Relationship Success Tip: What to Take with You on a Couples Retreat Pt 2

Books, Bible Versions, and Notebooks: If this is a Couples Bible Study or Adult Study Forum retreat, than do check in advance if you need to purchase the study book like N.T. Wright’s “Surprised by Hope” in advance or if copies will be available for purchase at the Retreat Center.  Consider purchasing your copies at the Retreat Center even if you can pick it up at Amazon for $2.00 less because often book sales is one of the ways a Retreat Center actually earns a little money sufficient to stay open and in business.  Rarely are they big money maker businesses.

Mixed Race Interracial Dating Couple
Romantic Couple

Is there a particular version of the Bible which you’ll be using in conjunction with the study?

For example, Precepts ministries typically uses the American Standard Bible translation.

If you have only your KJV, that will likely be fine.  However, if you can have with you the same version that everyone including the leader will have, so much the better for facilitating group discussion.

Toiletries: Remember, this is not a 4 Star Las Vegas hotel where there is luxury soap, shampoo, conditioner, and body lotion.  The retreat center will like put out soap, but even that might not be there.  Think of what it was like at Summer Camp as a child where you brought everything with you if you needed it.  Shaving kit, dop kit.  Ladies razor and lotions.  Whatever it is that are the toiletries which you both would normally use over a 2-3 day weekend retreat and certainly keep in mind you could be miles from a drug store when you attend the week long Bible Study couples retreats and pack accordingly.

Prescription meds: Are there any medications which you or your spouse need to take daily or just even over the course of a few days?  The Retreat Center will likely have such items as a Basic First Aid Kit and aspirin.  But if your wife prefers Ib Profen, be sure to remind her she wants to bring some.

Ear Plugs: Retreat Centers, their rooms, and their cabins are typically marvelously rustic.  Consider packing a couple of pairs of ear plugs with you for each of you so whatever night noises don’t disturb your rest.

Bottled water: We have often gotten accustomed to drinking bottled or filtered water.  If the drive to the Retreat Center is through arid terrain like we have in the Las Vegas, NV area, then you’ll certainly equip your car with plenty of drinking water for the drive.  Additionally consider picking up a few of the super large bottles of the 2 or 3 liter size bottles for the two of you to enjoy over the course of the retreat.

Sunscreen: You will likely be outdoors more this weekend and will want to be sure to protect your skin from the ultraviolet rays.  Use a high SPF sunscreen, ideally one which is water resistant.

Bug Block: This one varies more by the area of the country where the retreat center is.  In parts of the Northeast, the South, Texas, and the Midwest, you will absolutely want bug retardant.  In fact, if it is an issue in the region where you like, your local drug store like carries Suncreen with bug block as an additional feature ingredient.  If it is not an issue where you are, than certainly you don’t need to bring anything extra with you.

Happy Dating and Relationships,

April Braswell

April Braswell

April Braswell is internationally recognized as America's Midlife Dating and Relationship Mentor and the award winning expert columnist at Bringing over 40 years of Sales and Marketing expertise, April is a the trusted Small Business Consultant and Coach to Leading Executives and Emerging Leaders. Author of best seller, Get Swipe Right. April coaches marriage-minded men and women to find and attract love, your best life partner. Life Love Love relationship. Love after 40 and 50. Photos appear by licenses with iStock. All rights reserved.

Reader Interactions


  1. Great advice. I especially like the courtesy of purchasing from the retreat. It will ensure the outing will be there in the future and shows great consideration.

  2. Maybe one of those little lites to read late at night so you don’t disturb others??? Maybe some business cards if you make new friends? Maybe some energy bars if you get the munchies late at night???
    Sonya Lenzo

  3. I like to have checklists , so thanks April . We call bug blockers , insect repellants , just thought you may like to know that .

  4. Planning ahead and making a list sounds like a good way to approach a retreat and vacation time together as a couple.

  5. I hear married couples really like these Bible retreats. Especially when it is in a beautiful location. Good couples tip. Thanks April.

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