’s just like layer two your moisturizer. It is ESSENTIAL. Smile and laugh lines will always look beautiful and handsome. Skin care won’t.
The other thing about aging is a hairy topic and it’s probably not the hair you are thinking of…..
Your face and ears.
I first heard it from Comedian Jeff Foxworthy of the “You Might Be a Red Neck If….” fame. Hysterically funny man. One of his recordings, he started to tweak on men that the hair is no longer growing out of their skulls, but it is still growing. Just out of your nose and ears. Ha. Ha. Well, it’s true. That and eyebrows which start to resemble the horned owl.
Nose Hair trimmers
Ear Hair trimmers
Have your barber trim your eyebrows, too.
Now, gentlemen, least you feel pained or insulted that I singled you out, sigh. Not the case. Just, I’m working up to it.
Ladies, we will need to do this, too.
If you have one of those fabulous magnifying mirrors, you may be startled and stunned to a rude awakening that after all these years of not having to bleach or wax your upper lip that now after 40 to see … you have a few dark hairs there. It is SO RUDE! How can this be! Sigh. It just is. Waxing is the best. And while we are at it with the waxing….
Have your facialist wax the first 1/4 inch inner part of your nose. Your hair there is often darker now and sort of has cow licks. The hairs there are sticking out a little. That is what I mean about CONGRUENCY. Young people don’t have the cow licks. Over 40. Do. Even when you are doing a number other things to create your best you look, the nose hair things create an incongruency in your look. It is infinitesimal. Do this every 2-4 weeks. And ladies eyebrows aren’t becoming horned owls, however, cow licks are there. Use your cuticle scissors to keep them groomed. Also a light eyebrow wax (Chanel’s eyebrow palette comes with it.) keeps the hair in place. Just neatly groomed, soft. Not harsh and overly perfect looking.
I know. It’s a hairy topic. But I had to tell you. I just didn’t want to start the week on it.
When you do these things, indeed, you LOOK your best, and when you look your best, you FEEL great, don’t you? And THAT is always attractive.
Happy Dating and Relationships,
April Braswell
Classy and elegant need to still be the tone for singles at any age, don’t you think?