Do Keep Meeting Singles Offline

Well, since I had a computer issue where I am hobbled with my internet relationship building activities, I felt it was time to again address the issue of singles aiming to meet each other in the offline world.

Internet Matchmaking industry leader is reporting that 1 out of 5 relationship started in one way or another online.  Well, don’t forget. If you’re single and you don’t want to be….  If you’re looking for a boyfriend or girlfriend relationship…. Then do notice that’s statistic means that 4 out of 5 relationships do still start out offline!

Millenial Dating Meeting for First Date Internet Dating Online Dating
Young Woman Smiling at Young Man

What that means for singles is do keep your eyes and ears open when you are out and about in the real world away from your computer.  Of course, if you have a cool smart phone like the iPhone, the iPad, Android, or Blackberry, then your computer just might be with you at all times.  However, you can put it down periodically and look about you at your surroundings and certainly do make a concerted effort to look around you see who else is there.

One of the jokes I make about how singles and everyone actually, can get so internet obsessed – just look at all the television ads for unrelated items which feature Facebook in some manner.  There is now even an automobile with an interface with Facebook so you can see and access your Facebook account while in the car.  They wove it in with the single guy checking his Facebook wall after a First Date and the single woman had just posted “Best First Date Ever!”  (BTW, don’t do that.  Maintain a bit more mystery about your dating life both with your dates and with your friends)

My joke is, don’t get so obsessed with checking your internet dating web email account while you’re out and about in life that you literally miss the single cutie next to you checking you out at the store!

So remember to embrace the 4 out of 5 relationship statistic from and keep making efforts to get out and mingle with live interactive people in the offline world.  You just might meet your next girlfriend or boyfriend that way.  People still do!

Happy Dating and Relationships,

April Braswell

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April Braswell

April Braswell is internationally recognized as America's Midlife Dating and Relationship Mentor and the award winning expert columnist at Bringing over 40 years of Sales and Marketing expertise, April is a the trusted Small Business Consultant and Coach to Leading Executives and Emerging Leaders. Author of best seller, Get Swipe Right. April coaches marriage-minded men and women to find and attract love, your best life partner. Life Love Love relationship. Love after 40 and 50. Photos appear by licenses with iStock. All rights reserved.

Reader Interactions


  1. I’m absolutely stunned 25% of relationships start out online. It really is proof that the internet has taken over when people try to find common ground. It does make sense.

  2. Oh yes! we are so connected on the internet world that sometimes we forget about the real one! thanks for the reminding!!

  3. April, I was thinking the same thing today as I walked thru the park..people were walking their dogs, having lunch, chatting, listening to an impromptu band…and I thought it was a good day to turn the Internet OFF and just meet people face to face!
    Sonya Lenzo

  4. People have become so unfriendly and insecure since the internet, iPhone, texting, etc. have become so popular……seems everyone walking or jogging along the bike path, sitting at Starbucks, etc. is obsessed with looking or listening to their iPhone instead of glancing up to look around. I do feel for singles in this iPhone obsessed society.

  5. Good point … I was somewhat focused on the 1 out of 4 relationships start out online statistic, without reconsidering the information to mean that 3 out of 4 relationships start out offline … There used to be such a stigma associated with finding love online and soon it is going to become the norm(?)

    Best, Neil

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